This is a sample of many Customer Testimonials received since 2010 on NANO SOMA aka Metadichol ®
These consumer reviews represent a cross section of the range of results that appear to be typical with this product. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment.
It looks like it stops the rash after the first day! Wow! This is a great blessing! - E.S.
I started noticing changes with my skin the first week of using NANO SOMA. I have experienced the most amazing results regarding what I call a sun rash on my arms between my shoulders and elbows. I have been struggling with this condition for probably 12 to 15 years. So it is really quite remarkable that I'm able to take the sun now! It looks like it stops the rash after the first day! This is going to give me courage to expose my arms more and test it out! Wow! This is a great blessing!
Thank you for sharing NANO SOMA with me.
I am back on track - no sinus issues, no allergies, and I can smell! - M.R.
I have had allergies since I can remember. For years, I used to take Avil and Otrivin to manage my symptoms which included heavy, nightly congestion and uncontrollable, debilitating, sneezing bouts during the day (50-70 at a time). I took them for years as I could not sleep at night without them. I did a full allergy evaluation and it was determined I was allergic to everything. In 2010, I had nasal polyp surgery and resumed Zyrtec and Nasacort more regularly on the doctor’s orders to prevent polyps from returning. I started using NANO SOMA on July 23, 2015, and for the first 6 days I took only 3 Zyrtec tabs! And since then to date (August 28, 2016), I have not taken any Zyrtec or Nasacort. I do have mild runny nose and mild rhinitis symptoms (esp. after a glass of wine), and some nasal congestion in the mornings, but the symptoms come and go and I am able to carry on without medication. This is amazing for me after so many years of medication dependency. I lost my sense of smell several years ago, and finally my sense of smell came back! Thank you for introducing me to NANO SOMA. *Update: 1 year later: All is well and I am back on track - no sinus issues, no allergies, and I can smell (that is a mixed blessing though most days!)
I can also enjoy my wine. So thank you again!!
My family uses NANO SOMA daily for immune system support, energy, and vitality. It helps
with everything - S.B.
This is my experience using NANO SOMA for myself and my entire family. I am 35, my husband is 36, and my two daughters, ages 1 and 4. For overall wellness and immune system function: As I just described, my family uses NANO SOMA daily for immune system support, energy, and vitality. It is indispensable because it gives me peace of mind that I can naturally help enable the body's ability to heal itself and function properly. I use this for my children more than anything. It has become the most effective tool I have as a parent, aside from proper diet and exercise, to ensure their well-being. I wouldn't go a day without it, especially during cold and flu season. At the first onset of symptoms, NANO SOMA confidently bolsters our immune systems and helps us get better quickly. I truly panic when I start to run low on NANO SOMA. There is no substitute. It reliably keeps minor colds from becoming full-fledged illnesses, for my kids as well as my husband and I. We will continue to use daily for immune support. NANO SOMA -- thank you for
bringing an immense amount of holistic value to our lives! We would be lost without it. It helps
with everything I've detailed and so much more. Thanks again.
We can see remarkable progress! - V.
At the outset, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for having been kind enough to give NANO SOMA through my sister. My wife started using it only ten days ago. She has had a diabetic ulcer of the toe for at least three months, and it was showing no improvement with antibiotics or dressings. We can see remarkable progress in her toe in just a week of using NANO SOMA.
NANO SOMA is most certainly a miracle supplement in my book! - K.R.
I can't thank you enough for introducing me to NANO SOMA! It is a God-sent blessing that has helped. I met with an Orthopedic surgeon whose specialization was in Hand & Upper extremity in March, 2012, when my Trigger Thumb issue started first. He administered a corticosteroid injection into the tendon sheath to treat the thumb. The injection was very painful and the pain lasted almost 4 days before subsiding, but did heal the Trigger thumb. A year later, the trigger thumb condition returned, and this time I met with a different hand specialist since we had relocated to our current residence in between. Again in July, 2013, I was given a corticosteroid injection for treating the trigger thumb, with the same result as before - very bad pain that lasted for about 4 days but the trigger thumb became alright. Unfortunately, it returned again by December 2014 so I got one more corticosteroid injection in January, 2015. This was the last injection I was given. On my last visit, I learned that usually they treat trigger finger with corticosteroid injection 3 times, and if it returned again, surgery would be the next step. By the fall of 2015, the trigger thumb returned again. In addition, I was also experiencing a burning sensation in my left hand (paresthesia) along the index finger and knuckle. I started on NANO SOMA in mid-October, 2015. Within a few weeks, the trigger thumb had completely stopped! By the year end, I was completely free of the trigger thumb condition! The burning sensation in my left hand also started to improve. It lingered but had lessened in severity. I'm delighted to inform you that by now, my left hand has
also healed significantly! If I knit for a long time, or type a lot, it flares up a little once again, but I am hopeful that continued use of NANO SOMA will completely heal it, given the significant improvement I have experienced in my left hand so far! Thank you so much for introducing me to NANO SOMA! It has helped avoid a surgery, helped heal the paresthesia in my left hand significantly and helped improve the quality of life by not having to avoid certain activities for fear of triggering the conditions again! What can I say, NANO SOMA is most certainly a miracle supplement in my book! No pain with no side effect is impossible to beat! Thank you very much
once again for introducing me to this miracle spray!
The most amazing thing is that I do not have oral spasms in my sleep. - Commander S.M.
I wish to thank you profusely for introducing me and giving me a chance to try your wonderful product. For about four years, I had sudden Oral Spasms in my sleep, when my jaws would jerk together suddenly (like a single epileptic fit), and I would wake up in pain due to biting my upper/ lower lip, inner cheeks, etc. My solution was to have my teeth ground by the dentist, every 4-5 months, so that the teeth are blunt. That went on for 2-3 years. Then I went to a neuro-physician at the Military Hospital, and after various tests like EEG, etc., said nothing could be done except to medicate me every night so that I fell sedated and the spasms don't occur. The most amazing thing is that I do not have oral spasms in my sleep anymore!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, NANO SOMA!
I love the convenience of the nano spray! It is unlike anything I've used! - J.N.
My friend told me about NANO SOMA and shared her personal experience using it for her health issues. I was thrilled to hear about her positive results, and decided to buy a bottle to see if it could help with me. I've struggled with cold sores and canker sores for decades. After using NANO SOMA, both issues have dramatically improved! Along with helping alleviate the pain from these mouth sores, NANO SOMA has helped lessen the frequency and duration of sore outbreaks. Within minutes, I feel pain relief, and within days, the sores are gone. In fact, my dentist of 18
years was very surprised to hear that I no longer struggle as much with painful and frustrating canker sores! Before NANO SOMA, I was using Denavair prescribed by my doctor. With rising costs of prescription medication, Denavir increased from $25 to $500 for a tiny, 5-gram tube!! Furthermore, I had to continuously apply the creme-based medication, creating a wasteful and messy application. I love the convenience of the nano spray, and that it's all natural, without the harmful chemicals found in pharmaceuticals. NANO SOMA has certainly been a great, cost- effective alternative for me, while providing relief from cold and mouth sores. It is unlike anything
I've used! Thank you, NANO SOMA!
I was also surprised to see how quickly my skin improved and cleared after just three days of
using NANO SOMA. - M.
About 4 years ago, I allowed my barber to use a hair dye to blacken my hair with good quality hair color, after my haircut. Within 3-4 months, I began to have itching on my forehead and front hairline. Soon, black patches began to appear and I developed itch on my forearms. I got the Army Hospital dermatologist to give me immediate treatment. I was given a Sunscreen Lotion (SPF-15), and various skin ointments that were tried by permutation. Nothing helped. I was to use sunscreen on my face every day, before stetting out of my house, even if it was a cloudy day. I was told my own melatonin had become sensitive to the sun, and I will have to accept the situation. When I first used NANO SOMA on the black patches, I was surprised to see how quickly my skin healed! By God! After just 3 days of use, the black discoloration on my face became visibly light, and there was no itching on the face or arms. Now, the black discoloration on my forehead is completely gone, and I have been able to stop ALL my allopathic medications I’ve been taking since 2010.
Thank you, NANO SOMA!
Success with clearing skin issues! - S.B.
I have had success with clearing skin issues or shortening their duration through topical application of NANO SOMA. I had an outcrop of small warts on my index finger as some kind of immune response, and within 30 days the warts disappeared. Since, I have had one small wart appear 6-7 months later on a different part of the same finger. With the same protocol, and catching it early, that single wart was gone within 10 days. On another note, during that initial course of treatment with the small batch of warts on my finger, I also had a good size plantar wart on the bottom of my left foot for more than two years. Within that same 30-day span, it disappeared. I couldn't believe it. It was just gone one day. With cold sores, it trims the painful part of the cycle to two days, and the lesion is gone five days later. A 7-day turnaround at worst. For hand foot and mouth, it cleared
up my girls' rash within a week by just spraying it on the lesions. Thank you, NANO SOMA!
It really works! - A.K.
I want to Thank You So Much for the NANO SOMA experience! Yes, I know I was a skeptic- and it did take me years to give it a chance. But I did finally try it! It has changed my life for the better. I decided to try after seeing many others results. But most of all my granddaughter - she had pink eye and in one day, the very next day her eye was clear! Although I don't know how it works? It just does! My grandson had same thing a year ago or so and got prescribed eye drops - which resulted in over a week to clear it. So I tried NANO SOMA. Well let me tell you it really works - I
believe in it now.
I have had allergies for years and was taking allergy meds, my eyes felt dry and at times they felt like I had a film over them - I had lack of energy and also eczema. Eczema for me was very irritating - have been dealing with it for about 35 years - symptoms from itching which resulted in scratching it uncontrollably - at times making it bleed also thickening of skin and even change of color - have gone through many, many tubs of anti-itch cord ozone creams. Now I see the layers of thick skin peal away with the outcome of those areas looking and feeling normal! Had allergies for at least 7 years. Had gone through again many allergy meds- and the last few years I was taking
Benadryl allergy pills every night - Not Good to that extent.
I did not mention above that I was struggling with hypothyroid for years and taking different hormone thyroid pills. Which I felt had a negative effect on my health - meds messed up my digestion which effected my whole being. My cholesterol was high, was borderline diabetic,
developed irregular heart beat (it would skip a beat) and was susceptible to infections. I did get on a very healthy diet - Gluten free, no sugar, dairy free - pretty much and stopped all thyroid
medications 2 years prior to NANO SOMA.
My journey to healthier being.
Within days of starting NANO SOMA my energy is back - my eczema gone -
my eyes clear and clean -and my allergies no edition of other meds - no creams for eczema - wow
pretty awesome I would say - and all it took is a decision to give it a chance and trust.
I can honestly say I want to continue NANO SOMA because it's safe and I have seen and felt positive effects. I was spraying NANO SOMA on all the effected areas - now I spray 3 squirts in my mouth 2 to 3 times a day and other areas of skin and eyes as need. So Thank you again for
caring and not giving up on wanting to help me!
I progressed to using nano every day in place of supplements. - K.T.
The first time I tried NANO SOMA was when I had a sore throat and noticed it helped me recover faster. Then, I started using it when I felt run down. Eventually I progressed to using Nano every day in place of supplements. It stabilized my energy so I wouldn’t have lows during the day. I use Nano on my face because I tend to have dry skin. During certain times of the year my skin gets so dry and itchy. I started spraying Nano on it so it would soothe the itching. It was calming and
soothing after being out in the sun. It helped getting rid of sunburns quickly.
Another time we used Nano was on our vacation. My family went on a trip to Cuba with group of people with all different skin types. We spent a really long time out in the sun on the first day which caused everyone to burn to a certain extent. My fair-skinned friend turned bright red. I sprayed the burnt part of her skin with Nano for a couple days. The burn calmed down and she
didn’t peel. We found it best to use on clean skin after coming in from the sun.
Using Nano for my kids:
The biggest one that sold a lot of people was my daughter’s pink eye.
Five days prior to the pink eye, my daughter was really sick. She had extreme sore throat, congestion in nose but no fever. She was gargling with salt water and spraying Nano in her throat. As the sore throat went away, she woke up with pink eye in just the left eye. We decided to try
spraying Nano in her eye to see if it would help.
We noticed after 10-15 minutes after spraying in the affected eye, the area around the eye would become red, and she felt a warm, tingling sensation around that area. I used chamomile tea bags and coconut oil after the Nano spray to combat the skin response. The redness would fade away within an hour but return at next administration of spray. This only happened to the affected left eye. I recall using the spray on my daughter’s foot last year for a bee sting. Her foot began to swell a bit and turn purple after using Nano, then it became normal the next day. This was a similar
reaction she experienced when Nano began to pull out the toxins.
The first day her eye began to ooze and drain out. Within 24 hours, it was gone. We used about 15
sprays in her eyes over 24 hours.
The next day her other eye started to look like pink eye, but it really looked more like irritation from blowing her nose. From day one, we were spraying it in the unaffected (right) eye to be cautionary. The thing I loved about it was that it didn’t spread much from eye to eye, and it didn’t spread to the whole house! One other person always seems to get contact it and that didn’t happen
this time.
I haven't had more than one cold sore for an entire year...after 30 years of getting them!
My family calls this magic in a bottle. About a year ago, my two little ones and myself contracted hand, foot, and mouth disease at the same time. We were miserable with itching and pain from blisters. During this time, I was introduced to NANO SOMA. I sprayed it directly onto the blisters on my children and myself. I was a bit skeptical at first. We're an organic family and I'm not one to just use anything, especially on my children, because it will make them/us feel better. Immediately,
our blisters started drying up and there was little to no itching...we were in heaven. Of course
I wanted to know what else this would help with in our family.
My daughter (2 years old at the time) developed a rash from a reaction to a food. We sprayed it
over her rash and it eliminated all issues (rash disappeared and my daughter wasn't itchy).
For most of my life, I have had cold sores on my lips. I've always been hesitant in taking a daily pill to prevent them and have preferred a naturalistic approach. Cold sores are tingly, painful and embarrassing. The minute I get a tingle on my lips, I spray Nano. I haven't had more than one cold
sore for an entire year...after 30 years of getting them! AMAZING.
Any time my children (ages 7 and 3) are starting to get sick (runny nose or sore throat) with a cold, I spray it directly in their mouths to completely stop the cold from coming. I've done the same for
myself, but I rarely get sick.
I climbed all the way in the Oregon Caves. - G.B.
This is my important synopsis after having NANO SOMA. My arthritis trouble disappeared after taking NANO SOMA, and I was able to climb up and down the stairs and the great one is I climbed all the way in Oregon Caves. Even when I get pain in my leg or abdomen I spray directly on the skin, wherever the pain is on that part and I am relieved. Anything on my skin - mosquito bite or boil or any eruptions - I spray on that area and it disappears. Any small cuts or wounds I use NANO SOMA. I thank the NANO SOMA inventor and I am grateful to Tinny and Nithasha.
Thank you.
I applied two sprays of NANO SOMA to the wound on my left foot, and I was immediately pain
free for 12 hours. - S.H.
I am pleased to share with you my experience with the NANO SOMA spray. In late 2015, during a four month period of immobility while recovering from knee surgery, I developed several open wounds on both of my legs. The more severe wounds were on my left leg, and although I was treated and discharged twice by a local hospital's Wound Care department, one persistent wound on the sole of my left foot never completely healed. It continued to weep fluid, and often opened to the
point where I was near nine on the pain scale.
Now 15 months later, on January 19, 2017, I applied two sprays of NANO SOMA to the wound on my left foot, and I was immediately pain free for 12 hours. The pain returned briefly, with less
intensity, and eventually went away completely.
I had just been seen by a lymphedema specialist, a nurse who expressed concern over the lingering wound on January 17, but was delighted one week later to see how it was beginning to heal, five days after applying NANO SOMA. A photo of the wound was taken five days after two sprays of
NANO SOMA was applied. The wound is closing and the pain is gone!
Thank you for providing this miraculous, essential product.
Sincerely, SH
My rheumatoid and osteoarthritis related swelling and aches in my joints, especially my feet,
hips, shoulders and hands, have eased! - M.T.
I would like to express my gratitude to NANO SOMA for the beneficial results I've had using it in just a short period. Before starting my daily morning sprays into my mouth, about 3-4 squirts, I had suffered a year of rhinitis and sinus related problems, which include sneezing attacks of 10 to 15 sneezes in bouts that occurred throughout the day, normally up to 5 times. Now, after three weeks, I hardly ever sneeze, and if I do it never is more than two or three sneezes once a day. I'm not sure why and how I've had such a remarkable improvement with the use of NANO SOMA, but it certainly makes my days more bearable. Related to all this is my nighttime snoring and regular coughing, probably due to the stuffiness and mucus, have been notably reduced to only occasional snoring which is not as annoying as it used to be and with very little coughing now, which my partner is also very happy about since it had made uninterrupted sleeping through the night only a dream before as I'd snore and cough so frequently that neither of us slept well. Another benefit I've noticed from my daily NANO SOMA sprays is that my rheumatoid and osteoarthritis related
swelling and aches in my joints, especially my feet, hips, shoulders and hands, have eased, even the ongoing sense of having excessively warm feet and hands has become less noticeable. What's more, this last week I caught a bronchial cold, and what would normally have lasted two or more weeks was over after about 5 days. I attribute all these improvements to the effectiveness of NANO SOMA, and having tried both OTC and prescription medicine in the past. This is really wonderful because I truly want to limit the medicine I have to take if it's possible, I prefer to treat conditions in the most natural ways without the added side effects of medicines. The only thing I would say on a constructive side is the undefinable taste of NANO SOMA, which I suggest should have a
more desirable flavor. Thank you so very much!
After a few weeks of spraying NANO SOMA into my mouth every morning upon waking up, I feel
no more sensitive stomach symptoms. - E.P.
When I started using NANO SOMA, I had an ongoing phlegmatic problem that caused an annoying need to clear my throat by coughing and swallowing, but after about one week of using NANO SOMA, I noticed a definitive reduction in my needing to clear my throat as well as not having that horrible coughing, which as a smoker I appreciate greatly. After about three weeks now, the phlegm in the back of my throat is practically gone. In addition to this, I noticed that my early morning sensitive stomach, linked to my throat problem, has diminished and I can have coffee and breakfast without feeling a nauseous lack of appetite. It used to be difficult for me to eat something in the morning, but after a few weeks of spraying NANO SOMA into my mouth every morning upon waking up, I feel no more sensitive stomach symptoms and can enjoy breakfast without feeling the queasiness of a tight stomach or having digestive problems. Before using NANO SOMA, I had tried pharmaceuticals for both my throat and stomach but found them futile as they only temporarily camouflaged my symptoms, which were replaced by other symptoms such as
dizziness and fatigue or later came back much worse as soon as I stopped using them. NANO SOMA is a very easy spray to use and has truly been wonderful for me. This last week, I have had a cold which has not gone into a full bloom bronchial condition as usual when I get sick, in fact, it has been only a little sensitive throat and a bit of blowing my nose with hardly any coughing. I have spoken to friends about NANO SOMA and they are already looking for it! It's natural and
easy to use, no side effects and it works! A great discovery for me!
From: "JM" <[email protected]>
Date: January 15, 2010 4:26:41 AM EST
To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Subject: WOW
I took one dose tonight at 6:30 pm. I have not been to bed yet (it’s now 4:30 am)!! I have been working straight through, not tired in the least. Did not take coffee or tea or caffeine tonight. This is an incredible effect. I did experience the “mind-opening” in the first 4 minutes as well.
From: Dipak <[email protected]>
Subject: My Knee Pain
Date: August 14, 2013 at 2:49:37 PM EDT To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan;
I want to let you know how your Metadichol has helped me personally.
I am a 58 years old male in very good overall health. I have rarely had a need to take any medication in past 30+ years. Whenever I feel ill, I allow my body to work through it by modifying my lifestyle or food and sleep habits.
So when I started feeling pain in both my knees about three years ago, I stubbornly refused to go and see the doctor for it despite my wife's repeated pleadings. But this knee pain was getting worse by the week. By now I had began to feel excruciating pain climbing stairs up or down. I have a family history of arthritis with my father and grand father so I knew what was inevitably happening to me.
About 2 months ago, I decided to try the Metadichol that my father has been taking for the past 3 years. I took three sprays twice a day for about three days. To my astonishment, by the third day I was able to run up or down the stairs without any pain.
Since then, I have taken Metadichol two or three times whenever I feel the resurgence of pain. My knees are fine and I no longer feel the pain walking or running.
Thank you for a wonderful elixir. Best Regards,
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Metadichol observation
Date: July 2, 2012 10:36:05 PM EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
I write to inform you of an interesting observation made when using Metadichol personally.
Although I had been previously active in keeping my upper body relatively strong throughout the years, I never placed any focus on leg strength training.
While living in China some months ago, I joined a health club and hired a personal trainer. As you may know, the availability of the equipment at these clubs is inconsistent, due to the number of users currently on their favorite machines. This gym in China was no different; crowded and uneven usage of equipment. Out of simple frustration, I started to use the equipment that was most available. Since the young Chinese men liked to concentrate on building their biceps for the ladies, by default the leg equipment usually stood idle.
Please note that I was 55 years old at the time of these events, and had not been actively exercising for over a decade. Since the leg press was almost always available at this gym, I tried it out.
After two or three sessions over the period of two weeks using very light weights, one evening I found myself once again back on this machine since all of the other equipment was in use. Fortunately, this machine required the individual disk weights which can be added on at will and were readily available on a nearby rack. So it was a complete surprise to me when I started to use the leg press machine and found myself, after three sessions, repeatedly piling on weights until I was using ALL of the available free disk weights in the gym. The first time, and every subsequent time I did this, I would actually have a crowd form around me to watch, as if I was some kind of record breaker. This got the attention of my trainer, who said he had never seen anyone leg press that much weight in that gym before.
Now, I am sure this is absolutely nothing to brag about in serious gyms in the US, but after warming up, I was leg pressing 400 lbs on each leg for a total of 800 lbs simultaneously with both legs. I would press this weight about ten times with very little strain. This was a noteworthy event in this particular gym in China, where most of the young bucks were working on buffing up their arms. I wanted to lift more, but I was using all of the available free weights. Two weeks prior to this, I had never used a leg press, and never used weights to strengthen my legs. I have never been a runner or jogger, and would walk only when necessary, but probably not more than a mile per week. While living in China, I had a personal chauffeur, and there was no need to walk anywhere. Only when I started taking Metadichol a couple of months prior to this did my energy pick up, and surprisingly the strength along with it. Coming back home to America, I have found that I am able to lift a noticeable increased amount of weight in my home gym now. Muscle soreness is minimal, and recovery seems faster than before regular Metadichol use.
I have moved back to the US now, but I can thank Metadichol for making me a temporary celebrity in China at that gym!
JM, Ph.D.
From: "JM" [email protected]>
Date: January 24, 2010 9:54:53 PM EST
To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Subject: RE: My father
My wife also wanted to increase her dose starting yesterday, so I told her to go ahead and double it. One sign that something is happening is that my appetite is definitely increasing, which is a good signal (as long as I control caloric intake, of course). Every person in the company upon seeing me has mentioned that I lost weight from before using it, and I have not been dieting. Mood seems definitely affected.
What effects are you seeing regarding mental acuity? JM
JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Observation; pain reduction
Date: July 16, 2012 12:04:22 AM EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
Just a quick note to inform you of some interesting observations made regarding the use of your Metadichol.
About a year ago, my wife (active at age 55) began to complain often of pain in her left hand and wrist. Around the house, she was often dropping items such as bottles, and was increasingly growing weaker in her left hand due to the pain and favoring it from general gripping motions. This progressed to the point where I found her routinely unable to hold simple items such as a drinking glass due to the discomfort she was experiencing. At around the same time, she had been diagnosed as having osteoarthritis in that hand by a hand surgeon, confirming our fears that this may become a progressively worse situation for her. He stated that there was no real treatment outside of surgery that he could recommend except the typical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which my wife was very reluctant to take on an ongoing basis. At my suggestion, she started taking Metadichol at the rate of one teaspoon per morning. The premise for her agreeing to take the Metadichol was the increase in energy that I had noticed when taking it myself. I
intentionally did not mention potential pain reduction, but I just wanted to quietly monitor her actions and the level and frequency of her complaints about discomfort.
