Worthless Medical Research
Majority of medical research is a fraud
How safe is your medicine? Who Can you trust?
Anyone who is taking medicines regularly
or have family member required to take medicine daily due to doctor instruction should watch this video.
or have family member required to take medicine daily due to doctor instruction should watch this video.
We are suppose to trust our doctors.
Doctors are suppose to knows what is best. ......but do they always know best? ......really? What if they are being kept from the truth too ? Good doctors fed with manipulated info
can be disastrous for your health. If you are a regular visitor to the clinic, you want to watch this. If you are doctor, you want to watch this too. Dr. Ben Goldacre on : When doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribed. Doctors trust the Pharmaceutical companies for the drugs they prescribed. But should they, can they?
How are they going to know they are not being misled? Do they care? Should they care? Should you care that they do or not ? Shouldn't they care? ...and Shouldn't you care? |
Just like in all profession, medical industry too has its black-sheeps.
Black-sheep according to the dictionary refers to : a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to them : the black sheep of the family. There is another kind of black-sheep. These are the whistle blowers. The kind that let out hidden secrets and hang out the dirty linen for the public.
The public love this kind of black-sheep, we considered them heroes. Our gratitude goes out to them. Without them, secrets remain secret and years later we are still none the wiser. However, they are less loved by their own. They were shunned, ostracized, banished from their community, and in some instance......silenced......sometimes permanently.
Imagine our unquestionable faith in doctors,
It's not personal....its just business.
Imagine if you are Big Pharma, you spend millions and created many patented drugs. You also give millions to the universities, schools and sponsored advertisements in medical publications. Would you want them to published articles that showed your product is a dud? Would you give monetary grants to scientists doing research that set to proof minerals and vitamins are as good, if not better than your drugs in fighting diseases? Would you want to continue sponsoring professors that go around the world educating people about the dangers of the drugs you produced? ........get real! Money talks.
Media companies depends on advertising dollars. Journals and Medical bodies depend on advertising and sponsorships for their survival. Do you think they should or would bite the hands that feed them? Do you really expect Big Pharma to admit to the whole world that they wish all of us to be sick one way or the other, suffer from as many chronic illness as possible, so that we become their loyal customers for life?
As with any business, Big Pharma (is no exception to) want to have a larger slice of the pie. Like all businesses, they too will have to use all the tricks to get you to become their customer and whenever possible, for life... willingly or not. Wouldn't you do the same if you also run a business and selling products?
Wouldn't you also be like them, scheming to get your customer at an early age? ( Think of MacDonalds and KFC ) Wouldn't you try to wiggle your way into mainstream, be recognised as endorsed by the government and authorities and whenever possible made your product a compulsion or at least the recommended choice ? Wouldn't you piggyback on the name of charity and sponsor fund raising events to hide your agenda? Wouldn't you provide " free screening" at schools, community centers and social clubs etc to find customers and put the fear into them so they get on your product quickly? So why is it so surprising for you to know that this is what they have been doing? So why is it so difficult for you to accept that the roots of the big Pharmas had gone deep and wide and spreading the world over?? Your continual denial of this truth will only perpetuate this serious problem of our eroding health and the misguided knowledge on attaining health. We cannot hope for a change without first recognizing that there is a problem. But refusing to admit that it is a problem, you are inevitably sentence your children and the generation beyond to suffer the ever greater effects of this mistake. So...in reality, who should we blame when we get ill? Who is responsible if your child ended up having to take 5 different drugs each day and had his liver destroyed before adulthood?? The doctors? The companies that made those drugs? Your child? ........or You for letting it happen. Lets get this clear .....it is the responsibility of the Pharma to make money. It is your responsibility to look after the health of your child and yourself. |
Don't blame the Big Pharma. You have a choice.
Big Pharma has their place in the world. They too are doing good work and providing value to the economy. Who else can afford to pay for the research? We need not have to fight them. It is a free will thing. If you like to take drugs and pop pills, you should have the right to do it. If you choose not to , you too should have the right to stay away and find another way to stay healthy. It is really just a matter of choice. But before you come to any conclusion, just remember that to make good decision, you need to be well informed. But you cannot be well informed if you only read what was fed to you. At this time of highly manipulated society we lived, we must learn to discern between truth, lies and propaganda.
