Ancient Chinese Bone Therapy
The mysteries of Chinese healing wisdom has baffled many for centuries.
The inability to grasp the logic however does not make it any less marvelous, practical or effective.
It took the civilized West 200 years to slowly accept Acupuncture as a serious scientific discipline,
Yet many are still struggling to accept many of the wisdom from the ancients such as this.
What can we say?
.......we can only wait patiently for them to slowly grow in their understanding and crawl out of their prejudices eventually.
Many however will learn too late for their own good.
The inability to grasp the logic however does not make it any less marvelous, practical or effective.
It took the civilized West 200 years to slowly accept Acupuncture as a serious scientific discipline,
Yet many are still struggling to accept many of the wisdom from the ancients such as this.
What can we say?
.......we can only wait patiently for them to slowly grow in their understanding and crawl out of their prejudices eventually.
Many however will learn too late for their own good.
Ancient Chinese Secret Bone Therapy
You have not heard of this.... and rightly so.
This is an ancient Chinese Healing System with 1700 yrs of history
but was kept secret and hidden deliberately for the last 600 yrs.
You have not heard of this.... and rightly so.
This is an ancient Chinese Healing System with 1700 yrs of history
but was kept secret and hidden deliberately for the last 600 yrs.
Ancient Chinese Bone Therapy can help you with:
Menstrual problems,
period cramps, bloated-ness,
mood swings,
lower back pain,
upper back pain, vertigo, scoliosis,
curvature of the spine,
frozen shoulders
ringing in the ear,
constant headaches, migraine, arm cannot lift up,
general weakness,
insomnia, chronic fatigue,
impotent ,fingers numbness,
swollen legs,
night urination, incontinence, trigger fingers, uneven legs, uneven shoulders,
shoulders aches,
tennis elbow, fibromyalgia,
prostate problems, chest pain, uneven hips, palpitation,
shortness of breath
Heel pain ,Heel Spur
Neck pain
and more....
If your usual medications or treatments are not working, it is time to look for new solution. Treatments that do not work are just a waste of time and money doesn’t matter what you call it or how many certificates was hanging on the wall of the practitioner.
You didn't get this sick overnight,
Illness is almost always accumulated! Do we really want to be enslaved
by the medical system? Do we really want to see our life savings bankrupted by medical bills instead of spending on our retirement holidays?? Is it time we wise up a little ? When not sure of the way, ask for direction.
When going the wrong way, make U-turn quickly. Check markers as we go, don't wait till we hit dead-end to discover that we've been on the wrong path all along. |
Evaluate health this way.
What we all need is a way to keep ourselves healthy without illness with minimum pain and suffering. We want a maintenance system that is easy, fast, effective and of reasonable cost. Taking medicine for as long as we are breathing does not constitute good health, nor can be it be considered health care system. Are you not tired of those costly medications and the merry-go-round of unending visits to the clinic? Are you not sick of swallowing all those pills that was supposed to make you well but has not? Are you not worried of using up all your savings on treating your illness with no ending in sight? Perhaps it is time to consider the alternatives.
So are you ready for
better health?
better health?
Basic Bone Therapy Charges * ** Person Below 70kg From $120.00 Person Below 80kg From $140.00 ** Person over 80kg please seek other forms of therapy. Average sessions require 20 mins * Additional charges apply to more complicated cases that require more time and effort. Mon - Fri 10.00am - 8.00pm Sat 10.00am - 6.00pm For appointment call: Michael 9383 5995 Yes, you will see result in a very short time with Ancient Chinese Bone Therapy.
However, it will be more accurate to say that you will FEEL the result as you make progress with each sessions. In fact many get well so fast there is no need for continuous treatment after less than 3-5 sessions. In some simple issues, 1 session is all it takes.
Body-Care Massages
A) ~ Rejuvenating Massage + Bone Therapy 90 min / From $260.00 B) ~ Mental Clarity Massage + Bone Therapy 60 min / From $180.00 C) ~ Tone, Firm, Lift, Lymphatic Drainage + Bone Therapy 90 min / $260.00 D) Optional add-on remedies and solutions + From $100.00 - $150.00 Time extension $80.00 per 30 min Person above 70kg add $20.00 to above prices. ** Person over 80kg please seek other forms of therapy. Available also on Sunday, Holidays and Evenings for special cases on request. By Appointment only 93835995 Please understand that this is an ancient healing art form. Bone Therapists are not medical Doctors. If you need the assurance of qualifications, certifications or seal of governmental approvals, please stay with the mainstream medical system. ....this is not for you.