Ironically, after one week, her complaints of hand pain decreased by about one-half. After three weeks, she complained only when gripping a relatively heavy item such as a large frying pan. After week five, her high frequency of pain complaints throughout the day had been reduced to only occasional moments when she had strained the hand.
This is remarkable to me, since she before using Metadichol, she would actually wince with hand pain throughout the day even when not using that hand. After four weeks on the treatment, there was a significant decrease in my observed incidents of her discomfort. I tried to make this an objective experiment as much as possible by not planting an expected outcome in her mind. I, as well as she, was pleasantly surprised.
She has subsequently undergone excision arthroplasty to rebuild her thumb joint of the hand that was giving her the trouble, and the recovery period was much faster than anyone expected. She is now pain free in that hand, and her energy level is also noticeably improved.
JM Ph.D.
From: AS <[email protected]>
Subject: Metadichol
Date: May 16, 2014 at 9:53:53 AM EDT
To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Symptoms that I had:
Persistent cough over 9 months. Was taking cough suppressants, 200 Apo-Salvent CFC free, 120 Flovent HFA and also tried antihistamine and other home remedies.
Started taking Metadichol, twice a day, (5 sprays) on April 5th, 2014.
Now, May 16th, I am cough free. I am continuing the Metadichol, once a day, for Acid Reflux symptoms. The incidents are not occurring at the same frequency.
Shall monitor my progress, avoid Fluoride Toothpaste and let you know.
Thank you Raghu for this amazing immune boosting stuff. Pretty effective!
With love and warmest regards to Chitra and you
From: Terry <[email protected]>
Subject; Results of medication
Date: March 17, 2013 5:53:38 PM EDT To: Raghu
On 3-15-13 I began treatment with your medication Metadichol 5 sprays per day . On starting my blood sugar level was 256 which is average for me. The morning after i.e 16th march my level was 156. I took a second treatment the night of 3-16 without my levimere insulin. The following morning 3-17-13 my blood sugar level was 97.
I have been diabetic my whole life and cannot remember a time my blood sugar was this low.
I have been under treatment for type II diabetes for approximately 15 years. I currently take the following medications:
Leximere in flex pen dosage 38
I am amazed with the results And I thank you for the opportunity to take this medication. Nothing else has shown any results.
North Haven CT
From: TF<[email protected]>
Subject: Tooth extraction
Date: May 23, 2013 12:05:29 PM EDT
To: Raghu
Sorry I could not respond yesterday but I was tied up all day in meetings. On 5-20 I had 4 teeth extracted. A very painful process but with MetadicholI had no pain at all !!! The following day the Dentist was surprised and told me that he has never witnessed such a quick healing process and told me that everything was in good order, with remarkable healing in the areas where the teeth had been extracted and I did not need any antibiotics. My blood pressure is now 113/79.
Thank you for the additional sample you dropped off with Katrina
New Haven Connecticut 06510
From: [email protected]
Subject: Bell’s Palsy
Date: May 23, 2013 2:33:17 PM EDT To: "Palayakotai Raghavan"
Dear Raghu:
Last year when I woke up on Thanksgiving day, 2012, I noticed my right cheek looked swollen and it was like I had some dental work done. My teeth were all good. I decided to go to the emergency the next day not knowing what and why it was. I was diagnosed with having Bell's Palsy. The doctor prescribed an anti-viral drug and a steroid. I refused to take either of them. I applied Metadichol gel. I had some for about a week and it started getting better and in about four weeks I became normal. Metadichol gel works wonders!
Thanks, Raghu again
Portland Oregon USA
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: Heel pain
Date: August 29, 2012 9:40:56 AM EDT
To: Dr P R Raghavan
THE FOLLOWING IS REALLY AMAZING. My wife and I suffer from intense foot pain. I told her to try the gel on her foot since I saw a definite decrease in pain myself. She was in a lot of pain and simply did not want to believe that it would help at all. Well, look what she thinks now. This is a woman who is not easily convinced. Overnight, her opinion reversed. When I saw her at breakfast this morning, she was like a new person. She wrote her thoughts to me below. This is no joke or wishful thinking.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "EM" <[email protected]> Date: Aug 29, 2012 9:09 AM Subject: Heel pain
To: "Joseph Marasco"
After swimming in the pool yesterday, my heel ( plantar fasciitis) was very painful. I was very skeptical when you told me you applied the Metadichol to your heel because of pain and you told me it helped. I put the Metadichol gel on my heel last night before I went to bed and woke up this morning with no pain. I am truly amazed. Even when I pressed my heel with my fingers, there was no ache. I've also noted an improvement of my facial complexion, which seems to be much smoother. Please thank Raghu!!
Your loving wife.
Sent from my iPad
From: AF <[email protected]>
Date: January 11, 2016 at 3:27:40 PM EST To: pr raghavan
Subject: Spray
Hello Raghu,
I hope all is well and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I wanted to reach out to let you know that after a couple of months on Metadichol, I have noticed an incredible difference in how I feel and my energy level! Brian is taking it daily now, too, and both of us have said that we haven't felt this good in years. Our energy level is up and we simply feel "better".. not quite sure how else to explain it!!
I was hoping you may consider sending us more, as we have seen and are now hooked on the affects of taking it daily. Would that be possible? My parents are also driving down in early Feb if it would be easier to give to them and they can bring with them.
Please let me know your thoughts.
This has really helped me and I am so grateful to you. Thank you
From: US<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Metadichol
Date: January 31, 2014 at 2:39:15 PM EST To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Dear Dr raghavan ,
Sorry could not write earlier. I was busy. Please find the details about my father’s health condition and how Metadichol changed his health issues. He was suffering from viral Rat fever (Leptospirosis) initially from Dec 1st till 25th. It got prolapsed, which led to infection between the small & large intestine and a resultant puss was collected between the small & large intestine. Overall puss collected was approximately 1500 ml. The doctor performed a procedure to drain out the puss from his body till January 4th 2014. Investigation on the bacteria content of the puss and other tests were carried out, which concluded infection (leptospirosis).
After consulting your friend Venkat in Chennai on January 4th, he suggested using your medicine Metadichol. We got a sample and sprayed it into my father’s mouth as per your indication, thrice a day beginning January 4th. After 2 days the fever reduced and his temperature normalized to 98.6 on January 6th. On 9th Jan 2014, puss collection was still there and they removed by minor operation.
On 11th Jan 2014, they did a ct. scan and said puss is not there. On 15th he was discharged from hospital with the bag for collecting puss. On 24th Jan 2014, his bag was removed and the doctor said he is now fully recovered.
After having Metadichol, his puss collection was reduced/ It was a drastic change and by God’s grace your medicine made a miracle in our life. My father is back home and working and continuing your medicine till now. I think Metadichol did wonder in our life.
Thank you so much for your help and kindness.
You have saved my father’s life & our lives.
Read about Leptospirosis at
From: Dipak <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:53 PM Subject: Testimonial
To: raghu
Patient: Male, Age 84 April 2012
Patient was diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma, a non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), in December 2007 in the lower half of his left lung.
Patient smoked a pack a day of Indian Bidis for 30 years from age 17 to 48. He also smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day for another 22 years. He gave up smoking at the age of 70. He was diagnosed with and has been treated for emphysema since age 65. His lungs were constantly stuffy. He suffered from chronic coughing and coughed all day long.
He was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007.
He went through a first round of chemo and radiation therapy in 2008. He was again treated with chemo and radiation in 2009. In 2010, he underwent only chemotherapy. Up to this point, the cancer did not appear to have spread from the original location.
A pet scan in late 2010 showed that the cancer had spread to lymph nodes in the right lung. He underwent chemotherapy in March 2011. He also started a Metadichol therapy at 80 mgs per day beginning on April 22nd, 2011.
Results with Metadichol treatment:
During his previous chemo and radiation therapies, he experienced typical reaction to such therapies. During the therapy, he;
Lost appetite Lost weight
Became physically weak Experienced constipation Had difficulty in breathing
Unlike his previous chemotherapies, he did not experience any of the typical symptoms during and after chemotherapy in 2011. He maintained his appetite and weight. His energy level was far better compared to previous treatments. His constipation was very mild with use of Metadichol.
Overall, he went through a therapy without feeling any discomfort. Moreover, two remarkable improvements were noticed in his health. In the past, his WBC count went down significantly during the chemotherapy. During his 2011 therapy, his WBC level remained within normal range for a longer period and bounced back faster during the break in therapy. Another remarkable improvement was noticed with his lungs. His lungs, which were chronically congested for more than 20 years cleared up in August, 2011. His chronic cough completely disappeared after two weeks with Metadichol.
Left Lung tumor
Pet scan in March 2011 showed a left lung tumor with a size of 10.5 mm and chemo commenced.
The Pet scan in June 2011at the end of chemotherapy showed that the left lung tumor had grown from 10.5 mm to 17.4 mm (growth of 65.7%).
Metadichol treatment began at 80 mgs per day.
Pet scan in October showed that it had grown to 19.2 mm (growth of 9.3 % from June 2011). Pet scan in December showed that the tumor was 19.2 mm (zero % growth from October 2010
Pet scan in April 2012 showed that the tumor had completely disappeared and the area of the tumor clean
Right lung Tumor
A tumor of size 5.4 mm was seen before chemo began in March 2011. In June 2011 after Chemo the size had increased to 9.3mm (69% growth). In October it had increased to 21.1 mm (growth of 130%). In December 2011 it had grown to 12.3 mm (12.3 % growth). In April 2012 the size decreased to 6.8 mm (a negative growth rate of 50%)
His Chemotherapy was stopped in June 2011 and he continues to be on Metadichol @ 80 mg per day. As of April 19, 2013, all his biomarkers have improved. He is feeling normal and his quality of life is better than it has been in past two decades.
One of the main reasons for his improved quality of life has been the improvement of his lungs. His chronic chest congestion has almost disappeared. This allows him to breathe better and use less energy to carry out his daily routine.
He continues to take his COPD medications but has been able to reduce the dosages by 20%. He has stopped all of his hypertension and diabetic medications completely since early 2012. At 86, a 30 years COPD patient and a 5+ years lung cancer survivor, he is remarkably independent and self-sufficient. His doctors are amazed at his resilience and consider a miracle. We know this would not have been possible without the help of Metadichol.
Thank you, Dr. Raghavan.
Subject: Esi testimonial
Date: November 1, 2016 at 00:15:32 EDT
To: SS <[email protected]>
Wow! This is a great blessing! Thank you and please thank your father for me too! I couldn't get out there today but hope to get the protein powder tomorrow. As far as the Nano goes, I have experienced the most amazing results regarding what I call a sun rash on my arms between my shoulders and elbows. The dermatologist told me it's a rare condition where the sun penetrates below the epidermal level and adversely affects the nerves. With very little exposure to the Sun, my arms would get these little pustules the size of a pinhead , with intense itching. The itch is inside not on top of the skin and the more you itch it the worse it becomes, to the point of a red hard crusty skin if you scratch it. The itch is so intense it will wake you in the middle of the night. I have had to keep my arms always covered if I am in the Sun, no matter how hot it is outside, and that has made it quite unpleasant to live in San Diego with its intense heat. I have had this condition around 15 years.
Typically the doctor prescribes Gabapentin 600 mg for this condition, but I never took it.
I've also been spraying the Nano on a cluster of warts that grew up on top of my ankle. It has dried them up and they are much better, though not yet gone. I spray the Nano on my neck as I have
bright red skin which is not a sunburn and won't go away. It has developed into a deeper darker red over more space of skin over the years. Now spraying the Nano on it, the area is smaller and the red is not nearly as bright. It is definitely improving my neck. Again, it took many years for my neck to develop like this and I have only been spraying the Nano on it since August. I'm also spraying it on my eyes everyday because I have cataracts and the beginning signs of macular degeneration. So I'm hoping Nano will help these conditions. I spray Nano in my mouth also because I have Barrett's esophagus. I don't know whether it is related to the Nano, but I have been able to decrease the medicine I take for GERD to once a day instead of twice!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: JM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:56 AM Subject: One dog's surprising turnaround To: Dr P R Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
My wife and I adopted our son's dog named "Miles" about 6 months ago in January 2012, as our son was moving into an apartment that had a dog restriction. Miles is about 9 years old, and is a beagle and corgi mixed breed, 40 lbs, and a very mild mannered, non-aggressive and loving dog. His tests for Lyme disease have been negative. We treat our dogs as family members, and want to make sure that they have a safe and comfortable life in our household.
Miles had what appeared to be arthritis in one of his hind legs, and would get around by hobbling on his other three legs about 75% of the time, but the condition appeared to be worsening and his other hind leg was also giving him problems. He did not run. Upon taking him in, we thought his health would steadily go downhill to the point where he would need to be euthanazed, and we were expecting to have to proceed with that unpleasant event within a year.
I started giving Miles two small doses per week of Metadichol about two months ago. The doses were about one-fourth of a teaspoon of your liquid formulation, mixed in his normal food. There was no hesitation on his part to eat the dosed food, thereby suggesting that he was not able to detect any adverse odor or flavor.
Almost immediately, Miles' activity level picked up. Where five months ago he would not be able to take a walk on a leash outside, he now actively is walking, running and jumping. He now greets me by standing up on his back legs! He looks forward to daily walks.
I was told by his vet at a recent checkup in June 2012 that, exact quote: "there is nothing wrong with his joints." When playing with other dogs outdoors (we have four dogs), he is able to run and keep up with the fastest.
This is a startling turnaround in his behavior, and friends and family who know Miles are stunned by his transformation. What only a few months ago was a dog that had to slowly limp to his water bowl is now outside chasing squirrels like a hound, and outrunning his younger peers. If nothing else, your product has given a new lease on an active life for Miles.
Regards, JM Ph.D.
Subject: Some observations
Date: September 30, 2012 at 23:59:55 EDT To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Some recent observations regarding the use of Metadichol gel:
1. Used on my 18-month old rotator cuff shoulder injury. Normal state was a steady-state of chronic pain, worsening to the point where it was challenging to pick up a coffee cup (this coming from a prior background of >30 years of routine daily exercise including weight training, which I had to cease after the injury). Pain seemed to decrease perhaps 10-20% after three weeks of nightly application on affected area of shoulder, and application continues.
2. My wife, an active woman of 57, developed severe pantar fasciitis, where the heel of her right foot was very painful to walk on, and she had to cancel attending her normal bi-weekly exercise class after 25 years due to the pain. Nightly application of the gel on her heel has given noticeable relief from the pain, and the difference after the first night's application was striking.
3. Also now treating my own severe plantar faciitis daily in both feet with Metadichol gel with very good effect. In my own experience, the initial reduction of pain was not as striking as my wife's, but now after two weeks the pain has subsided noticeable (estimate 50% decrease in discomfort and continues to improve).
4. My wife has been using the gel on her face for 2 weeks, and has noticed a rapid definite improvement in skin tone and smoothness, and is now applying the gel to other areas of her body such as neckline and arms.
5. We are now treating our family dog with gel as well, applying it to a fatty benign tumor that he's had for several years. Treatment continues now after two weeks and I will revert with further observations in due course.
JM Ph.D.
CEO (ret.), Chiral Quest Corp.
[email protected]
From: "JM" <[email protected]>
Date: April 12, 2010 1:56:04 AM EDT To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Subject: update
Another testimonial: My mother told me last weekend that she “hasn’t had this much energy in
two years” as she does now after taking the Raghu Juice. JM PhD
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Taz
Date: September 26, 2013 at 21:58:55 EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
Tazzy is a 14 year old Pomeranian with the kindest and most expressive disposition out of any of the many dogs we have raised. People say that he should be brought to nursing homes to snuggle and cheer up the residents that have little outside contact with the world. This photo is of Taz just as he was starting to become ill. It's worth taking a close look at the expression in his eyes by expanding the picture.
Taz's kidneys had started to fail. We found this out after noticing that his behavior had changed from the frisky, bouncy, perpetually moving little ball of fur to a depressed and constantly tired shell of the dog he once was. This change happened over a one month timeframe. Taz was brought to the vet for blood tests, which then confirmed the beginning of kidney failure. This was
a death sentence, which we had sadly seen with a couple of our dogs in the past. The only realistic path forward leads to euthanasia. Usually the dogs with failing kidneys begin to sleep much more than usual, and lose any liveliness they usually have. They appear to be in constant discomfort, and begin to refuse to eat. Taz showed all of these symptoms in the matter of a few weeks, and lost so much weight (almost two pounds off of an eight pound dog!) that his ribs became prominent and were easily felt even under all of that fur. At the rate of this decline, it looked like that final trip to the animal hospital would be upon him within the next month.
With knowledge of the human responses seen with patients that had been treated with Metadichol, Taz was given a daily dose of about 3 mg in solution, sprayed onto his food each morning. On the
third day after treatment started, a miracle in the making became apparent. His tail wagged again for the first time in weeks. He ran again for the first time in weeks. After one week of treatment, he began to act hungry once again and his food consumption doubled. Now, after 4 weeks of treatment, he is acting normal once again, is hungry like he should be, and runs and plays with the other 3 dogs, his "cousins," that live in the same home with him. More blood tests will follow and we will compare the data.
If nothing else, with or without test data, it became obvious just after the third day of treatment that this tiny, gentle and loving dog was actually behaving like he felt better. Much better. Just this effect alone is incredible. I bet Taz would agree. You can see it in his once again wagging little tail.
--JM Ph.D.
Extend Your Dog’s Life Posted on February 14, 2015
Our dog ages and we know the inevitable outcome. It is a trip to the vet and a long sad time after the dog has passed. However, it may be possible to extend the life of your dog. Our dog Sophie, 13, had a really tough time in the spring of 2014. It began with a urinary tract infection and resulting liver and kidney issues. After increasing the amount of vitamin D, sulfate as MSM, NAC, and changing the type of food she recovered. However, she was not the playful dog that we had known. In late November, we begin to supplement her diet with
two sprays of Metadichol on her food. She has now returned to her old self and has become very playful. Also, as I have described in an earlier post, her lipomas are shrinking.
Sophie is now jumping up on the coach again. An act she had not been able to do before the use of Metadichol. She also continues to get much more playful. I never thought we would ever see her act like a puppy again.
From: "Prof. B M Hegde" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> Subject: My Malaria recently
Date: May 8, 2013 10:19:49 AM EDT
To: raghu
Dear Raghu,
I had a severe bout of mixed malaria while I was on lecture tour of Doha, Qatar. Though I was on Metadichol I was surprised that I got malaria, but the saving grace is the recovery was so swift that it even surprised me! Could we attribute it to Metadichol?
Professor B M Hegde,
MD, PhD, FRCP (Lond, Edin, Glasg, & Dublin), FACC, FAMS
Padma Bhushan Awardee 2010
Cardiologist & Former Vice Chancellor, Manipal University.
From: Divya [email protected]
Subject: Metadichol
Date: July 7, 2016 at 11:28:21 AM EDT To:JR [email protected]
Hello Doctor,
I am 36 yrs old. I wanted to inform you that I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis last August . I had lot of ulcers and erosion, so my doctor had put me on Mesalamine enema and Mesacol OD 1.2 gm. After using that my ulcers were completely gone and enema was stopped. I was advised to have only one tablet daily. I have been using the tablet since then and I have relief from that. But the problem is that erosion keeps coming back when I have erosion I get loose stools and bleeding.
I met doctor JITENDRA regarding my tooth problem when I told him about my problem he advised me to use Metadichol spray and he briefed me about the advantages of using that and there would be no side effects. I have been using this spray from past one and half months. I started using the spray in middle of May and there are lot of changes in my health. Before using the spray I had done sigmodoscopy and I had erosion and I had bleeding in my stool. Now everything has come under control and my doctor has stopped the tablets and put me on Mesalamine suppository because I had one ulcer.
By using Metadichol spray I can feel changes in myself; my energy level has increased and my one bottle of spray is over and I have found lot of difference. Thanks for introducing me to the spray.
Thanks and regards
Male 56 years
From: MM <[email protected]>
Subject: R: experiences with gel
Date: October 3, 2012 8:47:15 AM EDT To: "'Palayakotai Raghavan'"
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
Dear Dr Raghavan
"I had on the internal skin layer of my ears (both) a continuous overproduction of skin. This was lasting from many years (more than 30 years) . Application of cortisone cream had a temporary success but with time the skin overproduction came back often in association with personal stress
situations at work. After a few overnight applications (3-5 times) of the Metadichol Gel ( just a thin layer) the skin returned to normal without exfoliation."
In addition "I had on the sole of my right foot a wart (3-4 mm in diameter) which produced at regular timeframes (many months) a very hard skin spherical particle (about 3-4 mm in diameter), which was very painful, particularly during jogging. Mechanical removal solved the problem until the next occurrence. In any case, the skin around the wart was quite callous. I applied the gel overnight for one week and most of the wart has disappeared (about 95%) and the skin around it is now very smooth. Most probably in a second treatment time of about one week, the wart will disappear completely." Will keep you posted.
M. M., Ph.D...
Female 56 years old . This e-mail is from her husband
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: a morning revelation
Date: August 20, 2012 8:25:53 AM EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
My wife woke up and shouted to me when I was in the kitchen having coffee and she was up in the bedroom. I thought something was wrong, so I ran up. She had an intense tone to her voice, and she said her face is "different." She had been using your Metadichol gel for two consecutive nights. "The small bumps and clogged pores are just gone. All I can say is WOW!!!
JM; Ph.D.
Male 60 years old
I had a cyst in my left nostril for over 6 months that wouldn’t disappear with antibiotic creams. I applied the Gel yesterday night in my left nostril and this morning it was completely gone. My ENT doctor who is a friend of ours wants to know what I used as he sees such cases regularly.
Male 60 years old
On August 16th (Thursday) after playing intense indoor games at my gym for 3 hours I had sprained my right knee. When I got up on Friday (17th) morning, I found that the right knee was swollen and I could not bend or put weight on my right knee
I limped downstairs and applied Metadichol gel and rested. Getting up and walking with my right leg was a problem. I applied the gel every 3 hours around the right knee and around 2 PM, I was able to tolerate some weight and walk around limping without any discomfort. By this time all the pain had gone. Before this my right leg I could bend and touch my butt. At 2 PM, I could only bend about 25%. I applied gel again and at 6 PM I found that I could walk and bend my knee about 50%. Saturday 18th August, I can walk freely and run as well and I can bend my knee to about 80% but still cannot reach and touch my butt with my right knee.
Sunday 19th of August, my knee is back to normal and I can bend all the way and touch my butt !! One thing I noticed was that on Friday, my body was warm as I was recovering, indicating some sort of immune response to the injury.
Male 60 years old
I had 3 painful corns on my toes for the last few years and it used to be uncomfortable after my exercise or jogging.
I applied the gel for 4 days a small amount twice a day. I was able to use a nail clipper and cut it off without pain !! . What I noticed is that all the dead cells accumulated and was very soft ( as opposed to it being hard before the gel use). What I see now is clean toes and no hint of a pre existing corn !!
Normally I would scrub with a skin abrasive to reduce the size and it would grow back and when I used the skin abrasive it would cause pain.
Normally if something touches my toes, there would be a sensation of pain and now it is completely gone. Today for the first time I was able to go jogging and exercise without any discomfort. It is now 8 weeks and have not used the gel so far the corn has not regrown.