We have to search for independent and alternative sources of news and info. Your health is your responsibility.
Lets face the fact. Businesses exist to make money. They do so using all the tricks they can think of to get you to buy. No tool is more powerful than that of Advertising. Implanting ideas in your mind subtlety, repeatedly, and given enough time...absolutely. Taking advantage of human psychology, no effort is spared in influencing you which way to think, what to like, how to feel, and when to act. However this is common knowledge, the brilliance lies letting you think that you are a free man, that you are intelligent being making very prudent decisions based on free will, While manipulating and controlling your mind at will. That my friend is what make them the masters and you the slaves. And if you still don't get it, be comforted. ... that is the essence of their brilliance. Actually, it is kinder that you don't get it. Life is less painful this way. Now, lets get back to the track, .....do not expect anyone else to put your well being before their own interest. Your mother may be an exception, but in closer analysis, this exceptions are generally is also not common. Give your doctor a break. Coming back to health, most doctors are too busy to read all the research articles even if they are made available to them. Most depended on info put out by the established medical journals or by the drug companies. And so how can we expect these doctors to know everything? How can we expect doctors to stop using the duds and risked being black listed; not to mention the thought of foregoing all the free goodies and perks that comes from the Pharma? Is it fair then to hold them responsible to know every damn thing on health issue? Is it fair to expect them to direct you to alternatives when it is not their field of expertise? Let's be clear, medical doctors are very good in saving lives in emergency situation and about chemicals drugs. If you want some medicines, or are bleeding to death, medical doctors are indispensable. If however you are not looking forward to the day you will need those procedures and medicines, then preventive heath care may be a better alternative, and choices are limited only by your own preference and prejudice. Take some responsibility for your own health. You have choices. There are no such thing as the right or wrong choice. There are no such thing as good or bad decision. We decide based on the knowledge we possessed at any given time. We benefit or suffer that decision. Fair deal! ...such is the law of the universe. But since expert advice are not often for our own best interest, wouldn't it be better to be your own health expert? Spend some time, no (...it should be), invest some time in learning some basics of how to stay healthy. Read and ask....when you are really seeking, you will be surprised at the way the answer finds you. At the very least, if that unfortunate day should come ,you will be making those vital decision based on your own best interest, with info you have spend time gathering and been digested with your own intelligence. Don't You agree?? |
Do you trust your Government?
Do you think that governments do what is good of the people?
Do you think they really have our best interest at heart?
Do you think that compulsory health policies based on sound science?
Do you think WHO and USA heath advice can and should be trusted?
Do you think that you're more beneficial sick or well to the system?
Do you think it is more profitable to cure you or keep you sick to the system?
May be it's time you make a fresh evaluation.
BUT be warned, the truth is always hard to swallow.
If you find these questions ridiculous, you are mostly right. Mind is better spend on the smartphones........its more fun.
If we follow and placed our trust blindly because they're the authorities,
then we must also take full responsibility for that decision.
Every religion, cult, organization and government loves FOLLOWERS.
That is why we are called the Sheeple.
We are innocent ( and dump ) like sheep,
docile and driven easily in any direction with just a few sheepdogs.
We cannot see further than the behind of the person in front.
When he moves we move. When he turns direction we follow.
No thinking required.
We feel safety in numbers.
We like to stay in the middle of the flock.
If we dare venture out, the sheepdogs want us back with the flock.
We move along, everything is ok,
feeling warm and comforted amongst friends..of the same kind.
We love and trust the shepherd our guardian,
he will take care of us.. of course.
He protects us from danger and predators,
and leads us to better and fresher pastures...
.......and to the slaughtering house eventually,
there hasn't been any exception.
Every sheep is kept for this final ending,
and the going is quite good anytime before the slaughter.
Now, would you rather be the Shepherd, Sheepdog or the Sheep?
Over the years, we have been systematically "educated" not to trust our own body. We are taught that " trained professionals" know our body better than ourselves. We were taught when the body do not work well, we need to feed it medicines and drugs. We were taught our body will do silly things like " high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol" for no good reasons and make us sick; and the only way is to force our body to behave with strong chemicals.
Over the years, we became more and more reliant on " professionals " to teach us how to deal with our body.