No one else is really responsible for your health. The decision and choices are only yours to take. One thing however is certain,
You and you alone will enjoy or suffer the consequences of your decisions. Prevention is always more certain
than the cure. Diseases should best be prevented. Failing which, it should be cured, not just managed. |
Do not let prejudices and technological sophistication blind you to what is pure, wholesome and truly beneficial to your well being. The best solution in life sometimes is the simplest, and in this case also the most effective.
Everything happens for a reason,
Nothing in life is a coincidence. Your coming to read this is no exception. If you find yourself feeling very negative as you read this, chances are this form of treatment is not suitable for you. Stop reading this instant and move on to what you like. It is not good to prolong your negativity.
We help to fix health problem..
No gimmicks, no nonsense and no BS. If we cannot do the job, we'll tell you so. There will not be any hard selling, no cheap packages to tie you down. You come when you need our service and you are free to leave too. No irritating sales people to pressure you to sign long courses, or buy miracle products. When the treatment works, you do not need packages. |
Talk is cheap!
Result Speak the Loudest! We must judge all method of treatments by the effectiveness, regardless of how many certificates are hanging on the wall of the treatment room or what method is used by the practitioner. Giving our illness an impressive name does nothing for our well being. what we need is to feel better and get well in the shortest time, experience the least suffering and spending as little money as possible. Is it not? |
There are a few common ways we treat our body:
1) We fed it anything we like and expect it to deal with it no matter what. 2) We give it the barest minimum of nutrients and rest and force it to work the longest and go the furthest possible. 3) We push it to the limit at work, at the gym and in bed. Then when the body break down, we popped in some magic pill to kill the pain and push it some more. 4) We do all the necessary each day to keep the body in top form and prevent the body from breaking down with appropriate food, rest, play and elimination. Which are you?? |
Chinese has a saying:
There is no incurable disease, only incurable person. 没有医不了的病, 只有医不了的人。 |
Ancient Chinese Bone Therapy is a preventive as well as a comprehensive treatment of all sort of common and less common health problems. Though it focuses chiefly at the spine and its immediate surrounding composition for its analysis and assessment of internal health, you do not need to have bone problem to benefit from this therapy; as it is not treating the bone per se. In fact, receiving regular sessions of Bone Therapy is ideal in laying a good foundation for a superior health and pain free living. Due to its deliberate adoption of a low profile over the centuries, not many are aware of its existence much less its true potential. Those who have the good fortune to experience this Bone Therapy will be wised to quickly make this the primary method of resolving and preserving their well being above all other method. The speed in which result can be attained through it is simply astounding.
Before you go any further,
relax.....have a laugh first!
Ancient Chinese Bone Therapy
Bone Therapy will be a new experience for you. With an open mind,
It is an opportunity to witness a new approach to solving health problem,
regaining and maintaining good health without drugs.
Bone Therapy is a serious alternative healing system.
It offers, accuracy, effectiveness and speedy result.
In fact results are all that you need.
No matter what is being said or how impressive the credentials of the therapists,
the only thing that matters is that you get better health as a result from the treatment.
Any treatment that does not deliver result will be a waste of your time and money, is it not?
It is an opportunity to witness a new approach to solving health problem,
regaining and maintaining good health without drugs.
Bone Therapy is a serious alternative healing system.
It offers, accuracy, effectiveness and speedy result.
In fact results are all that you need.
No matter what is being said or how impressive the credentials of the therapists,
the only thing that matters is that you get better health as a result from the treatment.
Any treatment that does not deliver result will be a waste of your time and money, is it not?