Female 54 years old
rom: " El" <[email protected]
Subject: Metadichol gel
Date: October 6, 2012 8:45:24 AM EDT
To: "Nanorx"
Dear Dr Raghavan
The Metadichol gel that you gave me had many exceptional effects on facial skin, as it has significantly reduced facial wrinkles especially around the mouth and eyes. In fact, I received several compliments from my friends in the social circle about my rejuvenated skin. The creme's effects are also immediate, indeed I used it for only two weeks. My daughter used the Metadichol gel only 3 times on a labial Herpes with an immediate disappearing of the problem that had persisted fro many months. Thank you Dr. Raghavan
Best regards Francesca
Female 55 years old
-----Original Message-----
From:[email protected] [mailto:tinny@<[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 06:00 PM
To: 'Palayakotai Raghavan'
Subject: Metadichol Gel
Dr. Raghavan
I had chest pain and right behind the chest on my back. So went to immediate care clinic two weeks back. Doctor after taking all the tests including EKG, blood test etc. She said the chest pain
is because the cartilage of the rib cage is inflamed, diagnosed it to be Costochondritis which is a benign inflammation of the costal cartilage, which is a length of cartilage which connects each rib, except the eleventh and twelfth, to the sternum. It causes pain in the chest that can be reproduced by pressing on the affected area between the ribs. This pain can be excruciating, especially after rigorous exercise. Costochondritis symptoms can be similar to the chest pain associated with
a heart attack. Unexplained chest pain is considered a medical emergency until cardiac issues can be ruled out. The doctor gave me prescription strength ibuprofen. I was not excited about taking this and I applied Metadichol gel a few times (over the last 2 weeks) and I have now no pain in the chest area, only slight pain in the back and I am continuing to apply Metadichol gel which has greatly reduced my back pain. I hope to be free of this in the coming weeks.
Mrs Oky
Female 48 years old
Dr Raghavan
I had constant pain on the back of my palm for the last few months. After applying Metadichol Gel a few times, (2 weeks) the pain substantially reduced over 85%.
From: Usxxx [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 06:43 PM
To: raghavan
Subject: Medicine: Metadichol gel application
Dear Dr. Raghavan
The Metadichol gel application medicine is working very well. My symptoms: constant pain in the shoulder (even when resting), inability to lift left hand beyond shoulder height, difficulty reaching left hand behind the back. Diagnosis (through x-rays and MRI): Tendinopathy in rotator cuff,
superior labral tear, narrowing of c56 and c67 of the spine, bilateral cervical radiculopathy. Metadichol gel application Medicine application: two days, 2/3 times a day. There is a sudden decrease in the pain level in the shoulder and rotator flexibility has increased. Neck - extent of turn has improved. Excellent improvement overall,
Regards, Dr.U
Female 26 years old
From: AN
Subject: Metadichol
Date: December 8, 2013 at 11:14:16 AM EST To:
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
I am writing to you to share my experience with Metadichol - the skin gel and the oral spray. Over a year ago, I began experiencing a severe, dull pain in my upper cervical area. It seemed like a deep muscular pain and I visited a number of physicians in an effort to address my concerns. Since November of 2012, I've seen an orthopedist, a rheumatologist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an acupuncturist and a chronic pain specialist in an effort to address my seemingly permanent
pain. During this time, I underwent physical therapy, acupuncture, electric-stimulation, neck- strengthening yoga and trigger point injections - to no avail. My pain was consistent and was significantly impairing my quality of life. As a medical student, this pain had strongly impacted my ability to study and work comfortably in the hospital setting.
In September 2013, I was introduced to your product, Metadichol. I began using the oral spray (3 sprays x1 day) along with the skin gel. Within the first two weeks of using these products, I noticed a significant reduction in my pain. Sometimes, application of the skin gel provides almost instant relief. While I continue to have some underlying neck pains, I can say confidently that these products have helped tremendously with my chronic pain and quality of life. I wish I had known of this product before beginning my year-long treatment approach but I am grateful to have them now.
Thank you very much for the most significant pain relief I've experienced in years. From the perspective of a young medical professional, I look forward to the future of this product and its place in the medical setting.
Male 63 Years old
On Dec 11, 2013, at 1:50 PM, KN < KN@>wrote: Dear Raghu,
Thank you for introducing me to Metadichol, both the oral spray and Gel.
I have been using them regularly, for the past 2+ months, 3-sprays once a day, and a daily
application of the gel to my upper cervical and lower spine/hip region. This product does not fail to amaze me at the wide ranging benefits that I have experienced. Allow me to detail these in order of the degree of relief obtained.
Spondylitis: For 5 years now I have been diagnosed with chronic Spondylitis of the upper cervical area. A painful condition where one has constant intense neck pain. Within 2 months of gel application, I have gone from constantly having to change my sitting posture to get to the least painful position to a point where I find myself stretching and turning my head/neck to see where it used to hurt! On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain has reduced from an 8 to a 1!
Pre-Ventricular Contractions (PVCs or commonly known as “skipped heart beats”). For 3 years now, with increasing frequency I have had regular episodes of PVCs which went from about 4 a minute to about 14 skipped beats a minute. These are stress related and occur almost every time I am faced with a stressful situation, sometimes up to 12 episodes a day/night and last for up to 40 minutes duration each time. In Feb 2013, my cardiologist put me on a 24-hour Holter monitor, followed by a stress test to confirm that whilst these occur with the stated frequency, they were not impacting blood-flow to my brain and hence not imminently dangerous. Since starting on Metadichol, these PVCs have decreased in the episode-count, frequency and duration. I still get them in stressful situations, but these now happen about 3 times a day, last for about 15 minutes, with about 5-6 skipped heart beats a minute. You do the sums!
Lower Back/Hip Arthritis: I have a history of back pain and in 1991 was surgically treated to remove some spinal jelly between L4 and L5 disks. With age, this area is obviously more prone to Arthritis, which I considered to be inevitable, but recently have had fairly serious pain in the hip area adjacent to the L4-L5 region of the lower spine. Again, I considered this as inevitable, but started with gel application to the region. The relief was almost instantaneous and within 3 weeks the pain had receded to a point where I am able to do almost 5 hours of, say, yard work, previously limited to 2 before I felt “broken”. The secondary benefit to this is obvious, too, as I am able to use my back more, I can feel a general toning of the muscles of the back and torso. This has helped exponentially.
· Energy Levels: Unquantifiable, but without a doubt, my energy levels are way-up since I have started on Metadichol.
From: Jayaprakash <[email protected]>
Date: June 22, 2015 at 12:34:03 PM EDT To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Reply-To: Jayaprakash <[email protected]>
I underwent rectal abscess surgery for removal of pus; a cut of 2mm by 2mm was made on each buttocks for this purpose. After surgery, I was asked to sit in hot water for 20 minutes daily. I started applying Metadichol cream and spray every day twice on the wound.
The healing process began immediately, in fact doctor had told me that it will take at least 3 weeks for the skin to come, but I when I went for first check up after a week, doctor told me that on one side it has healed fully with skin growing completely. The other side also healed within 10 days. During this period I was not on any other medication
Energy boost
Date: February 27, 2014 at 7:09:20 PM EST
To: Raghu
Subject: GEL/SPRAY Ragu,
I would like to thank you for creating this spray/gel, for you have helped me immensely in improving my health. I have seen many changes after taking Methodical such as living a life filled with energy, a plummet decrease in my weight of 15 pounds. It has also diminished pain from left knee and left foot plantar fasciitis. Thank you very much!
From: Venkat Ramanathan [email protected] Subject: RE: note about your father
Date: 9 October 2013 at 11:05
To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Dear Raghu,
My father is 83 years old. He has very mild diabetes. He had some areas where the touch sensation was lacking in his feet. After 2 weeks on Metadichol, he has got back his sensation. He also feels very agile and gets up from his sofa without giving much thought to pain or strain.
He is continuing the medication. Thanks and Regards
From: Jayaprakash PS <[email protected]>
Date: July 10, 2018 at 10:14:33 AM EDT
To: Raghu , "Ravikumar K. L." <ravikumarkl@[email protected]>
Reply-To: Jayaprakash PS <[email protected]>
Today evening Usha suddenly had low sugar attack, may be below 50 and her tongue and lips became numb and her face was swollen, she could not speak and could not open eyes, also. I gave her glucose powder, sugar level went up to 67, but still she was not ok with same symptoms persisting . Now I gave 5 sprays of Metadichol. After 15 minutes sugar level came down to 58, but within the next few minutes, the numbness of her tongue and lips were gone totally and she started talking normally. After 45 minutes her sugar level became 84. In fact her daughter Dr.Adithi wanted me to get injected IV of Dextrose 50% immediately. I waited and took the chance.
From: [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2012 8:15:07 PM EST To: "Palayakotai Raghavan"
Hi Raghu:
Day before yesterday, I had a severe runny nose and probably went through a full box of Kleenex. It was bothering me to lie down in the night. I applied Metadichol Gel in my nostrils and just immediately the running of my nose stopped and I slept well. Got up well and fresh in the morning.
From: Annina John [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbiomegmai
Date: 14 May 2013 at 16:52
To: raghu
I can remember a childhood with stomachaches everyday and as an adolescent and a young adult suffered from intense headaches. When I moved to the US - I ate less spicy food, but stomach cramps and discomfort continued although less frequently. Headaches was not a normal feature, but the intensified headache came back when I was highly stressed and it would take almost 12 hours to subside. Fast forward mid-April 2013, as I was reading on the computer I lost my balance. Motion sickness is also something that I worry about when I travel.
After the loss of balance incident, I started taking 5 sprays of Metadichol. The very next day I witnessed a surge in my energy level. I was walking, sitting and playing in the sun for over 45 minutes I did not feel tired. Metadichol continued for 10 days and then stopped for 5 days. When I took the stairs to the 16th floor it surprised me that I did not stop to catch a breath. For somebody who is not physically agile or exercising regularly and at 40, taking the steps to the 16th floor made me skip and dance with joy. After an hour after taking the stairs I started getting a dull headache, but still did not take Metadichol, thinking that it would pass. After speaking to Raghu I restarted on the Metadichol – after 10 sprays and sleeping for an hour, the headache was gone for the day. However it returned back the next day. I took the daily dose of 5 sprays in the morning but the dull headache continued. I interspersed the dose of 10 sprays every 3-4 hours, but the headache resumed every morning and remained for 4 days. On the 5th day the headache came and went with an interval of 10 minutes to 60 minutes or two hours. On the 6th day the interval increased to 3 hours and more. On the 7th day there was no sign of headache at all. Today is the 8th day - I felt more than different in my energy levels. With no headaches and being able to do what I needed to do I felt the difference between day and night.
Thank You Annina
From: visha iyer <[email protected]> Date: 1 September 2019 at 11:06:06 GMT-4 To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Reply-To: "[email protected]
Dear Doctor
My daughter who's a preterm baby is a child with special needs. She has hearing and speech impairment. She also has vision problems and her left eye had a slight squint with twitching on and off. She was diagnosed with thyroid also in April 2019. I had provided a lot of treatments to her other problems and also a bit of therapy. But her response was not that great. Finally, I had a God sent opportunity of meeting Dr Raghavan who explained the wonderful product Metadichol. He explained in detail how the product helps the immune system and dilutes the issues related to a lot of health and mental illness. I explained to him my daughter's condition. He was kind enough to give me a sample of the bottle.
I started giving it to her 3 times a day as suggested by him. He guided me to get other bottles through a mutual friend and I was able to get 7 bottles in total for my daughter. My daughter was happy to take it as it was tasteless and no hassles with gulping. I noticed a remarkable change in her eye and the squint was getting corrected and the twitching stopped within 15 days. This is a benchmark accomplishment. From the time she was 5 months, all the treatment done for her eyes had never shown this kind of miracle. I can never stop raving and thanking about this to the genius Dr. Raghavan for this miraculous transformation. I could see my daughter's confidence boosting up.
The next miracle was when I did her Thyroid test the reports showed her normal results. The magic was still on. My daughter's hearing improved and she is trying to vocalize her energy levels which had gone down and now up. She became more interactive and she is in fact trying to understand better in school.
This is the observation from school, too. Earlier she would become too hyper and not listen to her teachers but now all that has changed. I feel blessed to have met Doctor Raghavan and to have the chance of using his product Metadichol. I feel mankind has been blessed with this innovative product. Unfortunately, not many are aware of it. Hence hoping to have a source in India for the same. This is real Sanjeevini, I am hoping for availability in the future for Metadichol towards the betterment of my daughter and millions more who require it.
Visha P
From: Shailesh Ambe <[email protected]>
Subject: My moms report
Date: 8 September 2019 at 05:44:47 GMT-4
To: harinair <[email protected]>, Dr Palayakotai Raghavan , Uma Ambe <[email protected]>
Dear Dr Raghavan
Greetings from Mumbai, India.
It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that my mother’s health has been consistently improving and there's a lot of improvement in her.
My mother named Vasanti Ambe who is now 81 years old now who has been diabetic since last 35 years++ while she was in Goa during her routine visit to the backyard where we have lots of planted trees was bitten on her leg by some insect which she never knew but having that itch feeling scratched her leg (right) below the knee and this was how the problem started in 2013.
Looking at that wound an old neighborhood lady said she know how to cure this and she brought some leaves and put them in hot water and later wrapped that leaves round my mothers leg which actually aggravated the wound.
My father who himself is a medical practitioner started nursing the wound and giving local pain killers but when the right leg got swollen like an elephant’s leg, I brought her to Mumbai and straight away took her to hospital where an orthopedic surgeon first brought the sugar under control and helped to nurse the wound. It took almost 8 weeks for the leg to heal but it left lot of marks and scars on her legs with a change in skin colour. Since this episode, every year, particularly before the monsoon season, by the month of May, my mother would have problems as any fly or mosquito bite would aggravate the situation. In 2018 particularly, she was in Mumbai for almost 8 months as the wound was not getting healed and moreover we consulted 14 doctors across the city from whom we got recommendations. And each doctor concluded that this is Elephantiasis and it doesn't have any cure and you can only take precautions and prevent from any fly or mosquito to sit on it. The problems we faced with the doctors was that we were totally confused about whom to listen and what to do, as some doctors used to ask us to keep the leg wrapped by crape bandage whereas other doctors used to shout, “who asked you to keep the wound closed?”. Among all the doctors, the best I met personally was Dr Sachin Chaudhari (Dermatologist). It was only when he saw the leg, he asked to get the report on the skin and the pus on the skin, and when the report came we were shocked as my mom was taking medicines that were having no effect as it was overdone and later he changed a tablet, after which she was OK but, of course, we had to take precaution and she had to take this medicine everyday.
It was then Dr Hari Nair from Canada spoke to me about a product that can cure this and it was music to my ears. When I informed this to my parents, they were very happy and then later when Dr Raghavan the God visited Mumbai India who passed me this bottles of Metadichol spray along with Gel to apply on the leg. I visited my parents on 21st June 2019 and since then we started to use this on regular basis, as on today 8th Sept we see tremendous changes on the size of the leg, skin texture and her pain which has totally receded and she is happy to walk like before. The first impression was over one month use was very pleasing as we stopped all medicines but in the same leg she had a corn and in order to prevent it from touching the ground she used to walk on her toe fingers and ankle this started her to give leg pain in the knee with 80 years this was something we didn't inform Dr Raghavan the day I send him the pic of the corn he asked to me start using the same spray of Metadichol on her corn area and this corn had gone completely in 10 days time.
As on 3rd Sept 2019 she has started walking normal and was so happy to tell everyone on this, in this entire episode last 5/6 years she was not able to wear her regular chap-pals or shoes as her toes and legs could not fit into her right leg. We bought her a shoes where we could adjust the size on both the legs separately. Now it's just a matter of days wherein she can wear regular footwear and travel as normal person.
I can't express the happiness that we all in the family have since June/July as it has bought happiness and helped her to live a normal life without depending on others. I am truly blessed to have met you and wish you all the success and happiness with good health and help more mankind for the betterment of their health.
With Best Regards
Shailesh Ambe
From: "sanjay s" <[email protected]>
Subject: Metadichol
Date: 21 November 2019 at 03:29:09 GMT-5 To: Ragu
Dear Dr.Raghavan,
I am 57 years old and a type 2 diabetic since the last 10 years on oral hypoglycemics. As is typically the case, I have been observing my fasting sugar levels increasing, reaching 165 on an average. Though my weight is under control, I knew my doctor would either increasing the dosage or add another medication and hence was feeling dejected.
My wife who is a dietitian happened to attend your lecture a few days ago in Chembur, Mumbai. She spoke to me about your product which is marketed under the name Nano Soma. I immediately started using it and it has in the last seven days produced wonderful results. My fasting sugar is down to 125. I am sure that this will further improve over a period of time.
Thank your for this wonderful product. It is a great relief to people like me who could never see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Warm regards, Sanjay S
From: <[email protected]>
Subject: Early personal report on Metadichol
Date: July 23, 2013 1:59:33 AM EDT
To: Raghu
Thanks for sending Metadichol to me, We all (except Rohit, we haven't tried) had positive reactions to both the spray and the gel.
First hand report of Metadichol
My case:
1. My cough got better (it became more of an instinctive cough, than anything else) within an hour of M-Gel application on my wife's knee. It must have seeped in through my palm.
Then I consumed a couple of sprays of Metadichol before bedtime.
2. Overnight, an itch from a skin patch that I had in my inner knee, vanished. The patch is inert now and it would cause pain during every bath. That is so gone, I almost forgot about it. My skin does feel a little different, in the sense that I'm unable to feel its weight. It seems like my muscles are open directly to the atmosphere.
3. I crack my knuckles quite by instinct. Normally, it would pain a little bit. Today, there is the sound, but not the pain.
4. I must have slept short but well, I didn't need an alarm to wake up. I woke up at 5 and continued my work, normally, I would fall back into bed until 6:30.
My wife's case:
It is known that she had chronic fatigue syndrome, leading to depression etc. Her musculature had turned weak. She is a very light sleeper and wakes up several times. Eventually in the morning, she is forced to get up at 6:30 to make lunch for the kids to take to school. She is not groggy, but in pain much through the day. She also breathes through her mouth, since her nose blocks up.
1. Last night, I applied the Gel around her knee joints, and auscultation points near her scapula in the back. She had been complaining of inflammation between the oblique muscles and the trapezoid. She was sleeping well past 9:30am. The many times I visited my bedroom, I found both
my daughter and wife sleeping and breathing through their noses, no snoring, clear passage; Very deeply. Which I haven't witnessed in a long while. I made lunch and dropped Rohit at school.
2. She called me at work after she got up, saying she didn't feel groggy, but the tiredness was different (it was like withdrawal from inflammation / fever), she never got up during the night, breathed through her nose and felt better.
3. She took a couple of sprays of Metadichol voluntarily, she said. Which to me is good news, since she is averse to any medication, after her several Cortisone shots.
4. Her mood is elevated and amiable, compared to what I'm normally used to (she demands in no- uncertain terms, that I divorce all my phone buddies and spend more time with her).
My Daughter Samyuktha:
had a runny nose, didn't go to school due to body pain etc. I applied the gel on her nose, per Raghu's advice.
1. This morning, she looks better. She tells me she feels better, except a dry cough. A black discoloration on her forehead is perceivably reduced.
My son Rohit:
We didn't try it on him last night, although I understood there was no aflatoxin presence in Metadichol. We never risk new medication on him at night time, by habit. He is highly allergic to Cashews, peanuts etc. We'll try it today. He is an advanced practitioner of Yoga and coaches (he's like a demo piece among 2 other) for Intermediate students at Krishnamachari Yoga Mandiram. His circulation is acute unlike the rest of the family and reacts almost instantaneously to good/bad stimuli.
Thanks Raghu for the medication!! We'll continue with it and I’ll report on progress. Thanks and Regards
my sister in India (sudha) gave it to Mrs.Sushila who-was the editor of Financial express group of newspapers
Begin forwarded message:
From: Sushila Ravindranath <[email protected]> Subject: Re: drops
Date: February 9, 2014 at 9:01:21 AM EST To: pr raghavan
Dear Raghu,
The drops Sudha (raghu;s sister) gave me have done miracles for me. To start with I have started feeling much less tired at the end of the day. People have started telling me that I am looking better than I did a few months ago.
More important, I have had muscle weakness on my legs which was affecting my mobility. I can visibly see some improvement ( combined with the physiotherapy I am undergoing).
Great work Raghu, many thanks.
Warm regards, Sushi
Boy 4 years old went on Metadichol in April 2011 and the result normal BP after 3 months
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jayaprakash <[email protected]> Date: July 25, 2011 5:56:26 AM EDT
To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Hi raghu,
I had referred to with congenital heart problem who is our earlier staff's son, yesterday I was called told that his BP has come down to 120/80 after long time, 3 months after taking Metadichol in fact he was supposed to undergo echo test yesterday, but doctors told that as his BP is normal no need for echo.
His earlier BP marking were always high like 160/110.
Regards Prakash
From: KK Murthy <[email protected]>
Subject: Thank you
Date: 12 July 2013 at 21:48:47 GMT-4 To: Raghu
Hello Dr. Raghu,
The supplement that you gave me was great. I very much appreciate you sharing it with me.I took it for 5 days and my blood pressure is more or less normal (113/82). Previously it was 130/91. Thanks a lot.
(Kalyanakrishnan Krishnamurthy)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Raimund von Helden <[email protected]>
Subject: MDS case...
Date: May 10, 2014 at 1:13:56 PM EDT
To: "Nanorx Dr. Rhagavan" , Heinz-Jürgen Albrecht <[email protected]> Cc: Raimund von Helden <[email protected]>
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
I just met the MDS-Patient. He is now able to run 6 km without any stop. (Before 5 Stops with walking 5 minutes every Km)
Blood check is on Monday - I will send you the results!
es grüßt sehr herzlich
Raimund von Helden
Dr. med. Raimund von Helden
Email: [email protected]
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of diseases that affect the bone marrow and blood. In MDS, the blood-forming cells in the marrow slow down, or even stop, making the three types of blood cells. Most patients with MDS will develop anemia (low numbers of red blood cells) and may need blood transfusions. Some patients also have low numbers of white blood cells (which fight infections) and platelets (which help blood clot when you bruise or get a cut).
This is an amazing substance. I have used it regularly over the ...
November 17, 2017
This is an amazing substance. I have used it regularly over the last three years and it is astounding. It is great to now have a supplier in the US. Thank you NANO SOMA. I have used it for everything from reducing pain for my wife’s shingles to extending the life of my dog. The dog was fourteen and according to our vet would soon die. We put three pumps on her food every day along with some additional vitamins and minerals, and she started to act like a puppy. She lived another year and half and was still vigorous until she passed. The pain on my wife’s shingles went away in twenty- four hours. It is amazing for helping scraps and bruises. As I was cleaning up a large wild-cherry tree that had fallen, I scraped the back of my hand with a log. The scrap was two inches long and a quarter inch wide. I sprayed it twice a day. It repaired very quickly in just over a week and did not scab over. There was no scar. My daughter uses it for her face to improve a long lasting shame of pimples that she had.
I have researched nano-policosanol. It is just a food substance that is found on the sun-splashed parts of plants. The nano refers to the small particle size emulsion that is made with the waxy substance. I believe we lost our normal use of this material when we stopped chewing the husk from grains and nuts. I guess Mom was right when she told me to chew my food. What a great discovery.
Impressive actual effects experienced
February 11, 2018
Following are my personal experiences and observations with this product. No use recommendations or claims are intended. I had personally been using NANO SOMA for about 3
years before its market launch in the US. As a pharmaceutical chemist, I was curious to observe its effects on myself as well as certain family members who were interested in trying it, especially since all its listed active components are generally considered as safe to ingest.
Upon my first dose, I experienced a noticeable, but subtle, increase in both mental and physical energy immediately the first day. My own mood definitely improved as well, and a sense of alertness permeated my working day which had been lacking prior.
In attempting to quantitate any lifestyle effects over time, I set out to perform a comparative study. This resulted in a clear and significant increase in general strength, using the rate of change over time in amount of weight at the gym I was able to lift as a measure. I measured an approximate 25% unexpected rate of change of lifted poundage increase over 6 months. I had a historical record of my normal rate of strength increases. The rate of strength improvement appeared to accelerate after using this product daily beginning within a two month period.
Skin treatment: My wife has experienced a clear improvement of skin appearance upon using the product on her face nightly. She states: "My husband has noticed this quickly after my using it only within two days, and he has photographs to document its effect. It is especially enjoyable to use since it is not an oil based product and does not clog my pores."
Helpful also to pets: One of the largest over the counter supplements for dogs in the US began as a human nutritional joint-pain relief, glucosamine. Carrying this concept forward with NANO SOMA, I wanted to bring some relief to my 9- year old 40 lb dog, who appeared to be suffering from significant pain in his hips. He had ceased to have any interest in running after squirrels or even walking around the block. We started treating him with one-quarter of a human dose, only twice per week. After about two months, he was not only running again, he was faster than dogs that were 5 years junior!