We were taught what to eat and what not. We are taught not to self diagnose when we experience abnormal symptoms; Instead we are told always to seek advice from the "Professionals"....they're supposed to be more educated and therefore knows better.
May be we should just take a step back and observe nature.
Animals in the wild will only eat their natural food they are designed to.
Animals eat out of the ground, unwashed, uncooked and unsterilized.
They do not brush and floss their teeth, they do not wash themselves after they poo poo.
They smell and lick each other's rear end and they do not get infection, they do not have the good fortune of having all those specialists that we human need to teach us the correct ways to clean our hands and wash our butts.
They also don't catch a cold playing in the rain or come down with food poisoning eating our discards.
Whatever happen to the germs and viruses that we were told that will surely make us sick? Shouldn't they make the animals sick as well?
When we are still ancient, we live just like those animals didn't we?
We didn't wash our hands before food, we do not take a shower before bed.
we eat our fruits straight off the trees and the animals we ate were not fed with antibiotics, not radiated nor pasteurized.
Yet, we have done quite well. We survived the germs, viruses and all. We thrived despite the absence of the health experts,
vaccines and chemotherapy. In fact the human specie prosper and made it to all corner of the globe.
For the few who still have a little free mind left, pause a minute and ponder,
Could it be possible that there are different interests at play in the bigger game of mind control and profit?
Could it be possible that washing hands like so many other issues are largely overplayed and part of the agenda to instill fear?
Could it be possible that cholesterol was made the fall-guy so that we can be made to take drugs for life ?
Could it be possible that saturated fats are actually good for you and directing us away from it ensure our developing numerous life long chronic diseases?
Could it be possible that our body is very capable of healing itself given correct and sufficient nutrients? But why are we only prescribed drugs and not vitamins and minerals?
Could it be possible that many sponsored pseudo scientific research had made into mainstream as gospel and using it to profit from our gullibility and our lack of interest in our own health?
If you understand , more words is not necessary.
If you still have no idea what I was getting at,
I am afraid no words will be enough.
You will be better off going back to your ipad...........
Over the years, we became more and more reliant on " professionals " to teach us how to deal with our body.
We were taught what to eat and what not. We are taught not to self diagnose when we experience abnormal symptoms; Instead we are told always to seek advice from the "Professionals"....they're supposed to be more educated and therefore knows better.
May be we should just take a step back and observe nature.
Animals in the wild will only eat their natural food they are designed to.
Animals eat out of the ground, unwashed, uncooked and unsterilized.
They do not brush and floss their teeth, they do not wash themselves after they poo poo.
They smell and lick each other's rear end and they do not get infection, they do not have the good fortune of having all those specialists that we human need to teach us the correct ways to clean our hands and wash our butts.
They also don't catch a cold playing in the rain or come down with food poisoning eating our discards.
Whatever happen to the germs and viruses that we were told that will surely make us sick? Shouldn't they make the animals sick as well?
When we are still ancient, we live just like those animals didn't we?
We didn't wash our hands before food, we do not take a shower before bed.
we eat our fruits straight off the trees and the animals we ate were not fed with antibiotics, not radiated nor pasteurized.
Yet, we have done quite well. We survived the germs, viruses and all. We thrived despite the absence of the health experts,
vaccines and chemotherapy. In fact the human specie prosper and made it to all corner of the globe.
For the few who still have a little free mind left, pause a minute and ponder,
Could it be possible that there are different interests at play in the bigger game of mind control and profit?
Could it be possible that washing hands like so many other issues are largely overplayed and part of the agenda to instill fear?
Could it be possible that cholesterol was made the fall-guy so that we can be made to take drugs for life ?
Could it be possible that saturated fats are actually good for you and directing us away from it ensure our developing numerous life long chronic diseases?
Could it be possible that our body is very capable of healing itself given correct and sufficient nutrients? But why are we only prescribed drugs and not vitamins and minerals?
Could it be possible that many sponsored pseudo scientific research had made into mainstream as gospel and using it to profit from our gullibility and our lack of interest in our own health?
If you understand , more words is not necessary.
If you still have no idea what I was getting at,
I am afraid no words will be enough.
You will be better off going back to your ipad...........