1700 yrs of Chinese Wisdom
Ancient Chinese Bone Therapy
· Ancient Chinese science way ahead of its time. · Treats the cause, not symptoms. · Non-intrusive. Non-invasive. · Helps to regain balance and equilibrium. · No needles, No drugs, No expensive tests. · Fast, accurate, effective, safe and no side effects. · No long-term dependence on medication. · No open wounds, No hospital stay, No down time. · Saves money, no side effects of medicinal drugs. · Reduce your healthcare and hospitalization cost. · Delivers results, not just give your pain a name. · Speedy recovery, saves cost, better health. · Gives you a higher level of health. . makes pain free living possible. . makes illness free aging possible. . makes longevity meaningful. |
What is it?
Bone Therapy (BT) 骨诊 is a natural, ancient Chinese healing system. Despite its history dating back 1700 yrs, knowledge of BT was a closely guarded secret, kept within the family linage for the last 600 years and released to the world only in recent years. BT uses no fancy equipments, needles, medicines or drugs. . It is one of the purest forms of natural health care that is fast, safe, amazingly effective and without side effects. How it works?
Bone therapy principles are centered on our spines intimately linked to the vital organs of the body, through which diagnostic of the state of health can be determined. If any part of the spine is damaged, injured or out of sync, the corresponding organs will inevitably suffer the consequences. |
How it’s done?
Diagnosis is done by “feeling”(诊) for clues with the fingers and hands along the entire spine. Treatment is followed with appropriate manual manipulation to correct imbalances, returning the body to equilibrium. Every stage is done manually with the hands. The result is amazingly quick and the patient has very little disruption to his life while recovering. |
Better than massages?
Most massages are relaxing and pleasurable. BT treats the source of the aches and pain, and it may not be very comfortable during and immediately after the treatment. Massage gives pleasure and temporary relief while BT restores health, reduces and removes your long-term pain. Why No Need for medicines?
BT is a complete health care system unto itself and we do not indulge in the prescription of medication; however patients are free to consume any nutritional food and supplements they desire. Good nutrition is essential and helpful in the repair and rebuilding processes. |
It is possible to break free from the bondage of illness, pain and endless pharmaceutical drugs.
It is possible to break free from the bondage of illness, pain and endless pharmaceutical drugs.
Is Bone Therapy ( BT ) for Everyone?
BT is very effective and should be used not only to treat existing illnesses but also as preventive healthcare. With this correct attitude, BT is suitable for everyone and it will be really wise to have BT regularly, keeping the body in top form. However those with infectious diseases, skin diseases, mental illnesses, history of major open surgeries and those with personal modesty concerns should seek other form of treatment. What if I feel fine now?
Most illnesses are accumulated and begin with minor imbalances. BT can spot these before illnesses become apparent, which is an indication that damage has already occur internally. BT is the best form of preventive health care, keeping you at a higher level of health. |
How soon will I get well?
Speed of recovery are determined by: 1)AGE: Younger & stronger people recover faster. 2)History: Old illnesses will take longer. 3)REST: The body needs to focus its energy and resources for reconstruction. Faster recovery is attained with more rest and less activity. Correct and sufficient nutrition is necessary to facilitate the rebuilding. |
Basic Bone Therapy Charges * ** Person Below 70kg From $120.00 Person Below 80kg From $140.00 ** Person over 80kg please seek other forms of therapy. Average sessions require 20 mins * Additional charges apply to more complicated cases that require more time and effort. Mon - Fri 10.00am - 8.00pm Sat 10.00am - 6.00pm For appointment call: Michael 9383 5995 How long is each session?
Between 15-30 minutes, depending on the amount of work needed, size of the person and complication of the illness. More work takes more time. The bigger the person, the harder and longer the therapist needs to work. |
No gimmicks
...because it works No discounts because its worth the money No packages because you don't need it No hard sell because we don't need to No time wasting because our time is precious No Frills because frills adds nothing to your recovery No Bull Shit !! because we believe you are not gullible. The results will speak for itself! |
What I Need to Know?
BT Therapists are not doctors, do not issue MCs or prescribe medicines. You seek treatment purely at own risk. One cannot certify without appropriate relevant knowledge and know how. Presently Prof. Liu Ao, is the only authority on this subject. Those who need the assurance of certifications, qualifications or seal of approval from authority should seek treatment elsewhere. |
Those who just want to get well are most welcome. Those who need to see qualifications please go to your regular doctor.