Perhaps most significantly, we began treating, with their permission, a bedridden close relative who was a cancer patient. This person had understandably lost their warm and vibrant personality over the prior 2-year course of treatments, and had little interest in talking, much less moving about. After two months of daily treatments, changing nothing else in their diet or medications, this person began walking carefully around the yard each day. A month later, one-hour walks twice per week became the norm. A stunning positive change in mood also occurred in this period; lively and
engaging conversations again became commonplace. The person did eventually pass, but many months later than expected.
In summary, my personal experiences and observations with this outstanding product have been only very positive, and I continue to use it. From my own history, it is rare to find a nutritional product that has actually exhibited such noticeable positive effects. As a customer, I am grateful to the inventor for bringing this to the market.
Amazing healing spray for shingles and dry eye!
February 24, 2018
I have dry eye and use Systane Balance eye drops many times a day. I began spraying NANO SOMA in both eyes, one spray twice a day. At first it stings, but after my eyes feel amazing. On the days I use Nano in my eyes, I don't need the Systane drops nearly as much. I have cataracts in both eyes and Macular degeneration beginning. I'm experimenting to see how Nano helps these eye conditions.
Around 6 years ago, my mate got shingles on his head. Nearly every year since, he gets a shingles outbreak spot on his bottom. It becomes a bumpy itchy rash, and then gets a hard raised up area, which is painful. He has been to the doctor, who verified it was shingles and gave him a prescription of Acyclovir. A friend of mine had taken Acyclovir for her shingles, and on the 5th day, was stricken with the "rare" side effect of seizures. Now she is on seizure meds for life. So I begged my mate not to take it. The chance of this side effect is too great! He tried antibiotic ointments and silver microbial gel, which helped but didn't cure the outbreak. Each time the outbreak would take about 3 weeks to heal up. When the shingles outbreak came this time, we sprayed NANO SOMA on it twice a day, put microbial silver gel, and covered it with a bandage. The outbreak had a "healing reaction" immediately. All the little bumps turned into several big blisters, which then popped, and healed within a week. The itching was gone the 2nd day! It never did get that hard spot. Then a second spot right under the first broke out, and it did get a hard spot, but after spraying Nano, the hardness was gone in two days! (Usually it would last 2-3 weeks!) He has also been dealing with a itchy rash on his hand between the thumb and first finger, which was bothering him for the last 2 months. When the outbreak came on his bottom, we realized it must be shingles on his hand, and sprayed it with Nano three times a day. His hand got the "healing reaction", which this time meant
it got very dry. The itching stopped pretty fast and his hand completely healed in less than two weeks. Below please see photos of the shingles outbreak on his rear and hand.
I've tried Nano for wounds and they heal faster than normally. I've used it for hemorrhoids, and Nano takes away the itch and heals it fast! NANO SOMA is a miraculous product!
Worth the $$ (shockingly!)
November 25, 2018
The money I saved by not missing work is worth it alone. I have beat back at least 3 illnesses since I got my bottle (started feeling proper-sick, sprayed and then the next day...nothing!). The biggest thing though, is my son. He has been struggling with autoimmune issues and joint pain that the doctors have not yet diagnosed. I have been using NANO SOMA with him along with a couple other supplements. His digestion is greatly improved, his skin reactions are calmed, his pain is gone (at the moment and for a few weeks now), and his tongue, which was becoming geographic and a bit scary, is pink and back to normal. While I hope it gets cheaper, eventually, right now, it beats 30 bottles of the other Policosanols on the market, since it is nano-encapsulated and you actually get the benefits of it. Basically, a $30 bottle of poly which is 30MG sounds like a better deal than a $120 bottle of 5mg, right? WRONG! You can't use what your body can't absorb. So, that 5mg is about a million times more effective than the cheaper, higher number. Trust me, Policosanol that is not nano is not even worth buying or trying. You get more policosanol out of eating a mango than the cheap supplements. NANO SOMA, however is like a different animal
entirely. It took me about 3 weeks to really see the effects and stop thinking it was a coincidence every time something healed super fast. Now, I can't live without it. So, yes, expensive, but hell yes! Worth it!
It works!
July 27, 2018
So far we’ve used this product on cold sores. It definitely shortened the severity and the duration. We were so happy it worked! Can’t wait to try it on my daughters warts. Will be back to update about that.
One person found this helpful
Cured My Infected Gum!!
December 4, 2017
I woke up with my gum around my back tooth all irritated and hurting, so I rinsed with Listerine and baking soda that 1st day. The next day it was worse, so I rinsed again with the Listerine and also tried rinsing with salt water several times that day. By the 3rd day it was so bad that I couldn’t eat at all on that side as it hurt and burned!! It was very painful and all red and irritated.
The last thing I wanted to do was go to the doctor and get antibiotics as I already have chronic health issues and don’t want my gut flora to get worse by taking more antibiotics. So I decided to try the NANO SOMA. I am very sensitive to new supplements as my body is very weak, so I just started with 2 sprays twice a day. I sprayed the 2 sprays directly on the infected gum area and held it in my mouth for about 20 seconds then swallowed it. Immediately it soothed my pain a bit. I still couldn’t eat on it but at least the throbbing pain wasn’t so bad. About an hour later, the pain came back. So I sprayed 2 more sprays later in the day and the same thing happened. I did this for 7 days. Each day it got about 25% better!!! By day 3 I felt so much better, by day 4 I was able to start eating again on that side and barely felt any pain and by day 5 I just had a little redness on the gum still but had no pain and was eating totally normal. Another 2 days after and the infection was totally gone!! NO PAIN, NO REDNESS, NO INFECTION at all!! Wow...I couldn’t believe how amazing this worked!!
I am battling chronic pain in my joints and muscles, major gut issues and possible Lyme disease, so I will continue to take NANO SOMA daily and see over time if it also helps with my other issues. Thank you for offering this product in the U.S.!!
I only use natural products so knowing this stuff is plant based and chemical free is huge for me.
November 7, 2017
I only use natural products so knowing this stuff is plant based and chemical free is huge for me. I take one spray per day since jan 2016 and haven't since had even a common cold. My energy levels are through the roof (I only need 4-5 hours of sleep as opposed to the 7-8 I've been doing my whole life). I'm a runner and also use their skin spray for foot blisters. Heals them in no time. I'm a true believer, I think this stuff can cure anything and I’ll use it over a trip to the doctor any day.
Traveling: don't leave home without it.
April 27, 2018
My husband and I travel a lot. When we get home we typically will get sick within a couple days. We have come to expect it. Think of all the germs on the airplane, cruise, or sick people. So many strange germs being passed around when you interact with hundreds of people from all over the world. We bought the spray just to see if it would work and keep us from getting sick. It works so well. Neither one of us got sick, and we noticed we just had tons of energy on the trip as well. We are in the over 60 group and that is really great news to keep us strong and healthy so we can really enjoy ourselves. We wont leave home without it any more. It is a safety net for your health and wellness. I mean, its your immune system you are improving. What person doesn't need an immune boost these days. It really is the simplest thing you could do to preserve your health and feel good. I love it.
Stopped cold sores in their tracks
January 4, 2018
I frequently get cold sores, nothing ever worked to get rid of them. Maybe you have heard of the micro needling procedures you can use on your face with a roller that pokes the skin and helps promote collagen. I had heard to never use this roller over a cold sore. But, I accidentally did it. It gave me another breakout, and on top of that the sore that I rolled over was a hole and would not heal even after 2 months. I heard about Nano Skin Spray and purchased it. I started spraying it every day a few times. Stopped the cold sores in their tracks (there was no pain or swelling which normally accompanies a cold sore) and also healed the one that would not heal within a week. Seemed like it was healing from the inside out as the scabbing was really not visible. I am in my late 50’s and I sure wish I would have had Nano years ago. I am pretty sure I won’t live without it now. It does have a funky taste that I don’t like, but the payoff is worth it. After using it daily for a while. I still have a half bottle left, so I think it would easily last a month or two depending on the use. I did spray some on my face after washing and moisturizing and couple times and it gave my face a tight feel that I really liked. I am experimenting with it. I will update my review if I have any new findings.
Speed healing for cold sores and reduces recurrence!
February 12, 2018
I love this product!! Since I was about 5 years old, I’ve suffered from cold sores. I would get them monthly and doctors wanted me to take anti-viral meds to treat them. My parents wanted alternatives to taking pills so I would stay out of the sun and stopped eating any citrus for almost 20 years (!!!) thinking citrus brought them on. When I would wake up and feel the tingling sensation on my lips, I would immediately be irritated. The sores were embarrassing, itchy, and painful. It would take a couple of weeks for them to fully disappear. They were such a pain on my side. Eventually, I started using a cream called Denavir. It would help prevent sores from starting, or speed up the healing process if a sore already developed. Unfortunately, the tiny tube of cream became very expensive and not affordable. It left me with over-the-counter Abreva, which was not nearly as effective. A friend told me about this spray and I decided to try it. I just spray onto my lip if I start feeling the tingly sensation and no sores develop! It’s seriously a miracle. I feel like it's dramatically reduced flareups and even prevented cold sores from occurring. I haven’t had a cold sore in over a year now, but know what I will confidently use if I ever feel one coming on.
Purchased another bottle as my back up, and I am using it for my 4 year-old's occasional rash
outbreaks. I'm excited to see what else this spray can do!
I am so happy to find NANO SOMA!
October 29, 2017
Yaaass! Wow! I am so happy to find NANO SOMA! I have been using this spray for over two years now and it goes with me everywhere! I used to get a terrible rash on my arms and shoulders with sun exposure, that would itch so badly, it would wake me at night. After spraying NANO SOMA on my upper arms, the itchy rash is gone, and I can again be in the sun without covering up. I use it orally to boost my immunity and heal whatever is ailing within. It works to heal cuts on the skin faster than normal. It's an amazing hemorrhoid spray, as it relieves and heals the itch and swelling in a fraction of the time as other hemorrhoid products I've tried. I wanted to post this especially to help those who have "tried everything" or feel stuck with some "incurable" conditions, especially skin conditions, because this spray may be your answer. I am most grateful for this product in my life!
Im obsessed with this stuff! I am also a ...
January 2, 2018
Im obsessed with this stuff! I am also a little bit weirded about by items such as this but it has made a huge difference in my health (I am always normally sick) and my skin! I spray it on everything!!!
Got rid of my rash!
March 8, 2018
I had a rash on my hip and nothing was working to get rid of it until I tried NANO SOMA! Within 2 days the rash was completely gone! A few weeks later my boyfriend had a rash on his thigh that was very itchy so I made him try this as well and it helped the itching immediately. Again within few days of using it the rash went away! Amazing stuff!!
So happy to have an all natural product
November 7, 2017
So happy to have an all natural product, that works as fast as some of the chemically ridden crap out there. I used Nano for a rash and was completely gone in less than an hour. A few months ago, I was dealing with blisters or warts(maybe both) on the bottom of my foot and between my toes and within a couple days, new skin was regenerated and whatever that was, started falling off. Love this stuff!
My kids ask for this stuff by name! It's our family's #1 tool for everything skin/pain-related
July 27, 2018
There is nothing we turn to more frequently in our house than the NANO SOMA sprays. My kids request it by name, and choose it even over Tylenol or Motrin for pain relief. Our five-year-old had to have a tooth extracted, and the dentist prescribed penicillin three weeks before the surgery because he said that it was only a matter of time before the pain became unbearable and the infection settled in. We never touched the penicillin. She had no pain or infection because we sprayed daily on the tooth, and she happily went about her day. I know it's a skin spray but we sprayed it inside the mouth on the affected tooth and skin. After the surgery, she didn't want any drugs. I gave her some options and she requested the spray without even thinking about it. It took the pain right away, and she never brought up any pain again. No side effects, no wait-and-see if it works. Later that night, the skin where the tooth was extracted was already light pink. It took just hours for her gums to repair themselves. I couldn't believe how fast it healed her skin.
We've been using this stuff for the last couple years now, along with orally taking their immune spray supplement too, even since our youngest was an infant. We love the sprays because they aren't something that's scary or frightening to kids, they're so easy to use and take anywhere, and they're natural and safe so I feel good every time we go to use them. My family gets immediate relief from whatever is bothering them, and we can get back to life right away without the anxiety of wondering what's going on or the agony of being in pain any longer than necessary. Probably most important is that I feel in control over things that might otherwise make me freak out and head to the doctor. There's a lot of benign but irritating stuff that can happen to our skin that may not really warrant a doctor's visit, but with kids it can be scary, and sometimes they can't
effectively communicate to you what happened or what they need. The skin spray is our first line of defense because it really just takes care of EVERYTHING, quickly and effortlessly.
Besides tooth pain, we've had (and continue to have) unreal results using the skin spray for: bee stings, deep cuts, insect bites, random rashes or allergic breakouts, burns, cold sores, and managing rosacea and eczema. Who knows what we'll use it for next. We spray it as frequently as we need to, sometimes it's once at night on the face to wake up in the morning rosacea-free, or maybe 3-5 times a day for acute skin injuries (it all depends! I burned my thumb really badly on a lighter flame lighting some birthday candles, and I sprayed one time on the burn and the pain left and never came back. A BURN!). I've never had this much confidence in a product in my life and am a true believer in its power and abilities. I've turned on so many of my friends and family members to NANO SOMA after hearing their stories of the things their family deals with, knowing without a doubt that it will help them. I can't recommend this formula enough. It is worth every penny.
I am extremely pleased with this product
March 19, 2018
I used NANO SOMA Skin Spray on recent surgical scars and the results are outstanding. The scars faded quickly and no keloid tissue formed. Keloids have been a real problem for me, and this skin spray prevented their formation. I am extremely pleased with this product. It does a better job of minimizing scar formation than the Scar Away silicone strips that I used. It’s worth every penny.
Very effective, so easy to take & no side effects!
May 29, 2018
I have used this spray earlier & loved it. It saved me from a surgery for a trigger thumb condition & from what may have been a nerve pain which the doctor couldn't help. I saw positive results within a few weeks! It improved the quality of my life by not having to avoid certain activities such as typing, knitting etc for fear of triggering those conditions again. Very effective, so easy to take & no side effects! I highly recommend this product based on my personal experience.
October 25, 2018
This is an incredible immune boosting spray. I always use it just as I feel I am getting a cold. It is gone within 24 hours. I have tried it multiple times to test it. It has never failed me so far
Canker sores gone in 3 DAYS?! YES!
October 14, 2019
My sore throat and canker sores cleared up in 3 days with this spray! Never had a canker sore before. Went to the doctor. He said I had a virus & it would clear up on its own. Little did he know I was using a secret weapon. The bump showed up on Monday. I spayed the back of my throat and the sore at least once a day. The sore was gone by Thursday. Amazing! Zits don't even disappear in 3 days!
I use the spray daily for general energy levels and stamina. I can't explain it fully. I'm not so beat at the end of the day if I stay on top of the sprays. If I need to do extra physical things like walk to an errand or cardio, I Can choose to be physical instead of drive. It's empowering to know I have the energy reserve to walk if I want to.
Thanks NANO SOMA! I went through my bottle quickly! I'm signing up for bulk! :P
Out of all the health supplements I've taken, this is in my top 2.
I plan to dose up for travel, conventions, if family members get sick...
NANO SOMA - Miracle it is!
May 21, 2019
I purchased a deo-stick all natural, which literally burnt my skin. I mean burnt. so much that I had to put Burn medication. the pain was excruciating. I had a family friend give me NANO SOMA to try. They recommended oral and topical application of the spray. First dose - pain was significantly lower, did not bother me any more. Second dose - Skin started to heal. By day three I was back to normal. I have keep NANO SOMA close to me since then, and yes I did get rid of the deodorant.
On a separate occasion, my husband was suffering from a a very bad cold, which he chose to pass on to me. At the first signs, I used NANO SOMA. My cold vanished by the end of the day. I still took Nano for the next 2 days, just to be safe.
Great for energy
February 26, 2019
I started using this immune spray after my daughter had a positive experience using it with her kids. I use between 6-8 sprays per day and I’ve noticed many different changes to my well being. Having life challenges with my body, including autoimmune Hashimoto’s, the most significant improvement is with my energy levels. I find myself attempting things at my age that before seemed like a big mountain to climb. I am so thankful that this product is part of my life and it will continue to be so - as long as it’s available.
My energy is incredible!
December 19, 2018
I started using NANO SOMA over the summer after hearing about it from a family member. The first thing I noticed after using the sprays for 2-3 weeks was the increase in my energy. It’s incredible! All the things I used to not be able to do due to lack of energy and procrastination, I now do with ease and lots of energy. My wife even noticed the change in my energy levels and how I completed projects. I am very happy with the product. At my age at 62 years ago, I feel young, strong and energetic. I’ve even been on several 10-mile hikes because my energy has improved so much. It has also helped with my willpower to stop wanting alcohol daily. Whenever I feel a cold coming on I use a little extra at night and then wake up the next day without any symptoms. For me, 6 sprays three times per day works the best. I recommend this product to anyone who might need help with their immune system or energy.
I can't live without this stuff these days
November 25, 2018
UPDATE: My baby woke up THIS MORNING, with a cough and runny nose and was really weezy. I gave him 6 sprays plus a dropper of wild cherry bark and you would never know he was sick this morning! Wahoooo! Thanks for making this product. It kicks elderberry butt as far as reliability goes. It is also great for autoimmune conditions, where many "immune sprays" or other types of boosters actually make the autoimmune conditions worsen. This is the real deal. Oh yeah, and the lowered the price, duh. Get some!
The money I saved by not missing work is worth it alone. I have beat back at least 3 illnesses since I got my bottle (started feeling proper-sick, sprayed and then the next day...nothing!). The biggest thing though, is my son. He has been struggling with autoimmune issues and joint pain that the doctors have not yet diagnosed. I have been using NANO SOMA with him along with a couple other supplements. His digestion is greatly improved, his skin reactions are calmed, his pain is gone (at the moment and for a few weeks now), and his tongue, which was becoming geographic and a bit scary, is pink and back to normal. While I hope it gets cheaper, eventually, right now, it beats 30 bottles of the other Policosinols on the market, since it is nano-encapsulated and you actually get the benefits of it. Basically, a $30 bottle of poly which is 30MG sounds like a better deal than a $120 bottle of 5mg, right? WRONG! You can't use what your body can't absorb. So, that 5mg is about a million times more effective than the cheaper, higher number. Trust me, Policosinol that is not nano is not even worth buying or trying. You get more policosinol out of eating a mango than the cheap supplements. Nano - ojas, however is like a different animal entirely. It took me about 3 weeks to really see the effects and stop thinking it was a coincidence every time something healed super fast. Now, I can't live without it. So, yes, expensive, but hell yes! Worth it!
Quick Healing After Oral Surgery
October 11, 2018
I used this product from Post-Surgery Day #3 through Day #14. I healed very quickly, and the discomfort was minimized.
This is a WONDERFUL relief 2 the symptoms of my Shingles!!!!!!!!
August 28, 2019
I have had several Shingles outbreaks during the last few years. Shingles is HORRIBLE!!! It itches; it feels like burning; it feels like worms R crawling underneath your skin. It began as tiny bumps--kinda like tiny zits; then, spread in2 bumpy, itchy, painful places all over my body, head, back, legs, face, scalp, down my throat. It was the MOST TERRIBLE thing I've EVER experienced. I take antivirals every day; but, they haven't helped at all since 2018 through now. I've used HL30, oatmeal baths, Lydocaine burn sprays, Imodium, Benadryl, vanilla extract, hemp oil (I'm allergic 2 hemp oil), etc. & nothing has helped enough 2 help me get through the pains associated w/ Shingles. I've researched & tried so many alternative therapies; but, nothing offered more than just a very brief period of time of bearable pain.
THANK the LORD 4 this stuff!!! I was VERY skeptical that this would have any beneficial effect on the Shingles; but, BOY, was I ever surprised when it arrived this morning & I sprayed it on my scalp, nape of my neck, my back & my face where the Shingles patches were. THE PAIN & ITCHING INSTANTLY--& I MEAN INSTANTLY DISAPPEARED!!!!!!!!! I was so relieved 2 NOT B in pain & torture from the itching that I BOO HOO'D!!! The pain & itching relief has lasted for the past 8 hours. I began 2 feel the familiar "TINGLE" of the Shingles that usually foretells the coming of the itching & pain; so, I sprayed the areas again & "VOILA!!!!!" INSTANT RELIEF. It's truly a MIRACLE of NATURE 2 me!!!
I'm NOT a medical professional; so, I'm NOT promising anyone that this will work 4 them; but, it worked 4 me in a "LIFE-SAVING" way bc Shingles pain & itching is 2 much 2 bare 4 long. I was at my wit's end.
Also, it didn't have any smell.
Also, it is in a very well made spray bottle & packaged w/ padding 2 avoid breakage.
I'm allergic 2 a lot of things; so, I will update my review IF I experience any side effects; but, so far--so good!!!
CON: It is expensive; but, I will do w/o food, or something else 2 pay 4 this bc LIFE was NOT WORTH LIVING w/ the excruciating pain & incessant itching of Shingles that lasted more than 30 days the last time I had the breakouts!!!
THANK GOODNESS 4 the BRILLIANT ppl who devoted part of their lives 2 make this MIRACLE 4 me!!! They deserve a PULITZER PEACE PRIZE!!!
It’s a miracle!!
July 23, 2019
This stuff is expensive but I will never be without it. I have what I think is eczema on my lips. 3 visits to the dermatologist with no help or results. I found this stuff and decided to try it, despite the cost. I used it several times a day, for a week and my lips finally look normal again. I’m going to keep it in my purse, and spray my lips at the first sign of anything off or itchy.
Stopped my itch
July 12, 2019
I have had a very itchy torso and underarms for the past 4 years or so. It seems to be from keratoses on my skin. At least that is the case for my torso. I don’t know the cause of the itch in my underarms.
I decided to try the NANO SOMA skin spray this past winter after a family member told me about it. I applied it to my whole back and underarms (7-9sprays) every night for about 3 mos, I think. It took a while, but I decided to be diligent about it, and finally the itch was gone! It has remained that way for about 6 weeks.
My underarms started itching again just one week ago, so I have been treating them again for the past week and they are once again itch free! My recommendation is not to give up too soon. It can take some time, but it was worth it. I have had this problem for 4+ years.
Autoimmune skin rash handled!
March 13, 2019
My 5 year old son has been suffering with some yet undiagnosed autoimmune issues. When he was in flare-up, he got a strange, bumpy rash, and also had trouble healing normal cuts and scrapes. The scrape (will post photo later) was not healing (two weeks!) until I started using this. IN the first few minutes it got pretty red, like there was increased circulation. He reported a little itching at this time. The next day, however, it has shrank, and the skin was clearly healing and much less irritated. Since it had not been healing at all before, it was not "time" that did it. Only a few days of using the spray and the wound had smoothed out, and while there is still a slight superficial scar, I am positive this helped it heal quicker. We also used it on the strange bumpy rash, once I had a stash of it. IN this case, as well, the bumps were going nowhere. We tried magnesium spray, which helped a bit, but itched SO BAD that my son cried. When we instead, used the nano, though it is more pricey, the discomfort was gone and the rash flattened out within 4 days (it has been not going anywhere for months, at this point). There are still flat, white discolorations at the bump sites, but no more itching and the skin is completely healed! I will keep this in my cabinet always.
Great product...
December 20, 2018
I love this product I just started using it on a injure that happened to my thumb. I’m using NANO SOMA immune spray and I’m very happy with the results. Now I’ll try it on my thumb to help with the heeling. It’s a wonderful product I’ll share my results soon.
These consumer reviews represent a cross section of the range of results that appear to be typical with this product. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment.
It looks like it stops the rash after the first day! Wow! This is a great blessing! - E.S.
I started noticing changes with my skin the first week of using NANO SOMA. I have experienced the most amazing results regarding what I call a sun rash on my arms between my shoulders and elbows. I have been struggling with this condition for probably 12 to 15 years. So it is really quite remarkable that I'm able to take the sun now! It looks like it stops the rash after the first day! This is going to give me courage to expose my arms more and test it out! Wow! This is a great blessing!
