Why Are Minerals More Important Than Vitamins?
"You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency"
Dr Linus Pauling...winner of 2 Nobel Prizes
Dr Linus Pauling...winner of 2 Nobel Prizes
All bodily processes depend on the action and interaction of minerals.
Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body, but they can't function without the presence of minerals. All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oils, etc, require minerals for activity. Minerals are a more important supplement than vitamins because vitamins can be synthesized by living matter, but minerals cannot!
The mineral content of plant foods is influenced by the mineral content of the soil in which it is grown. Due to soil depletion and food processing we are not getting the minerals from our food like we did 50-100 years ago. Minerals are needed as a supplement to the everyday diet because many of the fruits, vegetables and grains that are harvested today continue to be grown in mineral deficient soils fertilized only by the use of synthetic, mineral deficient fertilizers.
All body elements function synergistically. If there is just one mineral shortage, the balance of the entire body can be thrown off. One deficiency can render other nutrients either useless or inefficient. Hormonal secretions of the glands are dependent on mineral stimulation and the acid-alkaline balance (ph) of the tissue fluid is controlled by minerals.
Minerals are the catalysts that make enzyme functions possible. They are also essential for antioxidant-enzyme function. Plant-derived minerals combined with enzymes make an alkaline detoxifying agent which neutralizes the acid metabolic byproducts of the cells and other toxic conditions within the body and prepares them for elimination.
The body must maintain an adequate supply of minerals to maintain its balance between the internal and external pressures (called osmotic equilibrium) of the body cells. This state must be maintained for normal cellular function and continued youthful health.
Minerals are important to many parts of the body. They are an important part of the bones. They are parts of other important compounds, such as iron in blood, and iodine, which is a part of the thyroid hormone.