Doubting Thomas should stay with your preferred health care system. We'll all be happier that way! |
Stop Chasing Shadows.
For those who understood the folly of symptoms chasing
and would like to avoid the pain of surgeries, hospitalizations and endless medications, then put aside prejudices,
take a road less traveled and experience something truly amazing
that may just bring you to a higher level of health and change your life.
For those who understood the folly of symptoms chasing
and would like to avoid the pain of surgeries, hospitalizations and endless medications, then put aside prejudices,
take a road less traveled and experience something truly amazing
that may just bring you to a higher level of health and change your life.
Ancient Chinese Bone Therapy can change your life!
When our body are not in a state of balance and we are not feeling well,
it is not because we are suffering from a deficiency of medicine.
Using medicine and chemical drugs to intervene or suppress the symptoms of illness
is not the wisest solution in the long run, except in accident or emergency situation.
Seeking alternative solutions to health issues.
If you need some guidance on general or specific health issue, I may be able to help. However, due to the ever increasing demand on my time both on the phone and by email, I no longer provide this service for free since beginning of 2013 for the sake of my own health and well being.
Nevertheless, I do make exception for needy cases and will waive the consultation fee whenever applicable. Consultation by Phone / Email
SGD 100.00 per 30 min session / or part thereof Payable in advance, Thank You. Payment Options Click Here! Arrangement for phone consultation is necessary.
Email consultation will be responded within 48 hours / work days. Call: Michael 65-93835995 Email: [email protected] |
Before engaging this service, please note that I am not a Medical doctor. What I'll recommend will not be what you will normally hear from doctors or agreeable with common health theories. I offer solutions to problems that the medical system cannot provide currently or are ineffective. It is strictly for those who prefer a more natural approach to health challenges. The emphasis is to use the simplest , easiest , fastest safest and cheapest way of bringing the body back to health right from the core. Anything that is just hype, doesn't work or too expensive are discarded and replace with better alternatives when they are found. As such, I do not treat symptoms ( of diseases ), but treating the entire body as one whole living organism, using food and nutrition to restore and rebuild the body. It is my aim to share whatever accumulated know how and educate all those who come seeking, that good health can be had and achieved easily with correct attitude and understanding. Acknowledging, respecting and believing that the body is marvelously made and capable of repairing itself under the right conditions, is the beginning of healing. |
Many are finding that we can no longer depend on our current medical system for good health.
It is looking like the more affluent we get , the more sickness we will have.
We are at a time where we are more likely to be
wrongly diagnosed, overly medicated, unnecessarily operated and exorbitantly billed.
Have you ever wonder why we are needing more hospitals,
more hospices, more specialists, more surgeons, more care-givers than before?
Why cases of diabetes , heart disease, hypertension, cancer, Parkinson,
Alzheimer etc. are getting more and on ever younger patients??
Why should this be? Doesn't it goes against logic?
Shouldn't we be needing less instead since we made all those advances in health science?
We have world-class specialists, state-of- the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, 5 star hospitals...
I thought we got it all figured out?
How about you,.......you got it figured out yet?
It is looking like the more affluent we get , the more sickness we will have.
We are at a time where we are more likely to be
wrongly diagnosed, overly medicated, unnecessarily operated and exorbitantly billed.
Have you ever wonder why we are needing more hospitals,
more hospices, more specialists, more surgeons, more care-givers than before?
Why cases of diabetes , heart disease, hypertension, cancer, Parkinson,
Alzheimer etc. are getting more and on ever younger patients??
Why should this be? Doesn't it goes against logic?
Shouldn't we be needing less instead since we made all those advances in health science?
We have world-class specialists, state-of- the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, 5 star hospitals...
I thought we got it all figured out?
How about you,.......you got it figured out yet?
Is it that difficult to accept that you can get well
Now even renowned scientists and doctors are discovering
that we have the ability to heal ourselves from within. The ancients had been trying to tell us for the last 5000 yrs, ..... isn't it funny? |
Through what we say, do and promote, we hope to contribute to the awareness that in most instances health is a decision, and the consequence of taking personal responsibility to provide and do what is beneficial for the body on a consistent daily basis. Only with a healthy body can we pursue our dreams and accomplish that which we are here to do.