Thank you for sharing NANO SOMA with me.
I am back on track - no sinus issues, no allergies, and I can smell! - M.R.
I have had allergies since I can remember. For years, I used to take Avil and Otrivin to manage my symptoms which included heavy, nightly congestion and uncontrollable, debilitating, sneezing bouts during the day (50-70 at a time). I took them for years as I could not sleep at night without them. I did a full allergy evaluation and it was determined I was allergic to everything. In 2010, I had nasal polyp surgery and resumed Zyrtec and Nasacort more regularly on the doctor’s orders to prevent polyps from returning. I started using NANO SOMA on July 23, 2015, and for the first 6 days I took only 3 Zyrtec tabs! And since then to date (August 28, 2016), I have not taken any Zyrtec or Nasacort. I do have mild runny nose and mild rhinitis symptoms (esp. after a glass of wine), and some nasal congestion in the mornings, but the symptoms come and go and I am able to carry on without medication. This is amazing for me after so many years of medication dependency. I lost my sense of smell several years ago, and finally my sense of smell came back! Thank you for introducing me to NANO SOMA. *Update: 1 year later: All is well and I am back on track - no sinus issues, no allergies, and I can smell (that is a mixed blessing though most days!)
I can also enjoy my wine. So thank you again!!
My family uses NANO SOMA daily for immune system support, energy, and vitality. It helps
with everything - S.B.
This is my experience using NANO SOMA for myself and my entire family. I am 35, my husband is 36, and my two daughters, ages 1 and 4. For overall wellness and immune system function: As I just described, my family uses NANO SOMA daily for immune system support, energy, and vitality. It is indispensable because it gives me peace of mind that I can naturally help enable the body's ability to heal itself and function properly. I use this for my children more than anything. It has become the most effective tool I have as a parent, aside from proper diet and exercise, to ensure their well-being. I wouldn't go a day without it, especially during cold and flu season. At the first onset of symptoms, NANO SOMA confidently bolsters our immune systems and helps us get better quickly. I truly panic when I start to run low on NANO SOMA. There is no substitute. It reliably keeps minor colds from becoming full-fledged illnesses, for my kids as well as my husband and I. We will continue to use daily for immune support. NANO SOMA -- thank you for
bringing an immense amount of holistic value to our lives! We would be lost without it. It helps
with everything I've detailed and so much more. Thanks again.
We can see remarkable progress! - V.
At the outset, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for having been kind enough to give NANO SOMA through my sister. My wife started using it only ten days ago. She has had a diabetic ulcer of the toe for at least three months, and it was showing no improvement with antibiotics or dressings. We can see remarkable progress in her toe in just a week of using NANO SOMA.
NANO SOMA is most certainly a miracle supplement in my book! - K.R.
I can't thank you enough for introducing me to NANO SOMA! It is a God-sent blessing that has helped. I met with an Orthopedic surgeon whose specialization was in Hand & Upper extremity in March, 2012, when my Trigger Thumb issue started first. He administered a corticosteroid injection into the tendon sheath to treat the thumb. The injection was very painful and the pain lasted almost 4 days before subsiding, but did heal the Trigger thumb. A year later, the trigger thumb condition returned, and this time I met with a different hand specialist since we had relocated to our current residence in between. Again in July, 2013, I was given a corticosteroid injection for treating the trigger thumb, with the same result as before - very bad pain that lasted for about 4 days but the trigger thumb became alright. Unfortunately, it returned again by December 2014 so I got one more corticosteroid injection in January, 2015. This was the last injection I was given. On my last visit, I learned that usually they treat trigger finger with corticosteroid injection 3 times, and if it returned again, surgery would be the next step. By the fall of 2015, the trigger thumb returned again. In addition, I was also experiencing a burning sensation in my left hand (paresthesia) along the index finger and knuckle. I started on NANO SOMA in mid-October, 2015. Within a few weeks, the trigger thumb had completely stopped! By the year end, I was completely free of the trigger thumb condition! The burning sensation in my left hand also started to improve. It lingered but had lessened in severity. I'm delighted to inform you that by now, my left hand has
also healed significantly! If I knit for a long time, or type a lot, it flares up a little once again, but I am hopeful that continued use of NANO SOMA will completely heal it, given the significant improvement I have experienced in my left hand so far! Thank you so much for introducing me to NANO SOMA! It has helped avoid a surgery, helped heal the paresthesia in my left hand significantly and helped improve the quality of life by not having to avoid certain activities for fear of triggering the conditions again! What can I say, NANO SOMA is most certainly a miracle supplement in my book! No pain with no side effect is impossible to beat! Thank you very much
once again for introducing me to this miracle spray!
The most amazing thing is that I do not have oral spasms in my sleep. - Commander S.M.
I wish to thank you profusely for introducing me and giving me a chance to try your wonderful product. For about four years, I had sudden Oral Spasms in my sleep, when my jaws would jerk together suddenly (like a single epileptic fit), and I would wake up in pain due to biting my upper/ lower lip, inner cheeks, etc. My solution was to have my teeth ground by the dentist, every 4-5 months, so that the teeth are blunt. That went on for 2-3 years. Then I went to a neuro-physician at the Military Hospital, and after various tests like EEG, etc., said nothing could be done except to medicate me every night so that I fell sedated and the spasms don't occur. The most amazing thing is that I do not have oral spasms in my sleep anymore!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, NANO SOMA!
I love the convenience of the nano spray! It is unlike anything I've used! - J.N.
My friend told me about NANO SOMA and shared her personal experience using it for her health issues. I was thrilled to hear about her positive results, and decided to buy a bottle to see if it could help with me. I've struggled with cold sores and canker sores for decades. After using NANO SOMA, both issues have dramatically improved! Along with helping alleviate the pain from these mouth sores, NANO SOMA has helped lessen the frequency and duration of sore outbreaks. Within minutes, I feel pain relief, and within days, the sores are gone. In fact, my dentist of 18
years was very surprised to hear that I no longer struggle as much with painful and frustrating canker sores! Before NANO SOMA, I was using Denavair prescribed by my doctor. With rising costs of prescription medication, Denavir increased from $25 to $500 for a tiny, 5-gram tube!! Furthermore, I had to continuously apply the creme-based medication, creating a wasteful and messy application. I love the convenience of the nano spray, and that it's all natural, without the harmful chemicals found in pharmaceuticals. NANO SOMA has certainly been a great, cost- effective alternative for me, while providing relief from cold and mouth sores. It is unlike anything
I've used! Thank you, NANO SOMA!
I was also surprised to see how quickly my skin improved and cleared after just three days of
using NANO SOMA. - M.
About 4 years ago, I allowed my barber to use a hair dye to blacken my hair with good quality hair color, after my haircut. Within 3-4 months, I began to have itching on my forehead and front hairline. Soon, black patches began to appear and I developed itch on my forearms. I got the Army Hospital dermatologist to give me immediate treatment. I was given a Sunscreen Lotion (SPF-15), and various skin ointments that were tried by permutation. Nothing helped. I was to use sunscreen on my face every day, before stetting out of my house, even if it was a cloudy day. I was told my own melatonin had become sensitive to the sun, and I will have to accept the situation. When I first used NANO SOMA on the black patches, I was surprised to see how quickly my skin healed! By God! After just 3 days of use, the black discoloration on my face became visibly light, and there was no itching on the face or arms. Now, the black discoloration on my forehead is completely gone, and I have been able to stop ALL my allopathic medications I’ve been taking since 2010.
Thank you, NANO SOMA!
Success with clearing skin issues! - S.B.
I have had success with clearing skin issues or shortening their duration through topical application of NANO SOMA. I had an outcrop of small warts on my index finger as some kind of immune response, and within 30 days the warts disappeared. Since, I have had one small wart appear 6-7 months later on a different part of the same finger. With the same protocol, and catching it early, that single wart was gone within 10 days. On another note, during that initial course of treatment with the small batch of warts on my finger, I also had a good size plantar wart on the bottom of my left foot for more than two years. Within that same 30-day span, it disappeared. I couldn't believe it. It was just gone one day. With cold sores, it trims the painful part of the cycle to two days, and the lesion is gone five days later. A 7-day turnaround at worst. For hand foot and mouth, it cleared
up my girls' rash within a week by just spraying it on the lesions. Thank you, NANO SOMA!
It really works! - A.K.
I want to Thank You So Much for the NANO SOMA experience! Yes, I know I was a skeptic- and it did take me years to give it a chance. But I did finally try it! It has changed my life for the better. I decided to try after seeing many others results. But most of all my granddaughter - she had pink eye and in one day, the very next day her eye was clear! Although I don't know how it works? It just does! My grandson had same thing a year ago or so and got prescribed eye drops - which resulted in over a week to clear it. So I tried NANO SOMA. Well let me tell you it really works - I
believe in it now.
I have had allergies for years and was taking allergy meds, my eyes felt dry and at times they felt like I had a film over them - I had lack of energy and also eczema. Eczema for me was very irritating - have been dealing with it for about 35 years - symptoms from itching which resulted in scratching it uncontrollably - at times making it bleed also thickening of skin and even change of color - have gone through many, many tubs of anti-itch cord ozone creams. Now I see the layers of thick skin peal away with the outcome of those areas looking and feeling normal! Had allergies for at least 7 years. Had gone through again many allergy meds- and the last few years I was taking
Benadryl allergy pills every night - Not Good to that extent.
I did not mention above that I was struggling with hypothyroid for years and taking different hormone thyroid pills. Which I felt had a negative effect on my health - meds messed up my digestion which effected my whole being. My cholesterol was high, was borderline diabetic,
developed irregular heart beat (it would skip a beat) and was susceptible to infections. I did get on a very healthy diet - Gluten free, no sugar, dairy free - pretty much and stopped all thyroid
medications 2 years prior to NANO SOMA.
My journey to healthier being.
Within days of starting NANO SOMA my energy is back - my eczema gone -
my eyes clear and clean -and my allergies no edition of other meds - no creams for eczema - wow
pretty awesome I would say - and all it took is a decision to give it a chance and trust.
I can honestly say I want to continue NANO SOMA because it's safe and I have seen and felt positive effects. I was spraying NANO SOMA on all the effected areas - now I spray 3 squirts in my mouth 2 to 3 times a day and other areas of skin and eyes as need. So Thank you again for
caring and not giving up on wanting to help me!
I progressed to using nano every day in place of supplements. - K.T.
The first time I tried NANO SOMA was when I had a sore throat and noticed it helped me recover faster. Then, I started using it when I felt run down. Eventually I progressed to using Nano every day in place of supplements. It stabilized my energy so I wouldn’t have lows during the day. I use Nano on my face because I tend to have dry skin. During certain times of the year my skin gets so dry and itchy. I started spraying Nano on it so it would soothe the itching. It was calming and
soothing after being out in the sun. It helped getting rid of sunburns quickly.
Another time we used Nano was on our vacation. My family went on a trip to Cuba with group of people with all different skin types. We spent a really long time out in the sun on the first day which caused everyone to burn to a certain extent. My fair-skinned friend turned bright red. I sprayed the burnt part of her skin with Nano for a couple days. The burn calmed down and she
didn’t peel. We found it best to use on clean skin after coming in from the sun.
Using Nano for my kids:
The biggest one that sold a lot of people was my daughter’s pink eye.
Five days prior to the pink eye, my daughter was really sick. She had extreme sore throat, congestion in nose but no fever. She was gargling with salt water and spraying Nano in her throat. As the sore throat went away, she woke up with pink eye in just the left eye. We decided to try
spraying Nano in her eye to see if it would help.
We noticed after 10-15 minutes after spraying in the affected eye, the area around the eye would become red, and she felt a warm, tingling sensation around that area. I used chamomile tea bags and coconut oil after the Nano spray to combat the skin response. The redness would fade away within an hour but return at next administration of spray. This only happened to the affected left eye. I recall using the spray on my daughter’s foot last year for a bee sting. Her foot began to swell a bit and turn purple after using Nano, then it became normal the next day. This was a similar
reaction she experienced when Nano began to pull out the toxins.
The first day her eye began to ooze and drain out. Within 24 hours, it was gone. We used about 15
sprays in her eyes over 24 hours.
The next day her other eye started to look like pink eye, but it really looked more like irritation from blowing her nose. From day one, we were spraying it in the unaffected (right) eye to be cautionary. The thing I loved about it was that it didn’t spread much from eye to eye, and it didn’t spread to the whole house! One other person always seems to get contact it and that didn’t happen
this time.
I haven't had more than one cold sore for an entire year...after 30 years of getting them!
My family calls this magic in a bottle. About a year ago, my two little ones and myself contracted hand, foot, and mouth disease at the same time. We were miserable with itching and pain from blisters. During this time, I was introduced to NANO SOMA. I sprayed it directly onto the blisters on my children and myself. I was a bit skeptical at first. We're an organic family and I'm not one to just use anything, especially on my children, because it will make them/us feel better. Immediately,
our blisters started drying up and there was little to no itching...we were in heaven. Of course
I wanted to know what else this would help with in our family.
My daughter (2 years old at the time) developed a rash from a reaction to a food. We sprayed it
over her rash and it eliminated all issues (rash disappeared and my daughter wasn't itchy).
For most of my life, I have had cold sores on my lips. I've always been hesitant in taking a daily pill to prevent them and have preferred a naturalistic approach. Cold sores are tingly, painful and embarrassing. The minute I get a tingle on my lips, I spray Nano. I haven't had more than one cold
sore for an entire year...after 30 years of getting them! AMAZING.
Any time my children (ages 7 and 3) are starting to get sick (runny nose or sore throat) with a cold, I spray it directly in their mouths to completely stop the cold from coming. I've done the same for
myself, but I rarely get sick.
I climbed all the way in the Oregon Caves. - G.B.
This is my important synopsis after having NANO SOMA. My arthritis trouble disappeared after taking NANO SOMA, and I was able to climb up and down the stairs and the great one is I climbed all the way in Oregon Caves. Even when I get pain in my leg or abdomen I spray directly on the skin, wherever the pain is on that part and I am relieved. Anything on my skin - mosquito bite or boil or any eruptions - I spray on that area and it disappears. Any small cuts or wounds I use NANO SOMA. I thank the NANO SOMA inventor and I am grateful to Tinny and Nithasha.
Thank you.
I applied two sprays of NANO SOMA to the wound on my left foot, and I was immediately pain
free for 12 hours. - S.H.
I am pleased to share with you my experience with the NANO SOMA spray. In late 2015, during a four month period of immobility while recovering from knee surgery, I developed several open wounds on both of my legs. The more severe wounds were on my left leg, and although I was treated and discharged twice by a local hospital's Wound Care department, one persistent wound on the sole of my left foot never completely healed. It continued to weep fluid, and often opened to the
point where I was near nine on the pain scale.
Now 15 months later, on January 19, 2017, I applied two sprays of NANO SOMA to the wound on my left foot, and I was immediately pain free for 12 hours. The pain returned briefly, with less
intensity, and eventually went away completely.
I had just been seen by a lymphedema specialist, a nurse who expressed concern over the lingering wound on January 17, but was delighted one week later to see how it was beginning to heal, five days after applying NANO SOMA. A photo of the wound was taken five days after two sprays of
NANO SOMA was applied. The wound is closing and the pain is gone!
Thank you for providing this miraculous, essential product.
Sincerely, SH
My rheumatoid and osteoarthritis related swelling and aches in my joints, especially my feet,
hips, shoulders and hands, have eased! - M.T.
I would like to express my gratitude to NANO SOMA for the beneficial results I've had using it in just a short period. Before starting my daily morning sprays into my mouth, about 3-4 squirts, I had suffered a year of rhinitis and sinus related problems, which include sneezing attacks of 10 to 15 sneezes in bouts that occurred throughout the day, normally up to 5 times. Now, after three weeks, I hardly ever sneeze, and if I do it never is more than two or three sneezes once a day. I'm not sure why and how I've had such a remarkable improvement with the use of NANO SOMA, but it certainly makes my days more bearable. Related to all this is my nighttime snoring and regular coughing, probably due to the stuffiness and mucus, have been notably reduced to only occasional snoring which is not as annoying as it used to be and with very little coughing now, which my partner is also very happy about since it had made uninterrupted sleeping through the night only a dream before as I'd snore and cough so frequently that neither of us slept well. Another benefit I've noticed from my daily NANO SOMA sprays is that my rheumatoid and osteoarthritis related
swelling and aches in my joints, especially my feet, hips, shoulders and hands, have eased, even the ongoing sense of having excessively warm feet and hands has become less noticeable. What's more, this last week I caught a bronchial cold, and what would normally have lasted two or more weeks was over after about 5 days. I attribute all these improvements to the effectiveness of NANO SOMA, and having tried both OTC and prescription medicine in the past. This is really wonderful because I truly want to limit the medicine I have to take if it's possible, I prefer to treat conditions in the most natural ways without the added side effects of medicines. The only thing I would say on a constructive side is the undefinable taste of NANO SOMA, which I suggest should have a
more desirable flavor. Thank you so very much!
After a few weeks of spraying NANO SOMA into my mouth every morning upon waking up, I feel
no more sensitive stomach symptoms. - E.P.
When I started using NANO SOMA, I had an ongoing phlegmatic problem that caused an annoying need to clear my throat by coughing and swallowing, but after about one week of using NANO SOMA, I noticed a definitive reduction in my needing to clear my throat as well as not having that horrible coughing, which as a smoker I appreciate greatly. After about three weeks now, the phlegm in the back of my throat is practically gone. In addition to this, I noticed that my early morning sensitive stomach, linked to my throat problem, has diminished and I can have coffee and breakfast without feeling a nauseous lack of appetite. It used to be difficult for me to eat something in the morning, but after a few weeks of spraying NANO SOMA into my mouth every morning upon waking up, I feel no more sensitive stomach symptoms and can enjoy breakfast without feeling the queasiness of a tight stomach or having digestive problems. Before using NANO SOMA, I had tried pharmaceuticals for both my throat and stomach but found them futile as they only temporarily camouflaged my symptoms, which were replaced by other symptoms such as
dizziness and fatigue or later came back much worse as soon as I stopped using them. NANO SOMA is a very easy spray to use and has truly been wonderful for me. This last week, I have had a cold which has not gone into a full bloom bronchial condition as usual when I get sick, in fact, it has been only a little sensitive throat and a bit of blowing my nose with hardly any coughing. I have spoken to friends about NANO SOMA and they are already looking for it! It's natural and
easy to use, no side effects and it works! A great discovery for me!
From: "JM" <[email protected]>
Date: January 15, 2010 4:26:41 AM EST
To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Subject: WOW
I took one dose tonight at 6:30 pm. I have not been to bed yet (it’s now 4:30 am)!! I have been working straight through, not tired in the least. Did not take coffee or tea or caffeine tonight. This is an incredible effect. I did experience the “mind-opening” in the first 4 minutes as well.
From: Dipak <[email protected]>
Subject: My Knee Pain
Date: August 14, 2013 at 2:49:37 PM EDT To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan;
I want to let you know how your Metadichol has helped me personally.
I am a 58 years old male in very good overall health. I have rarely had a need to take any medication in past 30+ years. Whenever I feel ill, I allow my body to work through it by modifying my lifestyle or food and sleep habits.
So when I started feeling pain in both my knees about three years ago, I stubbornly refused to go and see the doctor for it despite my wife's repeated pleadings. But this knee pain was getting worse by the week. By now I had began to feel excruciating pain climbing stairs up or down. I have a family history of arthritis with my father and grand father so I knew what was inevitably happening to me.
About 2 months ago, I decided to try the Metadichol that my father has been taking for the past 3 years. I took three sprays twice a day for about three days. To my astonishment, by the third day I was able to run up or down the stairs without any pain.
Since then, I have taken Metadichol two or three times whenever I feel the resurgence of pain. My knees are fine and I no longer feel the pain walking or running.
Thank you for a wonderful elixir. Best Regards,
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Metadichol observation
Date: July 2, 2012 10:36:05 PM EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
I write to inform you of an interesting observation made when using Metadichol personally.
Although I had been previously active in keeping my upper body relatively strong throughout the years, I never placed any focus on leg strength training.
While living in China some months ago, I joined a health club and hired a personal trainer. As you may know, the availability of the equipment at these clubs is inconsistent, due to the number of users currently on their favorite machines. This gym in China was no different; crowded and uneven usage of equipment. Out of simple frustration, I started to use the equipment that was most available. Since the young Chinese men liked to concentrate on building their biceps for the ladies, by default the leg equipment usually stood idle.
Please note that I was 55 years old at the time of these events, and had not been actively exercising for over a decade. Since the leg press was almost always available at this gym, I tried it out.
After two or three sessions over the period of two weeks using very light weights, one evening I found myself once again back on this machine since all of the other equipment was in use. Fortunately, this machine required the individual disk weights which can be added on at will and were readily available on a nearby rack. So it was a complete surprise to me when I started to use the leg press machine and found myself, after three sessions, repeatedly piling on weights until I was using ALL of the available free disk weights in the gym. The first time, and every subsequent time I did this, I would actually have a crowd form around me to watch, as if I was some kind of record breaker. This got the attention of my trainer, who said he had never seen anyone leg press that much weight in that gym before.
Now, I am sure this is absolutely nothing to brag about in serious gyms in the US, but after warming up, I was leg pressing 400 lbs on each leg for a total of 800 lbs simultaneously with both legs. I would press this weight about ten times with very little strain. This was a noteworthy event in this particular gym in China, where most of the young bucks were working on buffing up their arms. I wanted to lift more, but I was using all of the available free weights. Two weeks prior to this, I had never used a leg press, and never used weights to strengthen my legs. I have never been a runner or jogger, and would walk only when necessary, but probably not more than a mile per week. While living in China, I had a personal chauffeur, and there was no need to walk anywhere. Only when I started taking Metadichol a couple of months prior to this did my energy pick up, and surprisingly the strength along with it. Coming back home to America, I have found that I am able to lift a noticeable increased amount of weight in my home gym now. Muscle soreness is minimal, and recovery seems faster than before regular Metadichol use.
I have moved back to the US now, but I can thank Metadichol for making me a temporary celebrity in China at that gym!
JM, Ph.D.
From: "JM" [email protected]>
Date: January 24, 2010 9:54:53 PM EST
To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Subject: RE: My father
My wife also wanted to increase her dose starting yesterday, so I told her to go ahead and double it. One sign that something is happening is that my appetite is definitely increasing, which is a good signal (as long as I control caloric intake, of course). Every person in the company upon seeing me has mentioned that I lost weight from before using it, and I have not been dieting. Mood seems definitely affected.
What effects are you seeing regarding mental acuity? JM
JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Observation; pain reduction
Date: July 16, 2012 12:04:22 AM EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
Just a quick note to inform you of some interesting observations made regarding the use of your Metadichol.
About a year ago, my wife (active at age 55) began to complain often of pain in her left hand and wrist. Around the house, she was often dropping items such as bottles, and was increasingly growing weaker in her left hand due to the pain and favoring it from general gripping motions. This progressed to the point where I found her routinely unable to hold simple items such as a drinking glass due to the discomfort she was experiencing. At around the same time, she had been diagnosed as having osteoarthritis in that hand by a hand surgeon, confirming our fears that this may become a progressively worse situation for her. He stated that there was no real treatment outside of surgery that he could recommend except the typical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which my wife was very reluctant to take on an ongoing basis. At my suggestion, she started taking Metadichol at the rate of one teaspoon per morning. The premise for her agreeing to take the Metadichol was the increase in energy that I had noticed when taking it myself. I
intentionally did not mention potential pain reduction, but I just wanted to quietly monitor her actions and the level and frequency of her complaints about discomfort.
Ironically, after one week, her complaints of hand pain decreased by about one-half. After three weeks, she complained only when gripping a relatively heavy item such as a large frying pan. After week five, her high frequency of pain complaints throughout the day had been reduced to only occasional moments when she had strained the hand.
This is remarkable to me, since she before using Metadichol, she would actually wince with hand pain throughout the day even when not using that hand. After four weeks on the treatment, there was a significant decrease in my observed incidents of her discomfort. I tried to make this an objective experiment as much as possible by not planting an expected outcome in her mind. I, as well as she, was pleasantly surprised.
