Not all doctors get this right
......and you can't afford to get it wrong!
If you have Fibrocystic breast, Fibroid in the uterus , painful breast, cancerous growth in the breast or lymph nodes, about to make a baby, raising young really should be watching all the videos on this page. These information could save you lots!
The deficiency of Iodine is the promoter of Cancer.
What is the link between Fibrocytic breast, Endometriosis of ovary, Thyroid function Enlarged Prostate ? All ladies need to Watch this. Men you want to know this for the sake of your mother, sisters, girl friends, lovers and wife.
You should watch this video:
Do you know that 80% of all vegan are Iodine Deficient.
You simply cannot afford not to have Iodine.
Iodine fight Infection ,
increase IQ, prevent mental retardation, remove chlorine, fluoride, bromine counter the effects of radiation. help with mental clarity. prevent Cancer. |
2 Billions of the world's population is deficient in Iodine.
If the gestating mother is deficient in Iodine, the baby will be deficient in iodine. |
When to take and what is the dosage. Recommended Nascent Iodine.
It is not possible to have truly good health without sufficient Iodine...Period!
If you only understand how Important Iodine is,
you will not want to do without it.
Iodine and
Estrogen inhibits the ability of the body to absorb Iodine.
Most who are Iodine deficient show normal in blood test.