She has subsequently undergone excision arthroplasty to rebuild her thumb joint of the hand that was giving her the trouble, and the recovery period was much faster than anyone expected. She is now pain free in that hand, and her energy level is also noticeably improved.
JM Ph.D.
From: AS <[email protected]>
Subject: Metadichol
Date: May 16, 2014 at 9:53:53 AM EDT
To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Symptoms that I had:
Persistent cough over 9 months. Was taking cough suppressants, 200 Apo-Salvent CFC free, 120 Flovent HFA and also tried antihistamine and other home remedies.
Started taking Metadichol, twice a day, (5 sprays) on April 5th, 2014.
Now, May 16th, I am cough free. I am continuing the Metadichol, once a day, for Acid Reflux symptoms. The incidents are not occurring at the same frequency.
Shall monitor my progress, avoid Fluoride Toothpaste and let you know.
Thank you Raghu for this amazing immune boosting stuff. Pretty effective!
With love and warmest regards to Chitra and you
From: Terry <[email protected]>
Subject; Results of medication
Date: March 17, 2013 5:53:38 PM EDT To: Raghu
On 3-15-13 I began treatment with your medication Metadichol 5 sprays per day . On starting my blood sugar level was 256 which is average for me. The morning after i.e 16th march my level was 156. I took a second treatment the night of 3-16 without my levimere insulin. The following morning 3-17-13 my blood sugar level was 97.
I have been diabetic my whole life and cannot remember a time my blood sugar was this low.
I have been under treatment for type II diabetes for approximately 15 years. I currently take the following medications:
Leximere in flex pen dosage 38
I am amazed with the results And I thank you for the opportunity to take this medication. Nothing else has shown any results.
North Haven CT
From: TF<[email protected]>
Subject: Tooth extraction
Date: May 23, 2013 12:05:29 PM EDT
To: Raghu
Sorry I could not respond yesterday but I was tied up all day in meetings. On 5-20 I had 4 teeth extracted. A very painful process but with MetadicholI had no pain at all !!! The following day the Dentist was surprised and told me that he has never witnessed such a quick healing process and told me that everything was in good order, with remarkable healing in the areas where the teeth had been extracted and I did not need any antibiotics. My blood pressure is now 113/79.
Thank you for the additional sample you dropped off with Katrina
New Haven Connecticut 06510
From: [email protected]
Subject: Bell’s Palsy
Date: May 23, 2013 2:33:17 PM EDT To: "Palayakotai Raghavan"
Dear Raghu:
Last year when I woke up on Thanksgiving day, 2012, I noticed my right cheek looked swollen and it was like I had some dental work done. My teeth were all good. I decided to go to the emergency the next day not knowing what and why it was. I was diagnosed with having Bell's Palsy. The doctor prescribed an anti-viral drug and a steroid. I refused to take either of them. I applied Metadichol gel. I had some for about a week and it started getting better and in about four weeks I became normal. Metadichol gel works wonders!
Thanks, Raghu again
Portland Oregon USA
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: Heel pain
Date: August 29, 2012 9:40:56 AM EDT
To: Dr P R Raghavan
THE FOLLOWING IS REALLY AMAZING. My wife and I suffer from intense foot pain. I told her to try the gel on her foot since I saw a definite decrease in pain myself. She was in a lot of pain and simply did not want to believe that it would help at all. Well, look what she thinks now. This is a woman who is not easily convinced. Overnight, her opinion reversed. When I saw her at breakfast this morning, she was like a new person. She wrote her thoughts to me below. This is no joke or wishful thinking.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "EM" <[email protected]> Date: Aug 29, 2012 9:09 AM Subject: Heel pain
To: "Joseph Marasco"
After swimming in the pool yesterday, my heel ( plantar fasciitis) was very painful. I was very skeptical when you told me you applied the Metadichol to your heel because of pain and you told me it helped. I put the Metadichol gel on my heel last night before I went to bed and woke up this morning with no pain. I am truly amazed. Even when I pressed my heel with my fingers, there was no ache. I've also noted an improvement of my facial complexion, which seems to be much smoother. Please thank Raghu!!
Your loving wife.
Sent from my iPad
From: AF <[email protected]>
Date: January 11, 2016 at 3:27:40 PM EST To: pr raghavan
Subject: Spray
Hello Raghu,
I hope all is well and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I wanted to reach out to let you know that after a couple of months on Metadichol, I have noticed an incredible difference in how I feel and my energy level! Brian is taking it daily now, too, and both of us have said that we haven't felt this good in years. Our energy level is up and we simply feel "better".. not quite sure how else to explain it!!
I was hoping you may consider sending us more, as we have seen and are now hooked on the affects of taking it daily. Would that be possible? My parents are also driving down in early Feb if it would be easier to give to them and they can bring with them.
Please let me know your thoughts.
This has really helped me and I am so grateful to you. Thank you
From: US<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Metadichol
Date: January 31, 2014 at 2:39:15 PM EST To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Dear Dr raghavan ,
Sorry could not write earlier. I was busy. Please find the details about my father’s health condition and how Metadichol changed his health issues. He was suffering from viral Rat fever (Leptospirosis) initially from Dec 1st till 25th. It got prolapsed, which led to infection between the small & large intestine and a resultant puss was collected between the small & large intestine. Overall puss collected was approximately 1500 ml. The doctor performed a procedure to drain out the puss from his body till January 4th 2014. Investigation on the bacteria content of the puss and other tests were carried out, which concluded infection (leptospirosis).
After consulting your friend Venkat in Chennai on January 4th, he suggested using your medicine Metadichol. We got a sample and sprayed it into my father’s mouth as per your indication, thrice a day beginning January 4th. After 2 days the fever reduced and his temperature normalized to 98.6 on January 6th. On 9th Jan 2014, puss collection was still there and they removed by minor operation.
On 11th Jan 2014, they did a ct. scan and said puss is not there. On 15th he was discharged from hospital with the bag for collecting puss. On 24th Jan 2014, his bag was removed and the doctor said he is now fully recovered.
After having Metadichol, his puss collection was reduced/ It was a drastic change and by God’s grace your medicine made a miracle in our life. My father is back home and working and continuing your medicine till now. I think Metadichol did wonder in our life.
Thank you so much for your help and kindness.
You have saved my father’s life & our lives.
Read about Leptospirosis at
From: Dipak <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:53 PM Subject: Testimonial
To: raghu
Patient: Male, Age 84 April 2012
Patient was diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma, a non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), in December 2007 in the lower half of his left lung.
Patient smoked a pack a day of Indian Bidis for 30 years from age 17 to 48. He also smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day for another 22 years. He gave up smoking at the age of 70. He was diagnosed with and has been treated for emphysema since age 65. His lungs were constantly stuffy. He suffered from chronic coughing and coughed all day long.
He was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007.
He went through a first round of chemo and radiation therapy in 2008. He was again treated with chemo and radiation in 2009. In 2010, he underwent only chemotherapy. Up to this point, the cancer did not appear to have spread from the original location.
A pet scan in late 2010 showed that the cancer had spread to lymph nodes in the right lung. He underwent chemotherapy in March 2011. He also started a Metadichol therapy at 80 mgs per day beginning on April 22nd, 2011.
Results with Metadichol treatment:
During his previous chemo and radiation therapies, he experienced typical reaction to such therapies. During the therapy, he;
Lost appetite Lost weight
Became physically weak Experienced constipation Had difficulty in breathing
Unlike his previous chemotherapies, he did not experience any of the typical symptoms during and after chemotherapy in 2011. He maintained his appetite and weight. His energy level was far better compared to previous treatments. His constipation was very mild with use of Metadichol.
Overall, he went through a therapy without feeling any discomfort. Moreover, two remarkable improvements were noticed in his health. In the past, his WBC count went down significantly during the chemotherapy. During his 2011 therapy, his WBC level remained within normal range for a longer period and bounced back faster during the break in therapy. Another remarkable improvement was noticed with his lungs. His lungs, which were chronically congested for more than 20 years cleared up in August, 2011. His chronic cough completely disappeared after two weeks with Metadichol.
Left Lung tumor
Pet scan in March 2011 showed a left lung tumor with a size of 10.5 mm and chemo commenced.
The Pet scan in June 2011at the end of chemotherapy showed that the left lung tumor had grown from 10.5 mm to 17.4 mm (growth of 65.7%).
Metadichol treatment began at 80 mgs per day.
Pet scan in October showed that it had grown to 19.2 mm (growth of 9.3 % from June 2011). Pet scan in December showed that the tumor was 19.2 mm (zero % growth from October 2010
Pet scan in April 2012 showed that the tumor had completely disappeared and the area of the tumor clean
Right lung Tumor
A tumor of size 5.4 mm was seen before chemo began in March 2011. In June 2011 after Chemo the size had increased to 9.3mm (69% growth). In October it had increased to 21.1 mm (growth of 130%). In December 2011 it had grown to 12.3 mm (12.3 % growth). In April 2012 the size decreased to 6.8 mm (a negative growth rate of 50%)
His Chemotherapy was stopped in June 2011 and he continues to be on Metadichol @ 80 mg per day. As of April 19, 2013, all his biomarkers have improved. He is feeling normal and his quality of life is better than it has been in past two decades.
One of the main reasons for his improved quality of life has been the improvement of his lungs. His chronic chest congestion has almost disappeared. This allows him to breathe better and use less energy to carry out his daily routine.
He continues to take his COPD medications but has been able to reduce the dosages by 20%. He has stopped all of his hypertension and diabetic medications completely since early 2012. At 86, a 30 years COPD patient and a 5+ years lung cancer survivor, he is remarkably independent and self-sufficient. His doctors are amazed at his resilience and consider a miracle. We know this would not have been possible without the help of Metadichol.
Thank you, Dr. Raghavan.
Subject: Esi testimonial
Date: November 1, 2016 at 00:15:32 EDT
To: SS <[email protected]>
Wow! This is a great blessing! Thank you and please thank your father for me too! I couldn't get out there today but hope to get the protein powder tomorrow. As far as the Nano goes, I have experienced the most amazing results regarding what I call a sun rash on my arms between my shoulders and elbows. The dermatologist told me it's a rare condition where the sun penetrates below the epidermal level and adversely affects the nerves. With very little exposure to the Sun, my arms would get these little pustules the size of a pinhead , with intense itching. The itch is inside not on top of the skin and the more you itch it the worse it becomes, to the point of a red hard crusty skin if you scratch it. The itch is so intense it will wake you in the middle of the night. I have had to keep my arms always covered if I am in the Sun, no matter how hot it is outside, and that has made it quite unpleasant to live in San Diego with its intense heat. I have had this condition around 15 years.
Typically the doctor prescribes Gabapentin 600 mg for this condition, but I never took it.
I've also been spraying the Nano on a cluster of warts that grew up on top of my ankle. It has dried them up and they are much better, though not yet gone. I spray the Nano on my neck as I have
bright red skin which is not a sunburn and won't go away. It has developed into a deeper darker red over more space of skin over the years. Now spraying the Nano on it, the area is smaller and the red is not nearly as bright. It is definitely improving my neck. Again, it took many years for my neck to develop like this and I have only been spraying the Nano on it since August. I'm also spraying it on my eyes everyday because I have cataracts and the beginning signs of macular degeneration. So I'm hoping Nano will help these conditions. I spray Nano in my mouth also because I have Barrett's esophagus. I don't know whether it is related to the Nano, but I have been able to decrease the medicine I take for GERD to once a day instead of twice!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: JM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:56 AM Subject: One dog's surprising turnaround To: Dr P R Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
My wife and I adopted our son's dog named "Miles" about 6 months ago in January 2012, as our son was moving into an apartment that had a dog restriction. Miles is about 9 years old, and is a beagle and corgi mixed breed, 40 lbs, and a very mild mannered, non-aggressive and loving dog. His tests for Lyme disease have been negative. We treat our dogs as family members, and want to make sure that they have a safe and comfortable life in our household.
Miles had what appeared to be arthritis in one of his hind legs, and would get around by hobbling on his other three legs about 75% of the time, but the condition appeared to be worsening and his other hind leg was also giving him problems. He did not run. Upon taking him in, we thought his health would steadily go downhill to the point where he would need to be euthanazed, and we were expecting to have to proceed with that unpleasant event within a year.
I started giving Miles two small doses per week of Metadichol about two months ago. The doses were about one-fourth of a teaspoon of your liquid formulation, mixed in his normal food. There was no hesitation on his part to eat the dosed food, thereby suggesting that he was not able to detect any adverse odor or flavor.
Almost immediately, Miles' activity level picked up. Where five months ago he would not be able to take a walk on a leash outside, he now actively is walking, running and jumping. He now greets me by standing up on his back legs! He looks forward to daily walks.
I was told by his vet at a recent checkup in June 2012 that, exact quote: "there is nothing wrong with his joints." When playing with other dogs outdoors (we have four dogs), he is able to run and keep up with the fastest.
This is a startling turnaround in his behavior, and friends and family who know Miles are stunned by his transformation. What only a few months ago was a dog that had to slowly limp to his water bowl is now outside chasing squirrels like a hound, and outrunning his younger peers. If nothing else, your product has given a new lease on an active life for Miles.
Regards, JM Ph.D.
Subject: Some observations
Date: September 30, 2012 at 23:59:55 EDT To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Some recent observations regarding the use of Metadichol gel:
1. Used on my 18-month old rotator cuff shoulder injury. Normal state was a steady-state of chronic pain, worsening to the point where it was challenging to pick up a coffee cup (this coming from a prior background of >30 years of routine daily exercise including weight training, which I had to cease after the injury). Pain seemed to decrease perhaps 10-20% after three weeks of nightly application on affected area of shoulder, and application continues.
2. My wife, an active woman of 57, developed severe pantar fasciitis, where the heel of her right foot was very painful to walk on, and she had to cancel attending her normal bi-weekly exercise class after 25 years due to the pain. Nightly application of the gel on her heel has given noticeable relief from the pain, and the difference after the first night's application was striking.
3. Also now treating my own severe plantar faciitis daily in both feet with Metadichol gel with very good effect. In my own experience, the initial reduction of pain was not as striking as my wife's, but now after two weeks the pain has subsided noticeable (estimate 50% decrease in discomfort and continues to improve).
4. My wife has been using the gel on her face for 2 weeks, and has noticed a rapid definite improvement in skin tone and smoothness, and is now applying the gel to other areas of her body such as neckline and arms.
5. We are now treating our family dog with gel as well, applying it to a fatty benign tumor that he's had for several years. Treatment continues now after two weeks and I will revert with further observations in due course.
JM Ph.D.
CEO (ret.), Chiral Quest Corp.
[email protected]
From: "JM" <[email protected]>
Date: April 12, 2010 1:56:04 AM EDT To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Subject: update
Another testimonial: My mother told me last weekend that she “hasn’t had this much energy in
two years” as she does now after taking the Raghu Juice. JM PhD
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: Taz
Date: September 26, 2013 at 21:58:55 EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
Tazzy is a 14 year old Pomeranian with the kindest and most expressive disposition out of any of the many dogs we have raised. People say that he should be brought to nursing homes to snuggle and cheer up the residents that have little outside contact with the world. This photo is of Taz just as he was starting to become ill. It's worth taking a close look at the expression in his eyes by expanding the picture.
Taz's kidneys had started to fail. We found this out after noticing that his behavior had changed from the frisky, bouncy, perpetually moving little ball of fur to a depressed and constantly tired shell of the dog he once was. This change happened over a one month timeframe. Taz was brought to the vet for blood tests, which then confirmed the beginning of kidney failure. This was
a death sentence, which we had sadly seen with a couple of our dogs in the past. The only realistic path forward leads to euthanasia. Usually the dogs with failing kidneys begin to sleep much more than usual, and lose any liveliness they usually have. They appear to be in constant discomfort, and begin to refuse to eat. Taz showed all of these symptoms in the matter of a few weeks, and lost so much weight (almost two pounds off of an eight pound dog!) that his ribs became prominent and were easily felt even under all of that fur. At the rate of this decline, it looked like that final trip to the animal hospital would be upon him within the next month.
With knowledge of the human responses seen with patients that had been treated with Metadichol, Taz was given a daily dose of about 3 mg in solution, sprayed onto his food each morning. On the
third day after treatment started, a miracle in the making became apparent. His tail wagged again for the first time in weeks. He ran again for the first time in weeks. After one week of treatment, he began to act hungry once again and his food consumption doubled. Now, after 4 weeks of treatment, he is acting normal once again, is hungry like he should be, and runs and plays with the other 3 dogs, his "cousins," that live in the same home with him. More blood tests will follow and we will compare the data.
If nothing else, with or without test data, it became obvious just after the third day of treatment that this tiny, gentle and loving dog was actually behaving like he felt better. Much better. Just this effect alone is incredible. I bet Taz would agree. You can see it in his once again wagging little tail.
--JM Ph.D.
Extend Your Dog’s Life Posted on February 14, 2015
Our dog ages and we know the inevitable outcome. It is a trip to the vet and a long sad time after the dog has passed. However, it may be possible to extend the life of your dog. Our dog Sophie, 13, had a really tough time in the spring of 2014. It began with a urinary tract infection and resulting liver and kidney issues. After increasing the amount of vitamin D, sulfate as MSM, NAC, and changing the type of food she recovered. However, she was not the playful dog that we had known. In late November, we begin to supplement her diet with
two sprays of Metadichol on her food. She has now returned to her old self and has become very playful. Also, as I have described in an earlier post, her lipomas are shrinking.
Sophie is now jumping up on the coach again. An act she had not been able to do before the use of Metadichol. She also continues to get much more playful. I never thought we would ever see her act like a puppy again.
From: "Prof. B M Hegde" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> Subject: My Malaria recently
Date: May 8, 2013 10:19:49 AM EDT
To: raghu
Dear Raghu,
I had a severe bout of mixed malaria while I was on lecture tour of Doha, Qatar. Though I was on Metadichol I was surprised that I got malaria, but the saving grace is the recovery was so swift that it even surprised me! Could we attribute it to Metadichol?
Professor B M Hegde,
MD, PhD, FRCP (Lond, Edin, Glasg, & Dublin), FACC, FAMS
Padma Bhushan Awardee 2010
Cardiologist & Former Vice Chancellor, Manipal University.
From: Divya [email protected]
Subject: Metadichol
Date: July 7, 2016 at 11:28:21 AM EDT To:JR [email protected]
Hello Doctor,
I am 36 yrs old. I wanted to inform you that I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis last August . I had lot of ulcers and erosion, so my doctor had put me on Mesalamine enema and Mesacol OD 1.2 gm. After using that my ulcers were completely gone and enema was stopped. I was advised to have only one tablet daily. I have been using the tablet since then and I have relief from that. But the problem is that erosion keeps coming back when I have erosion I get loose stools and bleeding.
I met doctor JITENDRA regarding my tooth problem when I told him about my problem he advised me to use Metadichol spray and he briefed me about the advantages of using that and there would be no side effects. I have been using this spray from past one and half months. I started using the spray in middle of May and there are lot of changes in my health. Before using the spray I had done sigmodoscopy and I had erosion and I had bleeding in my stool. Now everything has come under control and my doctor has stopped the tablets and put me on Mesalamine suppository because I had one ulcer.
By using Metadichol spray I can feel changes in myself; my energy level has increased and my one bottle of spray is over and I have found lot of difference. Thanks for introducing me to the spray.
Thanks and regards
Male 56 years
From: MM <[email protected]>
Subject: R: experiences with gel
Date: October 3, 2012 8:47:15 AM EDT To: "'Palayakotai Raghavan'"
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
Dear Dr Raghavan
"I had on the internal skin layer of my ears (both) a continuous overproduction of skin. This was lasting from many years (more than 30 years) . Application of cortisone cream had a temporary success but with time the skin overproduction came back often in association with personal stress
situations at work. After a few overnight applications (3-5 times) of the Metadichol Gel ( just a thin layer) the skin returned to normal without exfoliation."
In addition "I had on the sole of my right foot a wart (3-4 mm in diameter) which produced at regular timeframes (many months) a very hard skin spherical particle (about 3-4 mm in diameter), which was very painful, particularly during jogging. Mechanical removal solved the problem until the next occurrence. In any case, the skin around the wart was quite callous. I applied the gel overnight for one week and most of the wart has disappeared (about 95%) and the skin around it is now very smooth. Most probably in a second treatment time of about one week, the wart will disappear completely." Will keep you posted.
M. M., Ph.D...
Female 56 years old . This e-mail is from her husband
From: JM <[email protected]>
Subject: a morning revelation
Date: August 20, 2012 8:25:53 AM EDT To: Dr P R Raghavan
My wife woke up and shouted to me when I was in the kitchen having coffee and she was up in the bedroom. I thought something was wrong, so I ran up. She had an intense tone to her voice, and she said her face is "different." She had been using your Metadichol gel for two consecutive nights. "The small bumps and clogged pores are just gone. All I can say is WOW!!!
JM; Ph.D.
Male 60 years old
I had a cyst in my left nostril for over 6 months that wouldn’t disappear with antibiotic creams. I applied the Gel yesterday night in my left nostril and this morning it was completely gone. My ENT doctor who is a friend of ours wants to know what I used as he sees such cases regularly.
Male 60 years old
On August 16th (Thursday) after playing intense indoor games at my gym for 3 hours I had sprained my right knee. When I got up on Friday (17th) morning, I found that the right knee was swollen and I could not bend or put weight on my right knee
I limped downstairs and applied Metadichol gel and rested. Getting up and walking with my right leg was a problem. I applied the gel every 3 hours around the right knee and around 2 PM, I was able to tolerate some weight and walk around limping without any discomfort. By this time all the pain had gone. Before this my right leg I could bend and touch my butt. At 2 PM, I could only bend about 25%. I applied gel again and at 6 PM I found that I could walk and bend my knee about 50%. Saturday 18th August, I can walk freely and run as well and I can bend my knee to about 80% but still cannot reach and touch my butt with my right knee.
Sunday 19th of August, my knee is back to normal and I can bend all the way and touch my butt !! One thing I noticed was that on Friday, my body was warm as I was recovering, indicating some sort of immune response to the injury.
Male 60 years old
I had 3 painful corns on my toes for the last few years and it used to be uncomfortable after my exercise or jogging.
I applied the gel for 4 days a small amount twice a day. I was able to use a nail clipper and cut it off without pain !! . What I noticed is that all the dead cells accumulated and was very soft ( as opposed to it being hard before the gel use). What I see now is clean toes and no hint of a pre existing corn !!
Normally I would scrub with a skin abrasive to reduce the size and it would grow back and when I used the skin abrasive it would cause pain.
Normally if something touches my toes, there would be a sensation of pain and now it is completely gone. Today for the first time I was able to go jogging and exercise without any discomfort. It is now 8 weeks and have not used the gel so far the corn has not regrown.
Female 54 years old
rom: " El" <[email protected]
Subject: Metadichol gel
Date: October 6, 2012 8:45:24 AM EDT
To: "Nanorx"
Dear Dr Raghavan
The Metadichol gel that you gave me had many exceptional effects on facial skin, as it has significantly reduced facial wrinkles especially around the mouth and eyes. In fact, I received several compliments from my friends in the social circle about my rejuvenated skin. The creme's effects are also immediate, indeed I used it for only two weeks. My daughter used the Metadichol gel only 3 times on a labial Herpes with an immediate disappearing of the problem that had persisted fro many months. Thank you Dr. Raghavan
Best regards Francesca
Female 55 years old
-----Original Message-----
From:[email protected] [mailto:tinny@<[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 06:00 PM
To: 'Palayakotai Raghavan'
Subject: Metadichol Gel
Dr. Raghavan
I had chest pain and right behind the chest on my back. So went to immediate care clinic two weeks back. Doctor after taking all the tests including EKG, blood test etc. She said the chest pain
is because the cartilage of the rib cage is inflamed, diagnosed it to be Costochondritis which is a benign inflammation of the costal cartilage, which is a length of cartilage which connects each rib, except the eleventh and twelfth, to the sternum. It causes pain in the chest that can be reproduced by pressing on the affected area between the ribs. This pain can be excruciating, especially after rigorous exercise. Costochondritis symptoms can be similar to the chest pain associated with
a heart attack. Unexplained chest pain is considered a medical emergency until cardiac issues can be ruled out. The doctor gave me prescription strength ibuprofen. I was not excited about taking this and I applied Metadichol gel a few times (over the last 2 weeks) and I have now no pain in the chest area, only slight pain in the back and I am continuing to apply Metadichol gel which has greatly reduced my back pain. I hope to be free of this in the coming weeks.
Mrs Oky
Female 48 years old
Dr Raghavan
I had constant pain on the back of my palm for the last few months. After applying Metadichol Gel a few times, (2 weeks) the pain substantially reduced over 85%.
From: Usxxx [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 06:43 PM
To: raghavan
Subject: Medicine: Metadichol gel application
Dear Dr. Raghavan
The Metadichol gel application medicine is working very well. My symptoms: constant pain in the shoulder (even when resting), inability to lift left hand beyond shoulder height, difficulty reaching left hand behind the back. Diagnosis (through x-rays and MRI): Tendinopathy in rotator cuff,
superior labral tear, narrowing of c56 and c67 of the spine, bilateral cervical radiculopathy. Metadichol gel application Medicine application: two days, 2/3 times a day. There is a sudden decrease in the pain level in the shoulder and rotator flexibility has increased. Neck - extent of turn has improved. Excellent improvement overall,
Regards, Dr.U
Female 26 years old
From: AN
Subject: Metadichol
Date: December 8, 2013 at 11:14:16 AM EST To:
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
I am writing to you to share my experience with Metadichol - the skin gel and the oral spray. Over a year ago, I began experiencing a severe, dull pain in my upper cervical area. It seemed like a deep muscular pain and I visited a number of physicians in an effort to address my concerns. Since November of 2012, I've seen an orthopedist, a rheumatologist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an acupuncturist and a chronic pain specialist in an effort to address my seemingly permanent
pain. During this time, I underwent physical therapy, acupuncture, electric-stimulation, neck- strengthening yoga and trigger point injections - to no avail. My pain was consistent and was significantly impairing my quality of life. As a medical student, this pain had strongly impacted my ability to study and work comfortably in the hospital setting.
In September 2013, I was introduced to your product, Metadichol. I began using the oral spray (3 sprays x1 day) along with the skin gel. Within the first two weeks of using these products, I noticed a significant reduction in my pain. Sometimes, application of the skin gel provides almost instant relief. While I continue to have some underlying neck pains, I can say confidently that these products have helped tremendously with my chronic pain and quality of life. I wish I had known of this product before beginning my year-long treatment approach but I am grateful to have them now.
Thank you very much for the most significant pain relief I've experienced in years. From the perspective of a young medical professional, I look forward to the future of this product and its place in the medical setting.
Male 63 Years old
On Dec 11, 2013, at 1:50 PM, KN < KN@>wrote: Dear Raghu,
Thank you for introducing me to Metadichol, both the oral spray and Gel.
I have been using them regularly, for the past 2+ months, 3-sprays once a day, and a daily
application of the gel to my upper cervical and lower spine/hip region. This product does not fail to amaze me at the wide ranging benefits that I have experienced. Allow me to detail these in order of the degree of relief obtained.
Spondylitis: For 5 years now I have been diagnosed with chronic Spondylitis of the upper cervical area. A painful condition where one has constant intense neck pain. Within 2 months of gel application, I have gone from constantly having to change my sitting posture to get to the least painful position to a point where I find myself stretching and turning my head/neck to see where it used to hurt! On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain has reduced from an 8 to a 1!
Pre-Ventricular Contractions (PVCs or commonly known as “skipped heart beats”). For 3 years now, with increasing frequency I have had regular episodes of PVCs which went from about 4 a minute to about 14 skipped beats a minute. These are stress related and occur almost every time I am faced with a stressful situation, sometimes up to 12 episodes a day/night and last for up to 40 minutes duration each time. In Feb 2013, my cardiologist put me on a 24-hour Holter monitor, followed by a stress test to confirm that whilst these occur with the stated frequency, they were not impacting blood-flow to my brain and hence not imminently dangerous. Since starting on Metadichol, these PVCs have decreased in the episode-count, frequency and duration. I still get them in stressful situations, but these now happen about 3 times a day, last for about 15 minutes, with about 5-6 skipped heart beats a minute. You do the sums!
Lower Back/Hip Arthritis: I have a history of back pain and in 1991 was surgically treated to remove some spinal jelly between L4 and L5 disks. With age, this area is obviously more prone to Arthritis, which I considered to be inevitable, but recently have had fairly serious pain in the hip area adjacent to the L4-L5 region of the lower spine. Again, I considered this as inevitable, but started with gel application to the region. The relief was almost instantaneous and within 3 weeks the pain had receded to a point where I am able to do almost 5 hours of, say, yard work, previously limited to 2 before I felt “broken”. The secondary benefit to this is obvious, too, as I am able to use my back more, I can feel a general toning of the muscles of the back and torso. This has helped exponentially.
· Energy Levels: Unquantifiable, but without a doubt, my energy levels are way-up since I have started on Metadichol.
- · Incidentally, I have also been giving the spray to my 2 aging pet-dogs;
- · With Isis, our labrador it has helped a lot with the Arthritis pain in her leg-joints and lower spine. Isis, female labrador, was diagnosed with a malignant tumor about 4 months ago and considering her age, 13+, the vet has suggested doing nothing other than making sure she is not in pain and to monitor her for symptoms of the malignancy having spread, most likely to her kidneys or lungs. These would manifest in diminished appetite and developing a cough, respectively. Up until now, whilst the tumor shows no signs of abating, she is still pain-free and in good mood and appetite. I’m hoping, perhaps against hope, that the Metadichol will overcome the malignancy. Will keep you informed.
With Kajol, my other dog, the change has been quite remarkable, at 13, whilst she would generally sleep the whole day, apart from her daily walk, she is now alert, full of energy, patrolling the yard and even chasing squirrels. Amazing!
From: Jayaprakash <[email protected]>
Date: June 22, 2015 at 12:34:03 PM EDT To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Reply-To: Jayaprakash <[email protected]>
I underwent rectal abscess surgery for removal of pus; a cut of 2mm by 2mm was made on each buttocks for this purpose. After surgery, I was asked to sit in hot water for 20 minutes daily. I started applying Metadichol cream and spray every day twice on the wound.
The healing process began immediately, in fact doctor had told me that it will take at least 3 weeks for the skin to come, but I when I went for first check up after a week, doctor told me that on one side it has healed fully with skin growing completely. The other side also healed within 10 days. During this period I was not on any other medication
Energy boost
Date: February 27, 2014 at 7:09:20 PM EST
To: Raghu
Subject: GEL/SPRAY Ragu,
I would like to thank you for creating this spray/gel, for you have helped me immensely in improving my health. I have seen many changes after taking Methodical such as living a life filled with energy, a plummet decrease in my weight of 15 pounds. It has also diminished pain from left knee and left foot plantar fasciitis. Thank you very much!
From: Venkat Ramanathan [email protected] Subject: RE: note about your father
Date: 9 October 2013 at 11:05
To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Dear Raghu,
My father is 83 years old. He has very mild diabetes. He had some areas where the touch sensation was lacking in his feet. After 2 weeks on Metadichol, he has got back his sensation. He also feels very agile and gets up from his sofa without giving much thought to pain or strain.
He is continuing the medication. Thanks and Regards
From: Jayaprakash PS <[email protected]>
Date: July 10, 2018 at 10:14:33 AM EDT
To: Raghu , "Ravikumar K. L." <ravikumarkl@[email protected]>
Reply-To: Jayaprakash PS <[email protected]>
Today evening Usha suddenly had low sugar attack, may be below 50 and her tongue and lips became numb and her face was swollen, she could not speak and could not open eyes, also. I gave her glucose powder, sugar level went up to 67, but still she was not ok with same symptoms persisting . Now I gave 5 sprays of Metadichol. After 15 minutes sugar level came down to 58, but within the next few minutes, the numbness of her tongue and lips were gone totally and she started talking normally. After 45 minutes her sugar level became 84. In fact her daughter Dr.Adithi wanted me to get injected IV of Dextrose 50% immediately. I waited and took the chance.
From: [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2012 8:15:07 PM EST To: "Palayakotai Raghavan"
Hi Raghu:
Day before yesterday, I had a severe runny nose and probably went through a full box of Kleenex. It was bothering me to lie down in the night. I applied Metadichol Gel in my nostrils and just immediately the running of my nose stopped and I slept well. Got up well and fresh in the morning.
From: Annina John [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbiomegmai
Date: 14 May 2013 at 16:52
To: raghu
I can remember a childhood with stomachaches everyday and as an adolescent and a young adult suffered from intense headaches. When I moved to the US - I ate less spicy food, but stomach cramps and discomfort continued although less frequently. Headaches was not a normal feature, but the intensified headache came back when I was highly stressed and it would take almost 12 hours to subside. Fast forward mid-April 2013, as I was reading on the computer I lost my balance. Motion sickness is also something that I worry about when I travel.
After the loss of balance incident, I started taking 5 sprays of Metadichol. The very next day I witnessed a surge in my energy level. I was walking, sitting and playing in the sun for over 45 minutes I did not feel tired. Metadichol continued for 10 days and then stopped for 5 days. When I took the stairs to the 16th floor it surprised me that I did not stop to catch a breath. For somebody who is not physically agile or exercising regularly and at 40, taking the steps to the 16th floor made me skip and dance with joy. After an hour after taking the stairs I started getting a dull headache, but still did not take Metadichol, thinking that it would pass. After speaking to Raghu I restarted on the Metadichol – after 10 sprays and sleeping for an hour, the headache was gone for the day. However it returned back the next day. I took the daily dose of 5 sprays in the morning but the dull headache continued. I interspersed the dose of 10 sprays every 3-4 hours, but the headache resumed every morning and remained for 4 days. On the 5th day the headache came and went with an interval of 10 minutes to 60 minutes or two hours. On the 6th day the interval increased to 3 hours and more. On the 7th day there was no sign of headache at all. Today is the 8th day - I felt more than different in my energy levels. With no headaches and being able to do what I needed to do I felt the difference between day and night.
Thank You Annina
From: visha iyer <[email protected]> Date: 1 September 2019 at 11:06:06 GMT-4 To: Palayakotai Raghavan
Reply-To: "[email protected]
Dear Doctor
My daughter who's a preterm baby is a child with special needs. She has hearing and speech impairment. She also has vision problems and her left eye had a slight squint with twitching on and off. She was diagnosed with thyroid also in April 2019. I had provided a lot of treatments to her other problems and also a bit of therapy. But her response was not that great. Finally, I had a God sent opportunity of meeting Dr Raghavan who explained the wonderful product Metadichol. He explained in detail how the product helps the immune system and dilutes the issues related to a lot of health and mental illness. I explained to him my daughter's condition. He was kind enough to give me a sample of the bottle.
I started giving it to her 3 times a day as suggested by him. He guided me to get other bottles through a mutual friend and I was able to get 7 bottles in total for my daughter. My daughter was happy to take it as it was tasteless and no hassles with gulping. I noticed a remarkable change in her eye and the squint was getting corrected and the twitching stopped within 15 days. This is a benchmark accomplishment. From the time she was 5 months, all the treatment done for her eyes had never shown this kind of miracle. I can never stop raving and thanking about this to the genius Dr. Raghavan for this miraculous transformation. I could see my daughter's confidence boosting up.
The next miracle was when I did her Thyroid test the reports showed her normal results. The magic was still on. My daughter's hearing improved and she is trying to vocalize her energy levels which had gone down and now up. She became more interactive and she is in fact trying to understand better in school.
This is the observation from school, too. Earlier she would become too hyper and not listen to her teachers but now all that has changed. I feel blessed to have met Doctor Raghavan and to have the chance of using his product Metadichol. I feel mankind has been blessed with this innovative product. Unfortunately, not many are aware of it. Hence hoping to have a source in India for the same. This is real Sanjeevini, I am hoping for availability in the future for Metadichol towards the betterment of my daughter and millions more who require it.
Visha P
From: Shailesh Ambe <[email protected]>
Subject: My moms report
Date: 8 September 2019 at 05:44:47 GMT-4
To: harinair <[email protected]>, Dr Palayakotai Raghavan , Uma Ambe <[email protected]>
Dear Dr Raghavan
Greetings from Mumbai, India.
It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that my mother’s health has been consistently improving and there's a lot of improvement in her.
My mother named Vasanti Ambe who is now 81 years old now who has been diabetic since last 35 years++ while she was in Goa during her routine visit to the backyard where we have lots of planted trees was bitten on her leg by some insect which she never knew but having that itch feeling scratched her leg (right) below the knee and this was how the problem started in 2013.
Looking at that wound an old neighborhood lady said she know how to cure this and she brought some leaves and put them in hot water and later wrapped that leaves round my mothers leg which actually aggravated the wound.
My father who himself is a medical practitioner started nursing the wound and giving local pain killers but when the right leg got swollen like an elephant’s leg, I brought her to Mumbai and straight away took her to hospital where an orthopedic surgeon first brought the sugar under control and helped to nurse the wound. It took almost 8 weeks for the leg to heal but it left lot of marks and scars on her legs with a change in skin colour. Since this episode, every year, particularly before the monsoon season, by the month of May, my mother would have problems as any fly or mosquito bite would aggravate the situation. In 2018 particularly, she was in Mumbai for almost 8 months as the wound was not getting healed and moreover we consulted 14 doctors across the city from whom we got recommendations. And each doctor concluded that this is Elephantiasis and it doesn't have any cure and you can only take precautions and prevent from any fly or mosquito to sit on it. The problems we faced with the doctors was that we were totally confused about whom to listen and what to do, as some doctors used to ask us to keep the leg wrapped by crape bandage whereas other doctors used to shout, “who asked you to keep the wound closed?”. Among all the doctors, the best I met personally was Dr Sachin Chaudhari (Dermatologist). It was only when he saw the leg, he asked to get the report on the skin and the pus on the skin, and when the report came we were shocked as my mom was taking medicines that were having no effect as it was overdone and later he changed a tablet, after which she was OK but, of course, we had to take precaution and she had to take this medicine everyday.
It was then Dr Hari Nair from Canada spoke to me about a product that can cure this and it was music to my ears. When I informed this to my parents, they were very happy and then later when Dr Raghavan the God visited Mumbai India who passed me this bottles of Metadichol spray along with Gel to apply on the leg. I visited my parents on 21st June 2019 and since then we started to use this on regular basis, as on today 8th Sept we see tremendous changes on the size of the leg, skin texture and her pain which has totally receded and she is happy to walk like before. The first impression was over one month use was very pleasing as we stopped all medicines but in the same leg she had a corn and in order to prevent it from touching the ground she used to walk on her toe fingers and ankle this started her to give leg pain in the knee with 80 years this was something we didn't inform Dr Raghavan the day I send him the pic of the corn he asked to me start using the same spray of Metadichol on her corn area and this corn had gone completely in 10 days time.
As on 3rd Sept 2019 she has started walking normal and was so happy to tell everyone on this, in this entire episode last 5/6 years she was not able to wear her regular chap-pals or shoes as her toes and legs could not fit into her right leg. We bought her a shoes where we could adjust the size on both the legs separately. Now it's just a matter of days wherein she can wear regular footwear and travel as normal person.
I can't express the happiness that we all in the family have since June/July as it has bought happiness and helped her to live a normal life without depending on others. I am truly blessed to have met you and wish you all the success and happiness with good health and help more mankind for the betterment of their health.
With Best Regards
Shailesh Ambe
From: "sanjay s" <[email protected]>
Subject: Metadichol
Date: 21 November 2019 at 03:29:09 GMT-5 To: Ragu
Dear Dr.Raghavan,
I am 57 years old and a type 2 diabetic since the last 10 years on oral hypoglycemics. As is typically the case, I have been observing my fasting sugar levels increasing, reaching 165 on an average. Though my weight is under control, I knew my doctor would either increasing the dosage or add another medication and hence was feeling dejected.
My wife who is a dietitian happened to attend your lecture a few days ago in Chembur, Mumbai. She spoke to me about your product which is marketed under the name Nano Soma. I immediately started using it and it has in the last seven days produced wonderful results. My fasting sugar is down to 125. I am sure that this will further improve over a period of time.
Thank your for this wonderful product. It is a great relief to people like me who could never see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Warm regards, Sanjay S
From: <[email protected]>
Subject: Early personal report on Metadichol
Date: July 23, 2013 1:59:33 AM EDT
To: Raghu
Thanks for sending Metadichol to me, We all (except Rohit, we haven't tried) had positive reactions to both the spray and the gel.
First hand report of Metadichol
My case:
1. My cough got better (it became more of an instinctive cough, than anything else) within an hour of M-Gel application on my wife's knee. It must have seeped in through my palm.
Then I consumed a couple of sprays of Metadichol before bedtime.
2. Overnight, an itch from a skin patch that I had in my inner knee, vanished. The patch is inert now and it would cause pain during every bath. That is so gone, I almost forgot about it. My skin does feel a little different, in the sense that I'm unable to feel its weight. It seems like my muscles are open directly to the atmosphere.
3. I crack my knuckles quite by instinct. Normally, it would pain a little bit. Today, there is the sound, but not the pain.
4. I must have slept short but well, I didn't need an alarm to wake up. I woke up at 5 and continued my work, normally, I would fall back into bed until 6:30.
My wife's case:
It is known that she had chronic fatigue syndrome, leading to depression etc. Her musculature had turned weak. She is a very light sleeper and wakes up several times. Eventually in the morning, she is forced to get up at 6:30 to make lunch for the kids to take to school. She is not groggy, but in pain much through the day. She also breathes through her mouth, since her nose blocks up.
1. Last night, I applied the Gel around her knee joints, and auscultation points near her scapula in the back. She had been complaining of inflammation between the oblique muscles and the trapezoid. She was sleeping well past 9:30am. The many times I visited my bedroom, I found both
my daughter and wife sleeping and breathing through their noses, no snoring, clear passage; Very deeply. Which I haven't witnessed in a long while. I made lunch and dropped Rohit at school.
2. She called me at work after she got up, saying she didn't feel groggy, but the tiredness was different (it was like withdrawal from inflammation / fever), she never got up during the night, breathed through her nose and felt better.
3. She took a couple of sprays of Metadichol voluntarily, she said. Which to me is good news, since she is averse to any medication, after her several Cortisone shots.
4. Her mood is elevated and amiable, compared to what I'm normally used to (she demands in no- uncertain terms, that I divorce all my phone buddies and spend more time with her).
My Daughter Samyuktha:
had a runny nose, didn't go to school due to body pain etc. I applied the gel on her nose, per Raghu's advice.
1. This morning, she looks better. She tells me she feels better, except a dry cough. A black discoloration on her forehead is perceivably reduced.
My son Rohit:
We didn't try it on him last night, although I understood there was no aflatoxin presence in Metadichol. We never risk new medication on him at night time, by habit. He is highly allergic to Cashews, peanuts etc. We'll try it today. He is an advanced practitioner of Yoga and coaches (he's like a demo piece among 2 other) for Intermediate students at Krishnamachari Yoga Mandiram. His circulation is acute unlike the rest of the family and reacts almost instantaneously to good/bad stimuli.
Thanks Raghu for the medication!! We'll continue with it and I’ll report on progress. Thanks and Regards
my sister in India (sudha) gave it to Mrs.Sushila who-was the editor of Financial express group of newspapers
Begin forwarded message:
From: Sushila Ravindranath <[email protected]> Subject: Re: drops
Date: February 9, 2014 at 9:01:21 AM EST To: pr raghavan
Dear Raghu,
The drops Sudha (raghu;s sister) gave me have done miracles for me. To start with I have started feeling much less tired at the end of the day. People have started telling me that I am looking better than I did a few months ago.
More important, I have had muscle weakness on my legs which was affecting my mobility. I can visibly see some improvement ( combined with the physiotherapy I am undergoing).
Great work Raghu, many thanks.
Warm regards, Sushi
Boy 4 years old went on Metadichol in April 2011 and the result normal BP after 3 months
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jayaprakash <[email protected]> Date: July 25, 2011 5:56:26 AM EDT
To: "Dr.P.R. Raghavan"
Hi raghu,
I had referred to with congenital heart problem who is our earlier staff's son, yesterday I was called told that his BP has come down to 120/80 after long time, 3 months after taking Metadichol in fact he was supposed to undergo echo test yesterday, but doctors told that as his BP is normal no need for echo.
His earlier BP marking were always high like 160/110.
Regards Prakash
From: KK Murthy <[email protected]>
Subject: Thank you
Date: 12 July 2013 at 21:48:47 GMT-4 To: Raghu
Hello Dr. Raghu,
The supplement that you gave me was great. I very much appreciate you sharing it with me.I took it for 5 days and my blood pressure is more or less normal (113/82). Previously it was 130/91. Thanks a lot.
(Kalyanakrishnan Krishnamurthy)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Raimund von Helden <[email protected]>
Subject: MDS case...
Date: May 10, 2014 at 1:13:56 PM EDT
To: "Nanorx Dr. Rhagavan" , Heinz-Jürgen Albrecht <[email protected]> Cc: Raimund von Helden <[email protected]>
Dear Dr. Raghavan,
I just met the MDS-Patient. He is now able to run 6 km without any stop. (Before 5 Stops with walking 5 minutes every Km)
Blood check is on Monday - I will send you the results!
es grüßt sehr herzlich
Raimund von Helden
Dr. med. Raimund von Helden
Email: [email protected]
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of diseases that affect the bone marrow and blood. In MDS, the blood-forming cells in the marrow slow down, or even stop, making the three types of blood cells. Most patients with MDS will develop anemia (low numbers of red blood cells) and may need blood transfusions. Some patients also have low numbers of white blood cells (which fight infections) and platelets (which help blood clot when you bruise or get a cut).
This is an amazing substance. I have used it regularly over the ...
November 17, 2017
This is an amazing substance. I have used it regularly over the last three years and it is astounding. It is great to now have a supplier in the US. Thank you NANO SOMA. I have used it for everything from reducing pain for my wife’s shingles to extending the life of my dog. The dog was fourteen and according to our vet would soon die. We put three pumps on her food every day along with some additional vitamins and minerals, and she started to act like a puppy. She lived another year and half and was still vigorous until she passed. The pain on my wife’s shingles went away in twenty- four hours. It is amazing for helping scraps and bruises. As I was cleaning up a large wild-cherry tree that had fallen, I scraped the back of my hand with a log. The scrap was two inches long and a quarter inch wide. I sprayed it twice a day. It repaired very quickly in just over a week and did not scab over. There was no scar. My daughter uses it for her face to improve a long lasting shame of pimples that she had.
I have researched nano-policosanol. It is just a food substance that is found on the sun-splashed parts of plants. The nano refers to the small particle size emulsion that is made with the waxy substance. I believe we lost our normal use of this material when we stopped chewing the husk from grains and nuts. I guess Mom was right when she told me to chew my food. What a great discovery.
Impressive actual effects experienced
February 11, 2018
Following are my personal experiences and observations with this product. No use recommendations or claims are intended. I had personally been using NANO SOMA for about 3
years before its market launch in the US. As a pharmaceutical chemist, I was curious to observe its effects on myself as well as certain family members who were interested in trying it, especially since all its listed active components are generally considered as safe to ingest.
Upon my first dose, I experienced a noticeable, but subtle, increase in both mental and physical energy immediately the first day. My own mood definitely improved as well, and a sense of alertness permeated my working day which had been lacking prior.
In attempting to quantitate any lifestyle effects over time, I set out to perform a comparative study. This resulted in a clear and significant increase in general strength, using the rate of change over time in amount of weight at the gym I was able to lift as a measure. I measured an approximate 25% unexpected rate of change of lifted poundage increase over 6 months. I had a historical record of my normal rate of strength increases. The rate of strength improvement appeared to accelerate after using this product daily beginning within a two month period.
Skin treatment: My wife has experienced a clear improvement of skin appearance upon using the product on her face nightly. She states: "My husband has noticed this quickly after my using it only within two days, and he has photographs to document its effect. It is especially enjoyable to use since it is not an oil based product and does not clog my pores."
Helpful also to pets: One of the largest over the counter supplements for dogs in the US began as a human nutritional joint-pain relief, glucosamine. Carrying this concept forward with NANO SOMA, I wanted to bring some relief to my 9- year old 40 lb dog, who appeared to be suffering from significant pain in his hips. He had ceased to have any interest in running after squirrels or even walking around the block. We started treating him with one-quarter of a human dose, only twice per week. After about two months, he was not only running again, he was faster than dogs that were 5 years junior!
Perhaps most significantly, we began treating, with their permission, a bedridden close relative who was a cancer patient. This person had understandably lost their warm and vibrant personality over the prior 2-year course of treatments, and had little interest in talking, much less moving about. After two months of daily treatments, changing nothing else in their diet or medications, this person began walking carefully around the yard each day. A month later, one-hour walks twice per week became the norm. A stunning positive change in mood also occurred in this period; lively and
engaging conversations again became commonplace. The person did eventually pass, but many months later than expected.
In summary, my personal experiences and observations with this outstanding product have been only very positive, and I continue to use it. From my own history, it is rare to find a nutritional product that has actually exhibited such noticeable positive effects. As a customer, I am grateful to the inventor for bringing this to the market.
Amazing healing spray for shingles and dry eye!
February 24, 2018
I have dry eye and use Systane Balance eye drops many times a day. I began spraying NANO SOMA in both eyes, one spray twice a day. At first it stings, but after my eyes feel amazing. On the days I use Nano in my eyes, I don't need the Systane drops nearly as much. I have cataracts in both eyes and Macular degeneration beginning. I'm experimenting to see how Nano helps these eye conditions.
Around 6 years ago, my mate got shingles on his head. Nearly every year since, he gets a shingles outbreak spot on his bottom. It becomes a bumpy itchy rash, and then gets a hard raised up area, which is painful. He has been to the doctor, who verified it was shingles and gave him a prescription of Acyclovir. A friend of mine had taken Acyclovir for her shingles, and on the 5th day, was stricken with the "rare" side effect of seizures. Now she is on seizure meds for life. So I begged my mate not to take it. The chance of this side effect is too great! He tried antibiotic ointments and silver microbial gel, which helped but didn't cure the outbreak. Each time the outbreak would take about 3 weeks to heal up. When the shingles outbreak came this time, we sprayed NANO SOMA on it twice a day, put microbial silver gel, and covered it with a bandage. The outbreak had a "healing reaction" immediately. All the little bumps turned into several big blisters, which then popped, and healed within a week. The itching was gone the 2nd day! It never did get that hard spot. Then a second spot right under the first broke out, and it did get a hard spot, but after spraying Nano, the hardness was gone in two days! (Usually it would last 2-3 weeks!) He has also been dealing with a itchy rash on his hand between the thumb and first finger, which was bothering him for the last 2 months. When the outbreak came on his bottom, we realized it must be shingles on his hand, and sprayed it with Nano three times a day. His hand got the "healing reaction", which this time meant
it got very dry. The itching stopped pretty fast and his hand completely healed in less than two weeks. Below please see photos of the shingles outbreak on his rear and hand.
I've tried Nano for wounds and they heal faster than normally. I've used it for hemorrhoids, and Nano takes away the itch and heals it fast! NANO SOMA is a miraculous product!
Worth the $$ (shockingly!)
November 25, 2018
The money I saved by not missing work is worth it alone. I have beat back at least 3 illnesses since I got my bottle (started feeling proper-sick, sprayed and then the next day...nothing!). The biggest thing though, is my son. He has been struggling with autoimmune issues and joint pain that the doctors have not yet diagnosed. I have been using NANO SOMA with him along with a couple other supplements. His digestion is greatly improved, his skin reactions are calmed, his pain is gone (at the moment and for a few weeks now), and his tongue, which was becoming geographic and a bit scary, is pink and back to normal. While I hope it gets cheaper, eventually, right now, it beats 30 bottles of the other Policosanols on the market, since it is nano-encapsulated and you actually get the benefits of it. Basically, a $30 bottle of poly which is 30MG sounds like a better deal than a $120 bottle of 5mg, right? WRONG! You can't use what your body can't absorb. So, that 5mg is about a million times more effective than the cheaper, higher number. Trust me, Policosanol that is not nano is not even worth buying or trying. You get more policosanol out of eating a mango than the cheap supplements. NANO SOMA, however is like a different animal
entirely. It took me about 3 weeks to really see the effects and stop thinking it was a coincidence every time something healed super fast. Now, I can't live without it. So, yes, expensive, but hell yes! Worth it!
It works!
July 27, 2018
So far we’ve used this product on cold sores. It definitely shortened the severity and the duration. We were so happy it worked! Can’t wait to try it on my daughters warts. Will be back to update about that.
One person found this helpful
Cured My Infected Gum!!
December 4, 2017
I woke up with my gum around my back tooth all irritated and hurting, so I rinsed with Listerine and baking soda that 1st day. The next day it was worse, so I rinsed again with the Listerine and also tried rinsing with salt water several times that day. By the 3rd day it was so bad that I couldn’t eat at all on that side as it hurt and burned!! It was very painful and all red and irritated.
The last thing I wanted to do was go to the doctor and get antibiotics as I already have chronic health issues and don’t want my gut flora to get worse by taking more antibiotics. So I decided to try the NANO SOMA. I am very sensitive to new supplements as my body is very weak, so I just started with 2 sprays twice a day. I sprayed the 2 sprays directly on the infected gum area and held it in my mouth for about 20 seconds then swallowed it. Immediately it soothed my pain a bit. I still couldn’t eat on it but at least the throbbing pain wasn’t so bad. About an hour later, the pain came back. So I sprayed 2 more sprays later in the day and the same thing happened. I did this for 7 days. Each day it got about 25% better!!! By day 3 I felt so much better, by day 4 I was able to start eating again on that side and barely felt any pain and by day 5 I just had a little redness on the gum still but had no pain and was eating totally normal. Another 2 days after and the infection was totally gone!! NO PAIN, NO REDNESS, NO INFECTION at all!! Wow...I couldn’t believe how amazing this worked!!
I am battling chronic pain in my joints and muscles, major gut issues and possible Lyme disease, so I will continue to take NANO SOMA daily and see over time if it also helps with my other issues. Thank you for offering this product in the U.S.!!
I only use natural products so knowing this stuff is plant based and chemical free is huge for me.
November 7, 2017
I only use natural products so knowing this stuff is plant based and chemical free is huge for me. I take one spray per day since jan 2016 and haven't since had even a common cold. My energy levels are through the roof (I only need 4-5 hours of sleep as opposed to the 7-8 I've been doing my whole life). I'm a runner and also use their skin spray for foot blisters. Heals them in no time. I'm a true believer, I think this stuff can cure anything and I’ll use it over a trip to the doctor any day.
Traveling: don't leave home without it.
April 27, 2018
My husband and I travel a lot. When we get home we typically will get sick within a couple days. We have come to expect it. Think of all the germs on the airplane, cruise, or sick people. So many strange germs being passed around when you interact with hundreds of people from all over the world. We bought the spray just to see if it would work and keep us from getting sick. It works so well. Neither one of us got sick, and we noticed we just had tons of energy on the trip as well. We are in the over 60 group and that is really great news to keep us strong and healthy so we can really enjoy ourselves. We wont leave home without it any more. It is a safety net for your health and wellness. I mean, its your immune system you are improving. What person doesn't need an immune boost these days. It really is the simplest thing you could do to preserve your health and feel good. I love it.
Stopped cold sores in their tracks
January 4, 2018
I frequently get cold sores, nothing ever worked to get rid of them. Maybe you have heard of the micro needling procedures you can use on your face with a roller that pokes the skin and helps promote collagen. I had heard to never use this roller over a cold sore. But, I accidentally did it. It gave me another breakout, and on top of that the sore that I rolled over was a hole and would not heal even after 2 months. I heard about Nano Skin Spray and purchased it. I started spraying it every day a few times. Stopped the cold sores in their tracks (there was no pain or swelling which normally accompanies a cold sore) and also healed the one that would not heal within a week. Seemed like it was healing from the inside out as the scabbing was really not visible. I am in my late 50’s and I sure wish I would have had Nano years ago. I am pretty sure I won’t live without it now. It does have a funky taste that I don’t like, but the payoff is worth it. After using it daily for a while. I still have a half bottle left, so I think it would easily last a month or two depending on the use. I did spray some on my face after washing and moisturizing and couple times and it gave my face a tight feel that I really liked. I am experimenting with it. I will update my review if I have any new findings.
Speed healing for cold sores and reduces recurrence!
February 12, 2018
I love this product!! Since I was about 5 years old, I’ve suffered from cold sores. I would get them monthly and doctors wanted me to take anti-viral meds to treat them. My parents wanted alternatives to taking pills so I would stay out of the sun and stopped eating any citrus for almost 20 years (!!!) thinking citrus brought them on. When I would wake up and feel the tingling sensation on my lips, I would immediately be irritated. The sores were embarrassing, itchy, and painful. It would take a couple of weeks for them to fully disappear. They were such a pain on my side. Eventually, I started using a cream called Denavir. It would help prevent sores from starting, or speed up the healing process if a sore already developed. Unfortunately, the tiny tube of cream became very expensive and not affordable. It left me with over-the-counter Abreva, which was not nearly as effective. A friend told me about this spray and I decided to try it. I just spray onto my lip if I start feeling the tingly sensation and no sores develop! It’s seriously a miracle. I feel like it's dramatically reduced flareups and even prevented cold sores from occurring. I haven’t had a cold sore in over a year now, but know what I will confidently use if I ever feel one coming on.
Purchased another bottle as my back up, and I am using it for my 4 year-old's occasional rash
outbreaks. I'm excited to see what else this spray can do!
I am so happy to find NANO SOMA!
October 29, 2017
Yaaass! Wow! I am so happy to find NANO SOMA! I have been using this spray for over two years now and it goes with me everywhere! I used to get a terrible rash on my arms and shoulders with sun exposure, that would itch so badly, it would wake me at night. After spraying NANO SOMA on my upper arms, the itchy rash is gone, and I can again be in the sun without covering up. I use it orally to boost my immunity and heal whatever is ailing within. It works to heal cuts on the skin faster than normal. It's an amazing hemorrhoid spray, as it relieves and heals the itch and swelling in a fraction of the time as other hemorrhoid products I've tried. I wanted to post this especially to help those who have "tried everything" or feel stuck with some "incurable" conditions, especially skin conditions, because this spray may be your answer. I am most grateful for this product in my life!
Im obsessed with this stuff! I am also a ...
January 2, 2018
Im obsessed with this stuff! I am also a little bit weirded about by items such as this but it has made a huge difference in my health (I am always normally sick) and my skin! I spray it on everything!!!
Got rid of my rash!
March 8, 2018
I had a rash on my hip and nothing was working to get rid of it until I tried NANO SOMA! Within 2 days the rash was completely gone! A few weeks later my boyfriend had a rash on his thigh that was very itchy so I made him try this as well and it helped the itching immediately. Again within few days of using it the rash went away! Amazing stuff!!
So happy to have an all natural product
November 7, 2017
So happy to have an all natural product, that works as fast as some of the chemically ridden crap out there. I used Nano for a rash and was completely gone in less than an hour. A few months ago, I was dealing with blisters or warts(maybe both) on the bottom of my foot and between my toes and within a couple days, new skin was regenerated and whatever that was, started falling off. Love this stuff!
My kids ask for this stuff by name! It's our family's #1 tool for everything skin/pain-related
July 27, 2018
There is nothing we turn to more frequently in our house than the NANO SOMA sprays. My kids request it by name, and choose it even over Tylenol or Motrin for pain relief. Our five-year-old had to have a tooth extracted, and the dentist prescribed penicillin three weeks before the surgery because he said that it was only a matter of time before the pain became unbearable and the infection settled in. We never touched the penicillin. She had no pain or infection because we sprayed daily on the tooth, and she happily went about her day. I know it's a skin spray but we sprayed it inside the mouth on the affected tooth and skin. After the surgery, she didn't want any drugs. I gave her some options and she requested the spray without even thinking about it. It took the pain right away, and she never brought up any pain again. No side effects, no wait-and-see if it works. Later that night, the skin where the tooth was extracted was already light pink. It took just hours for her gums to repair themselves. I couldn't believe how fast it healed her skin.
We've been using this stuff for the last couple years now, along with orally taking their immune spray supplement too, even since our youngest was an infant. We love the sprays because they aren't something that's scary or frightening to kids, they're so easy to use and take anywhere, and they're natural and safe so I feel good every time we go to use them. My family gets immediate relief from whatever is bothering them, and we can get back to life right away without the anxiety of wondering what's going on or the agony of being in pain any longer than necessary. Probably most important is that I feel in control over things that might otherwise make me freak out and head to the doctor. There's a lot of benign but irritating stuff that can happen to our skin that may not really warrant a doctor's visit, but with kids it can be scary, and sometimes they can't
effectively communicate to you what happened or what they need. The skin spray is our first line of defense because it really just takes care of EVERYTHING, quickly and effortlessly.
Besides tooth pain, we've had (and continue to have) unreal results using the skin spray for: bee stings, deep cuts, insect bites, random rashes or allergic breakouts, burns, cold sores, and managing rosacea and eczema. Who knows what we'll use it for next. We spray it as frequently as we need to, sometimes it's once at night on the face to wake up in the morning rosacea-free, or maybe 3-5 times a day for acute skin injuries (it all depends! I burned my thumb really badly on a lighter flame lighting some birthday candles, and I sprayed one time on the burn and the pain left and never came back. A BURN!). I've never had this much confidence in a product in my life and am a true believer in its power and abilities. I've turned on so many of my friends and family members to NANO SOMA after hearing their stories of the things their family deals with, knowing without a doubt that it will help them. I can't recommend this formula enough. It is worth every penny.
I am extremely pleased with this product
March 19, 2018
I used NANO SOMA Skin Spray on recent surgical scars and the results are outstanding. The scars faded quickly and no keloid tissue formed. Keloids have been a real problem for me, and this skin spray prevented their formation. I am extremely pleased with this product. It does a better job of minimizing scar formation than the Scar Away silicone strips that I used. It’s worth every penny.
Very effective, so easy to take & no side effects!
May 29, 2018
I have used this spray earlier & loved it. It saved me from a surgery for a trigger thumb condition & from what may have been a nerve pain which the doctor couldn't help. I saw positive results within a few weeks! It improved the quality of my life by not having to avoid certain activities such as typing, knitting etc for fear of triggering those conditions again. Very effective, so easy to take & no side effects! I highly recommend this product based on my personal experience.
October 25, 2018
This is an incredible immune boosting spray. I always use it just as I feel I am getting a cold. It is gone within 24 hours. I have tried it multiple times to test it. It has never failed me so far
Canker sores gone in 3 DAYS?! YES!
October 14, 2019
My sore throat and canker sores cleared up in 3 days with this spray! Never had a canker sore before. Went to the doctor. He said I had a virus & it would clear up on its own. Little did he know I was using a secret weapon. The bump showed up on Monday. I spayed the back of my throat and the sore at least once a day. The sore was gone by Thursday. Amazing! Zits don't even disappear in 3 days!
I use the spray daily for general energy levels and stamina. I can't explain it fully. I'm not so beat at the end of the day if I stay on top of the sprays. If I need to do extra physical things like walk to an errand or cardio, I Can choose to be physical instead of drive. It's empowering to know I have the energy reserve to walk if I want to.
Thanks NANO SOMA! I went through my bottle quickly! I'm signing up for bulk! :P
Out of all the health supplements I've taken, this is in my top 2.
I plan to dose up for travel, conventions, if family members get sick...
NANO SOMA - Miracle it is!
May 21, 2019
I purchased a deo-stick all natural, which literally burnt my skin. I mean burnt. so much that I had to put Burn medication. the pain was excruciating. I had a family friend give me NANO SOMA to try. They recommended oral and topical application of the spray. First dose - pain was significantly lower, did not bother me any more. Second dose - Skin started to heal. By day three I was back to normal. I have keep NANO SOMA close to me since then, and yes I did get rid of the deodorant.
On a separate occasion, my husband was suffering from a a very bad cold, which he chose to pass on to me. At the first signs, I used NANO SOMA. My cold vanished by the end of the day. I still took Nano for the next 2 days, just to be safe.
Great for energy
February 26, 2019
I started using this immune spray after my daughter had a positive experience using it with her kids. I use between 6-8 sprays per day and I’ve noticed many different changes to my well being. Having life challenges with my body, including autoimmune Hashimoto’s, the most significant improvement is with my energy levels. I find myself attempting things at my age that before seemed like a big mountain to climb. I am so thankful that this product is part of my life and it will continue to be so - as long as it’s available.
My energy is incredible!
December 19, 2018
I started using NANO SOMA over the summer after hearing about it from a family member. The first thing I noticed after using the sprays for 2-3 weeks was the increase in my energy. It’s incredible! All the things I used to not be able to do due to lack of energy and procrastination, I now do with ease and lots of energy. My wife even noticed the change in my energy levels and how I completed projects. I am very happy with the product. At my age at 62 years ago, I feel young, strong and energetic. I’ve even been on several 10-mile hikes because my energy has improved so much. It has also helped with my willpower to stop wanting alcohol daily. Whenever I feel a cold coming on I use a little extra at night and then wake up the next day without any symptoms. For me, 6 sprays three times per day works the best. I recommend this product to anyone who might need help with their immune system or energy.
I can't live without this stuff these days
November 25, 2018
UPDATE: My baby woke up THIS MORNING, with a cough and runny nose and was really weezy. I gave him 6 sprays plus a dropper of wild cherry bark and you would never know he was sick this morning! Wahoooo! Thanks for making this product. It kicks elderberry butt as far as reliability goes. It is also great for autoimmune conditions, where many "immune sprays" or other types of boosters actually make the autoimmune conditions worsen. This is the real deal. Oh yeah, and the lowered the price, duh. Get some!
The money I saved by not missing work is worth it alone. I have beat back at least 3 illnesses since I got my bottle (started feeling proper-sick, sprayed and then the next day...nothing!). The biggest thing though, is my son. He has been struggling with autoimmune issues and joint pain that the doctors have not yet diagnosed. I have been using NANO SOMA with him along with a couple other supplements. His digestion is greatly improved, his skin reactions are calmed, his pain is gone (at the moment and for a few weeks now), and his tongue, which was becoming geographic and a bit scary, is pink and back to normal. While I hope it gets cheaper, eventually, right now, it beats 30 bottles of the other Policosinols on the market, since it is nano-encapsulated and you actually get the benefits of it. Basically, a $30 bottle of poly which is 30MG sounds like a better deal than a $120 bottle of 5mg, right? WRONG! You can't use what your body can't absorb. So, that 5mg is about a million times more effective than the cheaper, higher number. Trust me, Policosinol that is not nano is not even worth buying or trying. You get more policosinol out of eating a mango than the cheap supplements. Nano - ojas, however is like a different animal entirely. It took me about 3 weeks to really see the effects and stop thinking it was a coincidence every time something healed super fast. Now, I can't live without it. So, yes, expensive, but hell yes! Worth it!
Quick Healing After Oral Surgery
October 11, 2018
I used this product from Post-Surgery Day #3 through Day #14. I healed very quickly, and the discomfort was minimized.
This is a WONDERFUL relief 2 the symptoms of my Shingles!!!!!!!!
August 28, 2019
I have had several Shingles outbreaks during the last few years. Shingles is HORRIBLE!!! It itches; it feels like burning; it feels like worms R crawling underneath your skin. It began as tiny bumps--kinda like tiny zits; then, spread in2 bumpy, itchy, painful places all over my body, head, back, legs, face, scalp, down my throat. It was the MOST TERRIBLE thing I've EVER experienced. I take antivirals every day; but, they haven't helped at all since 2018 through now. I've used HL30, oatmeal baths, Lydocaine burn sprays, Imodium, Benadryl, vanilla extract, hemp oil (I'm allergic 2 hemp oil), etc. & nothing has helped enough 2 help me get through the pains associated w/ Shingles. I've researched & tried so many alternative therapies; but, nothing offered more than just a very brief period of time of bearable pain.
THANK the LORD 4 this stuff!!! I was VERY skeptical that this would have any beneficial effect on the Shingles; but, BOY, was I ever surprised when it arrived this morning & I sprayed it on my scalp, nape of my neck, my back & my face where the Shingles patches were. THE PAIN & ITCHING INSTANTLY--& I MEAN INSTANTLY DISAPPEARED!!!!!!!!! I was so relieved 2 NOT B in pain & torture from the itching that I BOO HOO'D!!! The pain & itching relief has lasted for the past 8 hours. I began 2 feel the familiar "TINGLE" of the Shingles that usually foretells the coming of the itching & pain; so, I sprayed the areas again & "VOILA!!!!!" INSTANT RELIEF. It's truly a MIRACLE of NATURE 2 me!!!
I'm NOT a medical professional; so, I'm NOT promising anyone that this will work 4 them; but, it worked 4 me in a "LIFE-SAVING" way bc Shingles pain & itching is 2 much 2 bare 4 long. I was at my wit's end.
Also, it didn't have any smell.
Also, it is in a very well made spray bottle & packaged w/ padding 2 avoid breakage.
I'm allergic 2 a lot of things; so, I will update my review IF I experience any side effects; but, so far--so good!!!
CON: It is expensive; but, I will do w/o food, or something else 2 pay 4 this bc LIFE was NOT WORTH LIVING w/ the excruciating pain & incessant itching of Shingles that lasted more than 30 days the last time I had the breakouts!!!
THANK GOODNESS 4 the BRILLIANT ppl who devoted part of their lives 2 make this MIRACLE 4 me!!! They deserve a PULITZER PEACE PRIZE!!!
It’s a miracle!!
July 23, 2019
This stuff is expensive but I will never be without it. I have what I think is eczema on my lips. 3 visits to the dermatologist with no help or results. I found this stuff and decided to try it, despite the cost. I used it several times a day, for a week and my lips finally look normal again. I’m going to keep it in my purse, and spray my lips at the first sign of anything off or itchy.
Stopped my itch
July 12, 2019
I have had a very itchy torso and underarms for the past 4 years or so. It seems to be from keratoses on my skin. At least that is the case for my torso. I don’t know the cause of the itch in my underarms.
I decided to try the NANO SOMA skin spray this past winter after a family member told me about it. I applied it to my whole back and underarms (7-9sprays) every night for about 3 mos, I think. It took a while, but I decided to be diligent about it, and finally the itch was gone! It has remained that way for about 6 weeks.
My underarms started itching again just one week ago, so I have been treating them again for the past week and they are once again itch free! My recommendation is not to give up too soon. It can take some time, but it was worth it. I have had this problem for 4+ years.
Autoimmune skin rash handled!
March 13, 2019
My 5 year old son has been suffering with some yet undiagnosed autoimmune issues. When he was in flare-up, he got a strange, bumpy rash, and also had trouble healing normal cuts and scrapes. The scrape (will post photo later) was not healing (two weeks!) until I started using this. IN the first few minutes it got pretty red, like there was increased circulation. He reported a little itching at this time. The next day, however, it has shrank, and the skin was clearly healing and much less irritated. Since it had not been healing at all before, it was not "time" that did it. Only a few days of using the spray and the wound had smoothed out, and while there is still a slight superficial scar, I am positive this helped it heal quicker. We also used it on the strange bumpy rash, once I had a stash of it. IN this case, as well, the bumps were going nowhere. We tried magnesium spray, which helped a bit, but itched SO BAD that my son cried. When we instead, used the nano, though it is more pricey, the discomfort was gone and the rash flattened out within 4 days (it has been not going anywhere for months, at this point). There are still flat, white discolorations at the bump sites, but no more itching and the skin is completely healed! I will keep this in my cabinet always.
Great product...
December 20, 2018
I love this product I just started using it on a injure that happened to my thumb. I’m using NANO SOMA immune spray and I’m very happy with the results. Now I’ll try it on my thumb to help with the heeling. It’s a wonderful product I’ll share my results soon.